

Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
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Jun 26, 2008
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Get it? Argor's graphics!

Gah. It honestly fails, doesn't it? :ness:

Anyway I've began to give this thing a go, and Lew has been kind enough to give me the tools to try it. :awesome:

I'd made sigs in the past but they were mainly ideas (like my current), and not very pretty to look at.

I'm not that great. Just been experimenting today really and spent ages trying to think of what to actually do. I had a list of about 20-30 characters from different things I love that I could make, but then I never really did any of them in the end.

Anyway, here goes my first attempt at a sig. Don Corneo!

Tried to recreate the pimpin' atmosphere of his mansion. However I feel something is missing. Anyway, it's an attempt.
I don't know how to mess with the lighting yet on Photoshop, so that might be it. That and there being nothing on the bottom left. :O

And then... Something I did a few hours before when I was monkeying about. This was just a mess to see what could be done with Photoshop. Thought I'd post it for the hell of it. :D

I'll update the thread with more as I do them I guess.

Would be grateful for points for improvement and that.

Forgot to make post for updates, so I'll start doing it in this (oldest to newest, and not including the one posted in this post above):

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Ahahah I like them xD

That monkey one made me lol and your Don Corneo is pretty cool, I liek the bright colours , I hope to see lots of weird and random stuff from you

And I stared at teh stupid title for ages wondering what the hell it was meant to say, til I saw who posted it and where xD
Get it? Argor's graphics!

Gah. It honestly fails, doesn't it? :ness:

Anyway I've began to give this thing a go, and Lew has been kind enough to give me the tools to try it. :awesome:

I'd made sigs in the past but they were mainly ideas (like my current), and not very pretty to look at.

I'm not that great. Just been experimenting today really and spent ages trying to think of what to actually do. I had a list of about 20-30 characters from different things I love that I could make, but then I never really did any of them in the end.

Anyway, here goes my first attempt at a sig. Don Corneo!

Tried to recreate the pimpin' atmosphere of his mansion. However I feel something is missing. Anyway, it's an attempt.
I don't know how to mess with the lighting yet on Photoshop, so that might be it. That and there being nothing on the bottom left. :O

And then... Something I did a few hours before when I was monkeying about. This was just a mess to see what could be done with Photoshop. Thought I'd post it for the hell of it. :D

I'll update the thread with more as I do them I guess.

Would be grateful for points for improvement and that.

Thats a bloody good first sig attempt argor I quite like it ^^

just make sure to pick up new brushes and experiment with the different filters as well as add some borders and you should do just fine ^^
And I stared at teh stupid title for ages wondering what the hell it was meant to say, til I saw who posted it and where xD

lol. :awesome:

It was worth giving it a weird name then. :monster:

Anyways, cheers guys for the good comments, I'll certainly try and do as many crazy things as is possible or within my ability eventually. :O

Some more serious ones now though as was experimenting with brushes and borders and that. Still not got on top of how to effectively use lighting or brushes or anything, though I hope to pick it up.

Jet Li - Hero sig:

I don't think the image is the best one to have used tbh, and I've just noticed I haven't cut it right at the sword. *smacks head*

Shiva frozen in ice etc:

Just a quick experiment with brushes and that than anything.
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Jet Li - Hero sig:

Shiva frozen in ice etc:

Good work ma man I'm especially liking the text in the Jet-Li sig and the brush work on the Shiva sig, dont forget to experiment with lighting (soft-light brushes and lighting filters) as they can make focal points stand out and highly attractive, keep it up ^^
Jet Li - Hero sig:

I don't think the image is the best one to have used tbh, and I've just noticed I haven't cut it right at the sword. *smacks head*
Wait, did you render the Jet Li image yourself? That's a good habit to get into and you did a damn fine job with it :monster:

The Jet Li one is my favourite so far, it seems pretty well put together and I think the cross across the "hope" is a really nice touch. Keep experimenting, maybe try using some background images. But good work so far :D
Cheers folks.

And yeah SaShman if by render you mean getting the image and cutting out the background etc then yeah I did.

Been experimenting again, this time doing two slightly different Morbius sigs. Tried to mess about with the lighting more on this one though I need to still learn how to use it effectively.

1st one:

I then added more to it, but wasn't sure if the extra brushes actually added anything to it, or just made it worse.

Decided not to add any text as I honestly couldn'y find any fonts that fitted.

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Argraphics :lew:

I never even noticed you madea thread until like 2 minutes ago xD
First of all ur cutting skills are better than mine, very well done on the jet li stock its very clean cut. I think your newest one is your best and i prefer the first version, im not fond of the brushes on the second. Maybe try working on blending your renders into the background a little so they dont look like theyre floating quite so much. There are some good tuts for this you can find by doing a google search. Keep practising argor, maybe joining a clan would help ¬_¬

Wow you've improved greatly so far Argor!

This one is nice and simple. The background i clean with only two colours and a simple effect behind Jet.

The size is great. Not too many people starting out know what they're doing when choosing an appropriate size for the sig. XD

The text is very nice, though I think it needs to be a bit bigger, so that we're not squinting to see it. I like that little sparkle effect behind it too!

Simple border works great too!

This one I feel came across as a tad too grainy. I understand the look you were going for, but I think it looks a bit fuzzy at first glance.

The text I feel should have been placed lower and a bit closer to Shiva, and I think Shiva should be moved over into the middle a tad more too.

Just so that she is the main focal point. =)

I acutally prefer this version.

The second one I feel started to get a bit messy with the brushes.

Nice, simple and clean once again! Putting some text somewhere on the right would have spruced it up in my opinion and made it feel more alive.

The border rounds it off nicely too.

Well done so far!

This one look good for a beginner, Dan. :awesome: You did well in this one, I think if you moved the text a bit nearer to Jet Li it would look better.

The other ones after it needs a bit more work tbh. >_>
You can definitely can see the improvement, keep it up! :awesome:


Like Kei said, for a beginner this is really good! The colours go together really well and the text is spot on, just move it down and right a little, and I like your border! :awesome: Now all you need to do is work on the blending and you'll be fantastic! :)
Been working on stuff at odd times lately and hope to get cracking on and improving soon.
Might read some tuts on blending or find some more brushes or something with which to improve with.

In the mean time here is my recent stuff:

Nathan Drake from Uncharted:

One of my favourite DBZ characters in that god awfull pose :D:

The image used was terrible quality.. I couldn't find a decent picture of him in that pose so I had to screenshot a video of that episode and cut the image out etc. :ness:

And finally... Just a little experiment I was having. I wanted to see what Terra would look like if she was really evil and zombie like, so I was just messing about, recolouring her etc. She ended up with purple hair and everything as I figured she could keep some part of her Esper form and merge it with her human form if she fulfilled her potential.

Not sure about the lightning effect I added to the sword, but it looked crazy and empty on its own.

Anyway, Dark Terra:

They may fail, but heck I'm still a noobie and I need to suffer fail in order to eventually learn how to win. :awesome:
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Rawr! You're a hell of a lot better than me, that's for sure!! I love the Don sig. ROFL. Incoming Pimp Juice. :wacky:

Really love the colours you use in your siggies. ^^


The little star near the text was a nice finishing touch. ^^ Really catched my eye.
Rawr! You're a hell of a lot better than me, that's for sure!! I love the Don sig. ROFL. Incoming Pimp Juice. :wacky:

Really love the colours you use in your siggies. ^^


The little star near the text was a nice finishing touch. ^^ Really catched my eye.
Lol grammar Kira, i think you mean Really caught my eye.
Lol grammar Kira, i think you mean Really caught my eye.

:wacky: Oh hush. At least I have an excuse. English isn't mah native language! :gasp:

And Argor...

Just wacking up my recent stuff I've been working on lately.

I'm still crap, but I'm experimenting really.

Anyway, a Red Faction:Guerrilla sig:

Tried to go for the whole propaganda feel, but from the Red Faction's perspective inspiring more miners to rebel and save Mars etc.
Don't think it was done to the best it could have been though, but it is my favourite out of these ones I'm posting now.

Next sig.. I've been trying to push forward the idea for an evil moogle character in a future FF, and I've became so obsessed with the idea that I decided to edit a moogle picture (this one) and create Scroogle the evil Moogle!

Not brilliant and I'll no doubt go back to it when I eventually hope to improve. Not happy with how it turned out at all tbh, but I'm posting it anyway coz it took ages and I'd rather not just throw it away and abandon my dream. :O

I think I probably added too many brushes to it, but when I took them away it just looked plain. :brooding:
Also the scars probably look a bit too crap. In hindsight I'd probably now go and find some scar brushes from somewhere and see if I could apply them, but I'd have to scratch the sig and start again really, or at least reinsert the moogle.

My last piece is of Blink. Again, not really happy with it, but I couldn't figure out how to improve it at the time and I hit a really bad dead end with it.

To me it looks a little bit too bright and too dull at the same time, and not really what I wanted to go for, but oh well. :brooding:

This one os your best yet by far. Youv done a really good job at positioning the render and the brushes, the text looks great aswell. Id suggest adding some gradients for some lighting. All in all though great job. Tis is definately your best piece of work to date.

This one not bad, the render placement seems off however id suggest moving it to the left more. I found the text hard to read asll, i think its because of the tribal patterns either side, id maybe remove them as they dont blend with the rest of the image.

The lightin on this one is nice and i especially like the text, so great job on both of those. The only thing i dont like is the colours. Pink and green just dont go in my oppinion, not when theyre both vibrant anyway, if they were lesser tones i think it would be easier to work with

Well done arggooor
I haven't posted in this for a couple of months because I came to the conclusion that I am crap. :monster:

I loaded up photoshop again last night because I had the urge to give it another shot. Hopefully I have improved a little bit.

Bartz, Reina (Lenna) and Boko (or maybe it is Black Chocobo):

I would have added text, but I honestly couldn't think of any that would fit for the life of me... "Bartz, Reina and Boko (or Black Chocobo)" would have been too silly for text.

Cid Del Norte Marquez:

Tried to replicate his quirkyness with weird patterns. Not sure if I went a bit overboard or not here. Might redo this one.


I've started to experiment with the backgrounds a lot more.

Firion and his dream for a world filled with wild roses:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not keen on a world filled with wild roses, I just thought I'd do the sig anyway.

Last one I did was Dyne, Barret's old friend at Corel:

Not sure if it looks good with the blood being outside the sig as well as Dyne, so I might get rid of that.

That's where I am at the moment.
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OMG I love the red blood spots coming out of the sig :awesome: Render, BG and effects were really suited to the sig. I would add more text though, and make the render bigger.

Well done and keep it up!

And you SO don't fail.
I would add more text though, and make the render bigger.

Cheers for the advice. It does look look like it needs more text, so I'll probably add some and post it again at some point.

The image is too hard to get at a size bigger than that though. The original image was a black and white scan of Nomura art (I think) that I found on the internet. I coloured it in by colour-changing the lines (not actually filling it in, which is why it probably looks so bright). I might try resizing it, but the quality would probably decrease.

And you SO don't fail.
Cheers. :D I think I'm getting better at least. Not brilliant or anything, but perhaps it is a bit respectable now. :gasp:

Updates. I've been a busy Argor today.

Slimer, everyone's favourite ghost:

I love Slimer so much, so I felt I needed to do this.

Edgar and Sabin:

Not quite sure if it was a good idea to have text above the sig, so I'll probably change this. I just couldn't fit it on the sig without ruining the effect. Tried to capture the moment the brothers decided to go their seperate ways several years before FFVI started.

Hippaul :monster::

Yeah, I was half joking tbh.


Emperor Gestahl:


I love Gau a lot. I tried to make him look like he was in the Veldt sneaking through the grass.