Are you going to collect every Final Fantasy game?

I have atleast one versions of the main series. Final Fantasy I, II, VI, VII and VIII I have more than one version of. As I have the PS1 and GBA versions of FFI, II and VI and both PC and PS1 versions of FFVII and VIII (I have 2 PC versions of FFVIII as one of them didn't work properly). I also have FFXI with the first 3 expansions (Chains of Promathia, Rise of the Zilarts, and Treasures of Aht Urghan) for the PC. I will very most likely be getting FFIV for the DS when it atleast hits the US (I'm not waiting ages for it to hit the UK :P ) and will be likely to get FFXIII and FFVersusXIII IF I get a PS3 although my brother and I are still in talks about if we will go for a NTSC region or PAL region.

I will definitely not be getting Mobile Phone versions and will be most likely not getting any PSP versions as I don't have a PSP but at this moment I have no intentions of getting one.
I'm mostly interested in the main series except XI but if I get the chance to play it once why not? and some cool spin offs like the upcoming dissidia FF. I don't really plan on having them all but maybe having to try playing them would be enough to me.
I'd love to own the remakes on the DS, plus Dissidia and the remake of Tactics on the PSP...but i have so much other crap to save up for and bills that i don't think i could manage.

Unless of course ROMs count as collecting <.<
I'm not wasting time with any MMO. You should check out the Tactics games though, you oughtta be able to get them fairly cheap. The Crystal Chronicles games, i've mostly just heard shit about them. Personally i don't think an RPG should be turned into a multiplayer, party-type game. Especially when one person has to run around with a damned bucket. GAY.

I already have Tactics, it was alright. I don't mind strategy games.

As for Crystal Chronicles, I heard it was a fun game if your playing with four people. Only problem is getting four people that can play together often.

Honestly, I would count FFXI as a 'Final Fantasy' game. :/
I heard Crystal Chronicles can possibly maybe be fun with four people....except for the poor sap who has to carry the bucket.

I don't consider XI as a FF at all. If you can play it and it keeps on going and never ends, that's not a Final Fantasy.
I have:

I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, X, X-2 and XII


But I've only played I, III, VIII (a little), IX, X, X-2 and XII.

I'll get VII to finish the collection. I won't get FFXI. I already have WoW: BC.
I'm only really interested in the main series. I might get the other spin-offs or side-titles.
At some point or another I will make sure to get all of them. I'm in no rush at the moment though. Up to this point I own...

Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy DoC
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Final Fantasy XII

I am a collecter. I am getting the $130 edition of Halo 3 and I do not even own an XBox360... So I fully intend on at least owning every FF title, even if I cannot play it.
Eh, I'd say I almost have... I own:

I and II on GBA
III on D.S.
V I don't yet have.
VI on PS1
VII on PS1
IX on PS1
X on PS2
X-2 on PS2
XI on PC (but I can't play it. >_<)
XII on PS2
DoC on PS2

I used to own Tactics advance but I hated it. When Tactics comes out on the PSP I plan to buy it. As for XIII...well, I'm going to wait until the PS3 goes down in price before I consider it.
I'm probably not going to collect or even own all of the FF games, but I do at least want to play and complete every one.
Actually… I already have most of the main classics with the exception of FFIII. Eventually I’ll get a DS along with FFIII

My collection thus far…

FFI - (PSOne Ver)
FFII - (PSOne Ver)
FFIV - (PSOne Ver)
FFV - (PSOne Ver)
FFVI - (PSOne Ver)
FF Tactics
I have played FFVI onwards, I dont fancy playing the older games but will get all the new games that come out.
As much as possible yes, I only have the older ones right now (I-VII).