Auron Balthier

Balthier is Mr Suave
Auron is Mr Badass
Completely different, but both good in their own right. Personally, I'd take Balthier. He's like a sky pirate version of me xD
In the terms of being the most badass character in teh game yes. But if your on about personality then no, as Balthier is completely different from Auron.
I think that Auron was just super awesome, whereas Balthier for me, was alright, but a little too arrogant so I didn't like him as much as I did Auron. The whole, made-pivotal-choices in life thing was all well and good, but the constant harping about being the leading man got to me
which is why I liked when Fran shut him down in the ending saying he had more of a support role...
He was overly arrogant, but I just ignored it. He was smooth enough to get Fran, afterall xD
I think that Auron was just super awesome, whereas Balthier for me, was alright, but a little too arrogant so I didn't like him as much as I did Auron. The whole, made-pivotal-choices in life thing was all well and good, but the constant harping about being the leading man got to me
which is why I liked when Fran shut him down in the ending saying he had more of a support role...

His arrogance was more of an endearing feature in my eyes as he was meant obviously to be the badass "Han Solo" character of FF12's Star Wars lineup.
i dont think Balthier was so much "Bad-Ass" as he was rather laid back and chillin. He thought alot of himself yes, but i see him as someone that isn't as bad ass as say.... Squall? idk. Auron wasnt so much Bad Ass either. Many people may say oh hes so cool! He's so dark he must be bad ass, when really he seemed soft inside to me.
Basch is nothing like Auron.

Auron is wise, Basch is a meathead that only knows how to do what he's told.

Besides, Auron actually HAS a personality.

That's in reply to the people on this thread who say Basch is Auron-like.