I love guru's! Randomness!
I tend to ask my friends for a lot of personal favors in real life (mainly rides to the store/ect), mainly because I'm not very privileged. I usually always return the favor fully or during the trip (usually involves gas money for the car or buying them something at the store) and I don't ask them repetitively afterward. All the people who I've asked for help are willing at first to help me. However when I ask a second time or third I feel as if I've become a burden/nuisance , I believe they don't want admit I am one, but they sure give off a sense of it like voice/ other gestures. So I decided to kick out the friends who I "believed" saw me as a burden when I ask for favors. Some of them after the first favor or two went as far as not answering my phone calls anymore, I've lost probably 5 friends through this. What do you do if you think you've become a burden/nuisance for some of your friends?
Stop being a burden/nuisance and be friendly.
They wouldn't be like that anyway. They're great.