Bad ideas or moments


Jun 6, 2006
First of all, I would like to say that I love this game. I think it's the second best FF ever made (FFVII for #1), and there are plenty of GOOD ideas in this game. But I'm just going to talk about the bad ones.

I'll start at the top.

1) Pailings
There is nothing more frustrating in the world of video games than an invincible enemy. Nothing else can fill you with a feeling of helplessness quite like it. Sure, it doesn't last forever, but it destroys the progress you were making on a boss HP, and the sense of getting something accomplished while you were at it. The exact same effect could be achieved simply by tacking on more HP to the bosses, and it wouldn't leave you nearly as frustrated and irritated as the pailings do.

2) Identical License Boards
The License Board itself has pros and cons, but the fact that they are EXACTLY THE SAME for all the characters is definitely a bad idea. You have six characters who are all carbon copies of each other, no variance at all. Even in games such as FFIII and FFV where you had all characters able to choose any job had more variance than this game, because turning someone into a black mage meant their attack would suck. In this game, you slap a Masamune and mystic armor on a character and you have a character that can deal superior physical AND magical damage. Additionally, characters have access to all spells and all technicks at all times. In FFIII or V, turning someone into a black mage meant they didn't have the incredibly useful white magic spells, not so with this game. This removes a critical strategy element (role assignment) in a game that was already lacking thinking power.

3) The nature of secrets
Sure, the game is beatable at level 40 with Maximillians and Golden Axes, but to really experience all the game has to offer, you need to search for the best weapons, the best armors, etc. However, the methods by which you acquire these things are incredibly obscure with absolutely no in-game hints at how to get them. How is anyone supposed to figure out the Zodiac Spear on their own? How are you supposed to learn that by killing a billion necrophobes you can get a Danjuro? How is anyone supposed to figure out the Bazaar combinations for Tournesol on their own? That is, to say nothing of the Canopic Jar which only purpose is to help you get the Tournesol since Arcanas are only used in one other recipe an item that you can purchase straight up from a shop later in the game.
the sad truth

unfortunately, you need stratedgy guides for these games. Square-Enix knows this, so do most games. I'd love to play these through without them, but that would come with ALOT of frustration. Also, some things in RPG's now days, if you miss a chance at the beginning of the game, will be
missed later on. Zodiac spear is a prime example.

The license board didn't seem to work like it was intended to. You don't really "individualize" your peeps, as they can ALL get the same things.

One frustration I'm running into is trying to fill out the bestiary. Can't get some of these darn things to spawn. Feel like I'm playing FFXI ; ;
1. What the heck is a pailing? Guess I haven't gotten that far yet. Anyhow, it is super frustrating to have close to 0 chance of defeating an enemy when it is that tough. There should be another alternative to having to play 900 hours in order to get that good, to beat an enemy.

2. There is some measure of individuality, depending on the way you use each character and equip them. Ex. Healer, tank, summoner... But it is very disappointing that, if you wanted to, you could make 6 carbon copy characters.

3. I think I was playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time when I got so frustrated, since all the coolest stuff was only learned through reading published help guides. Before that, I felt pretty well equiped to find out almost all secrets on my own. What a gimic. I miss the sense of self accomplishment in finding secrets out. In a sense, you might as well just sit back and read an adventure book. Forget the video game.
I definitely agree with you. I absolutely love XII and am having a great time playing it, but what you've pointed out is very frustrating at times.

Yeah pailings. I'm doing all good, feeling proud of myself and then all of a sudden bam! It's immune to magick, physical attacks, and whatnot. So you have to sit there and twiddle your thumbs for the seemingly unending amount of time until it goes away. Totally pisses me off!

The license board is so, well, boring? Being the same for every single character takes a lot of the fun out of leveling up your characters. So once you are so far in the game, all of your character have the exact same enhancements and abilities. Dissapointing, and yes, definitely takes out the strategy aspect of the game.

As for the "secrets" of the game, there is nothing I hate more than having to look in a stupid strategy guide to find out how I'm supposed to do something. I always have a sense of pride for not getting any help from them, but in XII, I'm screwed now because I wasn't supposed to open some stupid treasure chests? There is NO way anybody would ever know to do that, and for such a big thing, it made me so mad! Sorry but I don't want to have to feel obliged to go spend 25 dollars on the strategy guide.