ATB: Wait or Active

I usually/always use...

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Fatal Noob
Jun 22, 2009
Which one you use in FFs with ATB system? Wait or Active?

I always use Active.
As the games aren't really hard (at least those with the ATB, older ones are HARD) so I want to raise the diffuclty a little.
With that said, I never change the battle speed. I think that's too much for me. Even with defualt speed, the enemy sometimes ends up attacking twice while I am choosing which ability/item to use :gonk:
I have always used Wait when I play. I'm just far too used to it. I dunno why I choose it tbh when i'm fairlyfast to choose items or spells, force of habit more than anything.

Kind of a pain, otherwise, when you are scrolling through over a dozen spells or a long list of items. Gives the enemy an unfair advantage. If I want to increase the difficulty, I'll find some other way.

I never liked Wait, I'm far too impatient for that. Not just that I don't have the patience for it, I just like having faster control over what I'm doing. Specially in the beginning, in FF7 for example, your characters are low-leveled and it takes for fucking ever for the bar to load. -_- rofl. Active thanks.
Active. I'm pretty quick at choosing what I am gonna do in a fight, so it doesn't take me that long.

Plus, I don't feel like waiting forever at the beginning of the game for the guage to load.
Active all the time. I couldn't really get into the game with wait, which was why I had some trouble adapting to Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy X-2, though... Not a great game, but I adored the battle system.
I believe the OP is talking about battle MODE, not battle SPEED

WAIT mode only makes the game slower if you spend alot of time deciding what spells/items to use.
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Im mainly a WAIT person so I can figure out my next move better. I hate being rushed in anything, specially a battle lol.So wait all the way for me.
Well i've recently started a new FF9 game on 'active' and I have to say... It's a lot easier. And like I suspected very little change of pace for me. Have to say though, it has made things quicker.
I usually go "Active" ATB, due to the fact that I don't really battle strategically. When it comes to anything that I can easily handle, I'll just do whatever it takes to end the battle so I can keep walking or keep getting more battles so I can level faster. Besides =) There are times where, if you chose "Wait" ATB, you would have to choose something to do, but if you were in "Active" ATB, you could wait anyway, and then choose what to do. I remember going into a battle, waiting for my entire party to have a full ATB, then unleashed a mad combo on the boss. Loved it.

Active or Wait, both are just a preference. I'm glad to know that there are some strategists out there (or you might just be a slowpoke ;3)
I switch between active and wait depending on where I am and what I am doing...if I'm fighting a very quick or difficult boss I usually switch to wait (especially in 12, try fighting Elder Wyrm on active...). If I'm running around levelling up or in a dungeon where the enemies aren't that difficult I will also use active. If things start getting a bit hot around the collar I'll switch the wait until I'm at a higher level. Battle speed is an entirely different story; I'm all for fast-paced battles but sometimes it's a bit too much. I generally have a lower battle speed when playing on active and full speed when I'm on wait.
I enjoy "strategery", so I use wait. It just makes more sense to me.
I like to use wait. If I'm scrolling through a long list of spells or items, I have a tendency to miss what I was looking for and have to look through the menu again, so wait is less chaotic.
For me it is active i prefer it but i used wait when i first started. I just like to know i have a limited time to figure at what to do
I prefer active. It makes the game more fun, imo. Wait makes me feel as though the enemy is giving me a chance to get a free hit. I use wait only when I feel as though the enmey or Boss might be tough.
I rather play "Wait" ATB espacially when im fighting a Boss, i like the trategy involved in the game and if i would use "Active" it would go to fast and being strategic wouldnt be an option. Tho i use "Active", but only when i'm leveling up. "Active" makes leveling up go faster while "Wait" would be more of a strategic operation like it does on Bosses.