Auron and Tidus

[B said:
♥Shiva♥[/B]]Also Sin attacked Dream Zanarkand because of Jecht. He wanted to bring Tidus to Spira. He knew his son would be able to defeat him. I explained this to you in your questions thread you posted earlier. I'm sure he also wanted to see his son again.
I know, I know. I thought that previously, but someone told me otherwise so I got confused. What I've been wondering all along is just how Sin gets there. And why and which Sin attacked Jecht ten years back?
I wondered that too and I wondered if perhaps the fayth didn't somehow manipulate it a bit knowing that if they could bring one of their dreams into reality to help work on breaking that cycle and defeating Yu Yevon so they could rest. That's my theory at least.
I know, I know. I thought that previously, but someone told me otherwise so I got confused. What I've been wondering all along is just how Sin gets there. And why and which Sin attacked Jecht ten years back?

I'm pretty sure Dream Zanarkand is still on Spira, just hidden away on an ocean or something. (hence the lack of the mountains and land) I'm not sure, but I think Jecht just ended up leaving for no reason at all.
Nothing much else to say after what everybody has said, apart from Auron only made the journey to Dream Zanarkand once, which was after Braska beat Sin 10 years prior to FFX. He stayed in Dream Zanarkand for those 10 years watching over Tidus.

He only returned to Spira when it was time for Tidus to go there. Before he went to Dream Zanarkand, he asked Kimarhi to watch over Yuna, so his promise to watch over both children was kept. This is why nobody in Spira has seen Auron for those 10 years. Kinoc and Yuna for example.

I find this explanation most legit to me. Like DLFlux said, no one has seen him over those 10 years. The last person to see Auron before he died would be Kimarhi. Other than Kimarhi, it was Rin in the Calm Lands. No one really seen Auron after Braska and Jecht sacrificed themselves.
I find this explanation most legit to me. Like DLFlux said, no one has seen him over those 10 years. The last person to see Auron before he died would be Kimarhi. Other than Kimarhi, it was Rin in the Calm Lands. No one really seen Auron after Braska and Jecht sacrificed themselves.
I'm pretty sure on his way to Mt. Gagazet, Auron passed through Rin while he was mortally wounded, which explains why Rin says, "I don't think any normal man could survive that wound" or whatever he said. Then he passed over to Mt. Gagazet where he told Kimahri to care for Yuna, then died.

By the way, why can you kill people who are already dead? Like Seymour? And Yunalesca? And also, about Seymour, he died twice and then when you kill him the final time in Sin, why does he finally dissapear for good?
By the way, why can you kill people who are already dead? Like Seymour? And Yunalesca? And also, about Seymour, he died twice and then when you kill him the final time in Sin, why does he finally dissapear for good?

Seymour died but weren't sent to the Farplane. That's why he was still "alive" and fought Yuna and the guys lots of times later. I guess that's what happened to Yunalesca too. With
Auron too, as he refused to go to the Farplane before fulfilling Braska's and Jecht's last wishes
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Seymour died but weren't sent to the Farplane. That's why he was still "alive" and fought Yuna and the guys lots of times later. I guess that's what happened to Yunalesca too. With
Auron too, as he refused to go to the Farplane before fulfilling Braska's and Jecht's last wishes
No, no, no. I know this. But why are the unsent able to be killed? You kill Yunalesca and she doesn't return, even though she's technically already dead. How can you inflict pain or damage on someone who's technically already dead? And why did Seymour return even after he was killed in his unsent form, but finally disappeared when you kill him inside Sin?

Does that clear up what I meant?
I don't think it's a case of killing someone who's already dead.

They obviously put up a fight, so whether this is true or not, I see it as a case of wearing them down til they can no longer defend themselves, which then leaves Yuna open to send them.

With fiends, when they "die" they turn to pyreflies at the end of the battle, so it may just be a case of, the pyreflies gathering, taking a form, you give them a beat down and they then revert back to just being pyreflies that if unsent, will reform back into a wolf or flan etc.
Maybe it's their strong will that stops them from being sent to the Farplane. Seymour had a strong burning desire
to become Sin and destroy Spira "to heal it".
Yunalesca appeared to be merely a robot without many emotions if not any at all. But towards Seymour's sending, we actually do see he's given up - and perhaps his will submits to his defeat, too - so he gets sent to the Farplane.
did we all just forget how sin and auron and the dream world are connected or something sin is the armour for Yu Yevon who s summoning the dream world jecht was the new sin and as previously mentioned most likley learned of the connection when he was transformed but Auron was an unsent at this point and tidus was a Dream made real when he was transported to spira so what is the difference between an unsent and a Dream manifestation???????
Difference between an unsent and a dream?

The same difference between a real person and a dream.
Sorry if this is a repeat comment, but... I don't think Auron traveled in between Spira and DZ over the years... Wasn't it commented on by Kinoc, Seymour, etc. that he'd been missing from Zanarkand all ten years? So if he was hanging out in both, people from Zanarkand would have noticed him, but nobody had seen him since Sin was defeated by Braska. So, I think he just traveled once to DZ after sending Kimahri to watch over Yuna and stayed there. Not entirely positive, though, because Tidus seems like he hasn't seen Auron in awhile when the guy shows up as the world is crumbling.