Are you going to buy this game?

o-o I thought Rhea didn't like FFXII muchsies.. ^^;;
I really really really want this game, unfortunately I need a DS and have no money for one. However, if and when I get one, I am definitely grabbing this game ^_^
I'm hoping to get a DS, FFXII: RW and FFIII as soon as I can but first up is FFXII for PS2...still waiting for UK release on the 23rd February ^_^
I will definately get it, mainly just to add to my collection but I do need some good games for the DS.
I know it's annoying but it's just SE trying to appeal to a larger audience and it also introduces people to new consoles.
Nah... IMO, FFXII was the least of the Ivalice games... I preffered FFT and FFTA over it. So, having said that, I wouldn't be excited about another spinoff with the same characters that seemed (to me) uninspired...
yeah im gonna buy it I am curious about the game i know nothing about it . i dlike to know more:)