Are you going to buy this game?

I'm not too bothered about Revenant Wings. I thought FFXII was okay but we know the sequels usually turn out bad. I'll probably buy it though but won't go out of my way to get it.
Yeah, that's another thing I'm worried about.
I'll just wait till the game's out, and then look up reviews on them to see if it's worth it or not.
after seeing those vidz on Youtube I will not be getting it until it cheapins down alot. It looks like a effin cartoon for gods sake. It's as if they didn't even try w/ the look of this game.
I was gonna buy it until they revealed that it would be a DS. I don't like DS and since it will not have the gorgaous graphics the first one had I really don't have any reason to buy it anymore.
Guys, the DS it's an excellent console, better than the PSP (it craps btw). Me? I'm gonna get it for sure, don't doubt it
Since it came out, I loved FF12 for the PS2. Now there is a spinoff, and for the DS no less. So, I got two words for you: heck yeah!!
I'm gonna buy it...
...and I'm going to buy the DS that I need to play it.
Some of you guys are just babies, saying that you won't get it for the graphics or because it's on the DS. I understand that some of you might not have the money to get a new system, which is why you're making a big stink about it, but for all the others...grow up! If I didn't want to buy a game just for the graphics, then I wouldn't have gotten FF12. I don't expecially like realistic graphics, but when the time came, I got the game because I thought I would enjoy it, and I did.

Saying that, I'm sure that some of you also just think that the game wouldn't be interesting or something you would enjoy...but then again, why would you be posting here, anyway? Most people would just skip over something they weren't interested in--I mean, who wants to spend their free time ripping on something they haven't even tried?
(...oh, by the way, I'm a hypocrit saying this, but whether or not I ask you to do what I say, and not what I do, I think this is a valid point...)

Anyway, there are other reasons to why I'm getting a DS besides getting
Revenant Wings (for one, I want to play FF3 and I don't want to buy and download it off the internet, if that's even possible).
I'm definately going to get it!!!
I've seen a gameplay video and it looks very interesting. Plus it's continuing the story of FFXII with the characters so thats a good enouph reason. I dont really care about the graphics either.
What can I say? I am a Final Fantasy fanboy. o_0 While I don't live and breathe the series; I like most of Square's work on the series. This looks to be a lighthearted adventure but it still looks promising.
I really like Final Fantasy XII and would love to play the rest of the series but sadly, I do not own a DS. I know I'll never get a DS so my chances are slim.
I'm not sure if I will or won't, I own Final Fantasy XII but I have not been bothered to complete it yet because I keep getting bored of it. I probably will end up getting this game sometime though, maybe not straight away but sometime in the future. I already have a DS lite so I'm set to go, I still haven't got Final Fantasy III yet.. I'm lazy. :P
Only after I've played FFXII and I'm going to need to know how the battle system works because if it's just slashing,I'm not buying it.Slashing isn't my thing.I would lose very easily ( although im willing to try FFVersusXIII ). ^_^

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Hell yeah I'm gonna get it.
A Game with Penelo in a main role is always ok in my Book =D.

I read that this game will have more summons than any other FF game, can someone veriy this for me?
im definately going to get it because the gameplay on it reminds me a bit like command and conquer.