Are you going to buy this game?


Jun 6, 2006
Well, have you ever thought to buy this game even if it's not released yet? I don't know really but let's play Final Fantasy XII first, and than decide if I gonna buy a spin-off of it.
Ill be buying the whole FFXIII series exept for the mobile one cuz it's probably a japan only game
Well, the art style I don't really apreciate. It doesn't feel like "Square" anymore... Vaan's cute but Penelo looks entirely Caucasian almost, like something out of Disney or Pixar... =/

I probably won't get it. Unless FF12 has a terrible ending, we'll see. I don't have a DS either so... Hrm.
i will surely play this game! I feel better playing a portable ff game than in a console cause you can bring it anywhere! you can level up while riding a bus!
or maybe while waiting in a very long line or maybe while pooping! lol!^_^
It's a bit early to be thinking about this but I'm sure I can avoid getting it, not interested in spin-offs from SE these days and there's more out there I prefer to have anyway.
Since I didn't think FFXII was all that great, I hated Vaan and Penelo as characters, and I don't have a DS... I probably wont get this game.