Auron and Tidus


Dec 10, 2008
Ok I know Auron travelled on Sin to bring Tidus to the real spira. But Tidus already knew him. So did Auron travel to the Dream Zanakand alot? And did he do this on Sin.

When did he learn about the dream zanakand and how to travel their.

If they learnt on their pilgrimage then surly Jecht must of learnt aswel and known he could return to the Dream Zanakand rather than becoming the Final Aeon
Yes, Auron travelled back and forth a lot, on Sin, before Jecht was taken over completely by Yu Yevon.

He learned about it from Jecht. It's in the game and the Jecht Spheres.

He couldn't. He only learned how to travel via Sin because he became Sin. Yevon knew about this information, and it was probably passed on to Jecht. Besides, he was too loyal to Auron and Braska by then, so he wouldn't have just left them there. But the thought he would never see his family was a big motivation.
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When Jecht became Sin I think he asked Auron to keep an eye on his boy, or whatever he said.
So because Auron was unsent, he was able
to travel to and from Dream Zanarkand on Sin, who was Jecht and will still haev had some of his own concience left before his mind being completely taken over...

In a nutshell.....I think...
Jecht and Tidus were both summoned/dreamt up by Fayth. Both of them got pulled into Spira eventually. They aren't real people (maybe they were 1000 years ago), now they're just dreams.

However, when Jecht became Sin, and Auron (now dead, but unsent) made a promise to watch over Tidus, Auron was able to travel through worlds between the Dream Zanarkand and the real Spira with Sin. Sin just never attacked these other times though, until the end.

So what I'm saying is that Auron probably showed up (seemingly random to Tidus), befriended him here and there, and never really told Tidus what he was really doing. Auron got to know Tidus, and let Tidus get to know him over the 10 years, jsut enough to get his trust so that when time came for Tidus to be picked to defeat Jecht/Sin, Tidus would trust Auron to guide him in the right direction.
Nothing much else to say after what everybody has said, apart from Auron only made the journey to Dream Zanarkand once, which was after Braska beat Sin 10 years prior to FFX. He stayed in Dream Zanarkand for those 10 years watching over Tidus.

He only returned to Spira when it was time for Tidus to go there. Before he went to Dream Zanarkand, he asked Kimarhi to watch over Yuna, so his promise to watch over both children was kept. This is why nobody in Spira has seen Auron for those 10 years. Kinoc and Yuna for example.
OOOH DLFlux had explained it better.

Another thing I didnt understand is that if they are Summoned people. How old are they, do they have children and their children live and die inside the dream Zanarkand? Because I remember reading somewhere that Tidus is like a dream craeted from the memory of someone who resemebled him and this is who you see in the speres in X-2 (I never played X-2).
The Dream Zanarkand was created to preserve Zanarkand's memory after it was destroyed.

It works in parrelel time to Spira. Even though Tidus is only a dream, he was conceived, born and grew up. As far as he's concerned, he's a real person living in a real world. It's not until he arrives in Spira and learns of the truth that he realises he infact, is not real.

As for the character in X-2, his name is Shuyin, and he originally lived in Zanarkand before it was destroyed. So you could call him the "base model" for Tidus, so Tidus being a recreation of an original resident of Zanarkand. If you want to disgard X-2 and pretend it doesn't exist, then the same thing can be said for Chappu, Tidus looks like him because his appearance was based on a real person, though he never lived in Zanarkand.
As for the character in X-2, his name is Shuyin, and he originally lived in Zanarkand before it was destroyed. So you could call him the "base model" for Tidus, so Tidus being a recreation of an original resident of Zanarkand. If you want to disgard X-2 and pretend it doesn't exist, then the same thing can be said for Chappu, Tidus looks like him because his appearance was based on a real person, though he never lived in Zanarkand.

Whoa whoa whoa, so you're suggesting that Tidus is a dream recreation of Chappu? That would be a crazy connection... I kind of like it.

The idea that Tidus was a dream version of Shuyin is irrelevant to the story of FFX. What I want to know is why in the flashbacks Auron looks in his late 20s, and then ten years later he looks in his 50s...
Not so much a recreation, just the looks side of things. He's not a copy of anyone, his appearence is just based upon a "real" person, which would explain why Wakka and Lulu think he looks similar to Chappu.

Though that theory is blown to peices by Shuyin, but if you have never played X-2, then that would be the best explanation.
Wasn't it, that he went to Spira, then after the whole
Jecht is sin and Jecht wanting Auron to look over Tidus.
then when Yunalesca owned Auron he said that he travelled from Mount. Gagazet, then rode Sin to Zanakand, to take Tidus to Spira were he would be safe? :wacky:
Tidus knew him 10 years ago I believe,
when Jecht disappeared and actually asked Auron to take of care of Tidus, and I believe take less than 1 year.
so it wasn't a long time since he knew him it's just 10 years.
Wasn't it, that he went to Spira, then after the whole
Jecht is sin and Jecht wanting Auron to look over Tidus.
then when Yunalesca owned Auron he said that he travelled from Mount. Gagazet, then rode Sin to Zanakand, to take Tidus to Spira were he would be safe? :wacky:

It seems it was pre-planned on Jecht and Auron's part for Tidus to come to Spira, due to what Auron says to Tidus on the Airship (you have to speak to him a few times for him to say it) he tells Tidus that Jecht wanted him to have a shot a life. So it would look like Jecht had more intentions for Tidus than just for his son to stop him.

So with Auron
he promises Jecht he'll watch over Tidus just before Jecht and Braska go to Yunalesca to create the Final Aeon. Auron comes back and attacks Yunalesca, gets owned. Makes his way back to Mt. Gagazet where he meets Kimarhi and asks him to watch over Yuna. Then he meets Rin at some point. He dies, never gets sent. Then "rides" Sin to the Dream Zanarkand, where he then finds Tidus, and watches over him as he grows up. Then begins Final Fantasy X.
It seems it was pre-planned on Jecht and Auron's part for Tidus to come to Spira, due to what Auron says to Tidus on the Airship (you have to speak to him a few times for him to say it) he tells Tidus that Jecht wanted him to have a shot a life. So it would look like Jecht had more intentions for Tidus than just for his son to stop him.[/spoiler]

I really like this idea, it adds a lot more meaning to the phrase that's repeated a lot in FFX: "This is your story."

It really is the story of Tidus and the choices he makes. He doesn't realize he's a dream, so he gets to really live and love, with a purpose in life.
Not so much a recreation, just the looks side of things. He's not a copy of anyone, his appearence is just based upon a "real" person, which would explain why Wakka and Lulu think he looks similar to Chappu.

Though that theory is blown to peices by Shuyin, but if you have never played X-2, then that would be the best explanation.
So you believe that Dream Zanarkand contains people that really weren't there? I want to believe that Tidus was once real, a long, long time ago, and the Fayth made a direct recreation of him. Supposedly he's made from Shuyin, but that doesn't seem to make sense to me. Shouldn't Dream Zanarkand be identical to real Zanarkand, including the names of people. I'd think dream Tidus should be just like real Tidus. Not dream Tidus should be like real Shuyin.

And how could the fayth make Tidus based off of Chappu if Chappu is a fairly recently born person, while Dream Zanarkand has been around since real Zanarkand collapsed? Do you see what I'm saying?

Also, I got a question to y'all. How does Sin attack Dream Zanarkand? And is it the Jecht sin, or is it the Sin from long ago attacking Dream Zanarkand?
Not really sure about how Sin actually attacked dream Zanarkand (I'm sure someone else knows though ^^) but yeah, it's it Jecht Sin that attacks Dream Zanarkand since Auron does briefly speak to him: "You are sure?"
Not really sure about how Sin actually attacked dream Zanarkand (I'm sure someone else knows though ^^) but yeah, it's it Jecht Sin that attacks Dream Zanarkand since Auron does briefly speak to him: "You are sure?"
Oh, I forgot that line! Thanks! I thought that before, but someone previously told me otherwise. It makes much, much more sense if the Sin attacking Dream Zanarkand is Jecht.

I wonder which Sin and why that Sin attacked Dream Zanarkand when Jecht was there... That's kind of a plot hole, eh?
So you believe that Dream Zanarkand contains people that really weren't there? I want to believe that Tidus was once real, a long, long time ago, and the Fayth made a direct recreation of him. Supposedly he's made from Shuyin, but that doesn't seem to make sense to me. Shouldn't Dream Zanarkand be identical to real Zanarkand, including the names of people. I'd think dream Tidus should be just like real Tidus. Not dream Tidus should be like real Shuyin.

And how could the fayth make Tidus based off of Chappu if Chappu is a fairly recently born person, while Dream Zanarkand has been around since real Zanarkand collapsed? Do you see what I'm saying?

Also, I got a question to y'all. How does Sin attack Dream Zanarkand? And is it the Jecht sin, or is it the Sin from long ago attacking Dream Zanarkand?

They tried to preserve the dream if only in a memory. Tidus never once existed at all, but as I said in one of your previous threads, you need to play X-2 to understand who Tidus was really based off of. He wasn't based off of Chappu at all. It might not make sense to you that Tidus is based off of Shuyin, but he is, no matter what you want to believe. That is pretty much it. The fayth can't remember every single living person that was alive in real Zanarkand 1000 years ago, so they dreamt people up so they could keep it living, or more due to Yu Yevon using the fayth to preserve those memories. The people from Dream Zanarkand never existed in the real Zanarkand. They are just dreams of what a lot of the people there once were, Tidus included.

Also Sin attacked Dream Zanarkand because of Jecht. He wanted to bring Tidus to Spira. He knew his son would be able to defeat him. I explained this to you in your questions thread you posted earlier. I'm sure he also wanted to see his son again.
♥Shiva♥;509551 said:
They tried to preserve the dream if only in a memory. Tidus never once existed at all, but as I said in one of your previous threads, you need to play X-2 to understand who Tidus was really based off of. He wasn't based off of Chappu at all. It might not make sense to you that Tidus is based off of Shuyin, but he is, no matter what you want to believe. That is pretty much it. The fayth can't remember every single living person that was alive in real Zanarkand 1000 years ago, so they dreamt people up so they could keep it living, or more due to Yu Yevon using the fayth to preserve those memories. The people from Dream Zanarkand never existed in the real Zanarkand. They are just dreams of what a lot of the people there once were, Tidus included.
Oh that makes a lot more sense. I got to the point of FFX-2 with Shuyin, and I get it, but I just felt that doesn't necessarily mean he's based off him. But based off what you said, I understand. They can't make an exact replica, because people thought's don't have the capabilities to hold that many memories, so they just guess and make up names and people to keep the city going.
Yep that's pretty much what they do, give their people their own personalities, feelings, etc...Shuyin and Tidus are amazingly similar, so much that Yuna was almost certain it was him. However Tidus is a completely different man than what Shuyin was, but the two were also both hopelessly in love, and that's another similarity they shared.
♥Shiva♥;509554 said:
Yep that's pretty much what they do, give their people their own personalities, feelings, etc...Shuyin and Tidus are amazingly similar, so much that Yuna was almost certain it was him. However Tidus is a completely different man than what Shuyin was, but the two were also both hopelessly in love, and that's another similarity they shared.
Damn, I guess I got to boot up FFX-2. I just didn't like it that much. And I only trained my warrior class, so when it came time that I needed to use others classes, I lost. Plus, I hated the percentage thing. The whole game, I struggled getting my percentage up, so I just quit, knowing I wouldn't get even a close to good ending.