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He had practise wielding Mukki's. :woot: :kinky:

When Kimahri's horn fell off, where did he put it?
Seymour found it and uses it as an anal dildo.

Where do Chocobos go when they die?

Sugarcandy Mountain of course! (Animal Farm, anybody?)

Why did Tifa change her outfit from totally revealing to Rinoa #2 in black?

Sugarcandy Mountain of course! (Animal Farm, anybody?)

Why did Tifa change her outfit from totally revealing to Rinoa #2 in black?

She was tired of all the fanboys talking about her boobs. So she wore more clothing and black to make her chest less obviously humongous.

How could Yuna walk on water? And why did she? (I mean, she could've sent the souls on land)
How could Yuna walk on water? And why did she? (I mean, she could've sent the souls on land)

So that she can claim she is Jesus, her next trick is to turn water to wine, and then heal someones blind eye sight... (anyone else think Yuna was playing Jesus?)

How did Garnet lose her voice?
How come Squall can't buy 'Girl next door' (FF8 porn magazine) but Irvine can?

Because Squall is embarrassed about the gay shots the mag had of him and Seifer, but Irvine used them to blackmail the team leader into giving him Quistis and Selphie

why is Cloud so Emo in Advent children ?
Because Squall is embarrassed about the gay shots the mag had of him and Seifer, but Irvine used them to blackmail the team leader into giving him Quistis and Selphie

why is Cloud so Emo in Advent children ?

well drrrr... he missed having gay sex with sephiroth XD

why did yuna change her cloths for X-2?
So she could live out her dreams of being just like tidus in everyway she had the sex change booked and everything!

what does Sin do when "nature calls"?
Answer: Runs to the nearest tree and takes a shit.

Question:Why are Lulu's boobs so mesmerizing?
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Sephiroth isn't really male :ahmed:

Where were all the moogles in FF7?
I was told I should get some of my own swagger jagger. Where can I get some? :hmmm: