Arghh FF disc problem


ShinRa Guard
May 3, 2008
Ok, I have a huge FF disc problem. It's regarding the FF7 Disc 2 near the beginning. Here goes:

My disc 100% of the time crashes at where you are ambushed by Shin-Ra at the Icicle Town. After you dodge Elena's punch and she roll's down the hill, (you have the snowboard and map already) you head down and the guy says "Be Careful" when you are about to Snowboard. Instead of proceeding to the mini-snowboarding game, it just stalls but you can hear the Icicle Town's music still. I tried in both my ps1 and ps2. Same results.

Although I tried it in a refurbished ps2 from Gamestop months ago and it blew right past it no problem. Played regularly. (I returned it because it wouldn't play movie DVDs and just bought my 3rd new ps2.) I let a friend borrow FF7 and he played straight through it too.

Talk about weirdness with the disc.:confused:
Try gettin the disk cleaned in gamestation. I know its sounds like its not the disk but its worth a go before you go looking for another console.
Actually I HAD to get a new ps2 last....September I think? My very first ps2 lasted only 2-3 months when I was 12-13 years old. it was sitting on a high-up dresser and I tripped over the controller cable and down it went with the disc tray open. Broke it completely. Bought my 2nd one and it lasted from 7th grade to my current Senior year. (My 1st and last year of Senior haha) it was so worn down that it wouldnt play absolutely anything. It stopped playing FF12 and I said, "Enoughs enough." Tried the refurbished one but returned it so it didnt count. So I bought my new unopened one. 2nd ps2 (before it wore down) wouldnt play past that part either. So it cant be console.
Id deffo just go down to your local game shop then i have tnem clean the disks. It should work ok after that. I had that problem with FFX for a while, it kept freezing during one of the boss fights, been fine since i ahd the disk cleaned.
Hmm....I know of one thing I could do but I prob don't wanna do it and that is use a ps1 emulator and see if I actually get to progress. I have a disc cleaner called a Game Dr (Doctor). It fixed my FFX and FFX-2 discs. For some reason, it won't clean the small *place* on the disc. My FFX-2 disc had the same mark but I fixed it no problem. I cant tell if its a light scratch or an abrasion mark. I'll whip it out and take a look.