Avril Lavigne


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Does anyone else listen to her music? She's one of my favourite singers ^_^ her newest album - The Best Damn Thing - is simply amazing, and although Girlfriend might be getting played everywhere, i still enjoy it everytime i hear it ^_^ I also really like her work from her second album - My Happy Ending is a personal favourite of mine :)
Avril Lavigne is ok not my favourite but her musics tight.Ive listened to maybe one or two songs and they both got a thumbs up in my opinion.
Hate the bitch with a passion. My ex and current boyfriend love her >.<
All she does is moan about exs, boyfriends, wannabes and shit that you dont want a singer to moan about lol.
Hate the bitch with a passion. My ex and current boyfriend love her >.<
All she does is moan about exs, boyfriends, wannabes and shit that you dont want a singer to moan about lol.

Yeah, I agree. =/ Don't hate me AG! XD

No offense but I'm not a fan of Avril Lavigne. Her attitude seems too fake, and she is a wannabe. She is so Hot topicy. As for her singing, meh, I don't like her lyrics...
Haha. Her music sucks balls. Honestly, I could only see those of around age 13 or so listening to her and liking it... which happens to be near your agegroup, so I guess it's alright.


Nah, stuff that. She's a poor vocalist at any dimension, and those abysmal tunes she rings out are knives to my eardrums. On a plus, I guess she's kind of pretty.
I liked her first two albums. Had high hopes for her third. Then I heard Girlfriend T_T My soul tries to kill itself every time I hear it. I personally think her third album is abysmal ...
I honestly love her first album, but after that, it just seemed to get way too repetitive. I remember that when she was new, a lot of girls in my school tried to look like her. That was just too funny. xD I'm not really a fan of her, but she seems okay. I guess better than Spears.
No offence Mark but I hate the cow. UIused to like her until she made a certain song that seemed extremely chavvish and now every chav likes her and well I WANT HER TO DIE PAINFULLY AND SLOWLY!
I hate Avril for succumbing to the popular's stream of expectations, but I do love her songs. Except for "Girlfriend." I like "Pieces of You" or "My Happy Ending." Quite a few songs from Avril makes me feel like I can relate to the lyrics.
Girlfriend keeps getting played atwork and it makes me wanna scream. The lyrics are so damn childish, basically leave your girlfriend and be with me. Bah, hell no! Id laugh if she tired this in ral life and the guy told her to piss off lol!

Was in work and seen Avril Lavines (sp) manga, but shock horror, she didnt write or draw any of it lol! Shes in it and its her own idea, but nothing more ... Hmm, should it really be refered to as her manga then????
Amd its read front to back, not really manga style. Also shes the lead characters best friend and is playing herslef, a "rock star." Geez, someone pop the ego balloon!
Avril Lavigne is not the only person who uses herself as an idol for others. There are several celebrities who use themselves as an image or precedent for others to base their own personalities on. I honestly like Avril Lavigne. Though, I do hate that song, "Girlfriend." I will agree with it's frequent overplaying on radios and awful lyrics. But I thought her first two albums were wonderful. I loved the work she had done for those. However, I haven't heard her latest CD since "Girlfriend" was the first single for it. And if that song is supposed to be the debut single for the CD, then I'd rather not hear the rest. I do like that song, "When You're Gone" (i think that's what it's called?) but I fear the rest of the album will be as shallow as "Girlfriend."
Was in work and seen Avril Lavines (sp) manga, but shock horror, she didnt write or draw any of it lol! Shes in it and its her own idea, but nothing more ... Hmm, should it really be refered to as her manga then????
Amd its read front to back, not really manga style. Also shes the lead characters best friend and is playing herslef, a "rock star." Geez, someone pop the ego balloon!

Really? Ugh! She's not a rock star, she is a wannabe rock star...Sell out...

That reminds me....Courtney Love wrote her own manga as well...Or so she says so.
Yeah, Courtneys looks okay, but as for it being her own, I doubt it. Its pisses me off as she claims it to ber her manga on the MySpace sites and advertisments, but she did nothing with it!
I liked her first two albums. Had high hopes for her third. Then I heard Girlfriend T_T My soul tries to kill itself every time I hear it. I personally think her third album is abysmal ...

I quite agree.

First album = skater-pop-punk but okay
Second album = A little deeper and kind emotional but atleast she was herself
Third album = completely sold herself out. Became this bubblegum-pink-skull-barbie-slut. Lost ALL respect for her, and that was only after hearing Girlfriend.