ATB System

I’ve always been a fan of the traditional turn-based battle system, but I did enjoy the ATB battle system as well as the CBT system.

The ATB system is more challenging requiring quicker decision to be made in battle, but I also found it kinda easy depending on how you have it configured. You can essentially put it on autopilot allowing the system to control most of the battle functions for you or (what I appreciated about the system) you can just set everything to manual, greatly increasing the challenge.

Anyway, with the exception of the battle cut-scene being removed. It’s still a lot of the traditional turn-based elements there as long as you chose to set it up that way.
I think, if I am not mistaken, FFX-2 had the ATB system. It was really quick and you had to think fast in order to get your moves off.
Yea, Final Fantasy X-2's battle system was fantastic. It was ATB and yes, it was very fast. You always had to stay on your feet and it ran very smoothly on the PS2.
Yes, it it did, actually. See, FFX-2 had a few good features on its side. lol.

I actually liked the chains you could execute within that game too. It was done well.
I like the ATB system better because X's system pretty much forces you to use all of the characters since the game is so strategic. In some of the other games e.g. VII and VIII you can pretty much use the characters you like the most.