BAD WORDS...Which ones bother you?

I don't know about many words that bother me, but I hate being patted like I am an idiot that's for sure but I guess words that I hate to be insulted with are "piece of shit", "Retard", "Bitch" and "Mother-fu*ker" -- the last one really just makes an impression on me, I absolutely hate that insult, its not only disgusting but horribly crude as well...>.>
It's weird - I laugh when the word "cunt" is used in the same context as "bitch".......but I hate when it's used to identify that part of the female anatomy.

Other than that I'm not too offended by anything. Maybe cum guzzling queef?
I really don't have any distastes for "bad words", cause I'm one to use them in an excessive manner. But I guess the only few words that comes to mind that doesn't really float well for me are "fatso", "Four-eyes" and "Gaylord". I was teased a lot because of three things: I was fat, I had glasses, and I appeared to be gay :(

So, when someone just says those three words, I tend to take personal offense to it. No joke.

I've never been called this word, but I really dislike it. It's disgusting. Why the hell would you call someone a vagina? I'd rather they say vagina than cunt. It'd sound much better in my opinion if they had to say it at all. <_<

I always hear derros using this word mostly when talking to their Mrs. They use their bogany accent and say, 'Pass me a cigarette cunt.' like the word is totally normal to refer to their girlfriend by. <_<

This is the only real word that bothers me when used. Luckily I don't hang around too many people who use it.

Steve actually beat up one of his mates when he called Steve that word. XD This was just when I had met him and we weren't living together. He was living with a couple of mates and one of them got drunk one night and kept calling Steve a cunt.

Steve threw his chair at him and totally kicked the crap outta him. XD I wasn't there, otherwise I would have tried to prevent the fight, but I was told details afterwards. >.< This was four years ago now.

No longer hang around anyone like that anymore thankfully.
I don't know whether there are any words that offend me in and of themselves... Nowadays, most of the words slip into speech and don't really mean anything.

However, words used in a personal attack will bother me. Swear words are used in an argument purely for aggression. I have a hard time remembering the last time someone attacked me personally, though. :huh: Sure, there may be the odd person in the street who's just being brutish... Then there were bullies waay back at school, but I never really cared about what they thought. :lew:

Reading the first post... I suppose I don't like 'faggot.' From what I've seen, the people who use it are generally being a bit ignorant and disrespectful. But even then, it's the meaning behind the word and the reason for using it that irritates me. :hmmm: One day, it'll probably fall into the void of 'old taboo words that slip into conversation' too. -_-
None. I grew up with my mom cursing every other word she said. By the age of 8 I was already called every bad word ever created. I'm used to all of them and hearing them on a regular basis. Hell, my whole family freely uses bad words, and here's me, the Good boy being quite. Eff that.

Anyway yeah, none bother me. I don't care if they're being said around me or to my face, they don't bother me.

For some unknown reason, that word sets off sirens in my head. Now, the word is not always used in a malicious manner, and that's fine. I rather enjoy the word in that context. But when it's used in malice, that's a different story.
On reflection I have decided that though none of them offend me, there are some I do not like using myself. Namely 'cunt' and 'pussy' when referring to a vagina also 'titties'. It reminds me too much of the awkward dirty talk in porn.
I don't like it when people use "fucking" in just regular conversation. Or if they are a little ticked off and then it's "WHY THE FUCKING BLA BLA BLA FUCK" and it's just annoying. If you use the world all the time it takes away the OMG value of it and shows that you have a bad vocabulary or a bad habit.

Another is pussy, because I just find the word gross and when I think of it I think of an old man doing something....gross and I shall not say :ahmed:
None really. Most swear words are just normal words. Example shit is just poop. I don't see the problem, expect maybe when you're a kid.
I'm a pirate-- no "bad words." really offend me at all. Curse all the fuck you want I don't give a god damn shit. :wacky:

I grew up with an alcoholic father my first word was probably 'fuck' to be honest :lew: my dad was a complete arse, but my god he was so damn funny when he'd cuss. XD One point his friend offered us a swear jar for him... that lasted a while :kelly: too bad he didn't pay up.

I've been called every word there is and has been created so its not like I've never heard it.

The one word I hate being called is stupid. :amg:
I swear, but I don't like it, LOL.

I know that makes no sense, others have already said before, society makes it a bit of a norm, so although I do swear inside of myself, to myself when something not-so-great happens, or when I get REALLY pissed off at someone and can't control or help it, and on here in my posts sometimes, lol, publicly I don't like to swear and I don't like to hear it from others. I don't mind if something happens and you're like, "damn" or "f", but I don't like being around people, and would not date, someone who makes it a speech habit all the time or a lot. It annoys me, makes me angry, and makes me weary of how you would treat me. It makes me feel iffy and icky inside. 'Specially's not even something we should be doing, manners/respect-wise.

And I HATE any swear words that are geared toward women, being a woman myself. I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't used them, but I've grown to realize how awful it is toward myself and my fellow women. Especially from a man's mouth, I will not tolerate it.
Bad words and cussing in general doesn't bother me at all because I cuss like a sailor.
The only thing that bothers me though is when people aren't aware of their surroundings and say words like 'fuck' and 'bitch' around kids in public. I may have a bad mouth, but I know when and where to be a bad mouth, and when I need to clean up my language.
Words that are designed to be derogative (that seem to be confined to the internet) like "fanboy" really bug me. It's less to do with the word itself (as obnoxious as it still is as a construction) and more to do with the people who liberally use them without any hint of irony. The word itself is already dumb and is made worse by association given the users who seem to possess as much tact, maturity and cognitive capabilities as your average 13-year old Youtube commentator.

Swear words and general vulgar terms? Ehh, not really. They're generally used in the context of sheer frustration, anger, grief et al, and as someone who can often swear like a sailor, I am guilty of this. I'll consider you a person with little to no tact if you have no shame in yelling "cunt' out loud, but it does not genuinely irk me. At best I'll simply not bother associating with you in public. I like to keep up with appearances, after all.

But hey, context is key. Simply hearing cunt and whore fly out without much context behind them is meaningless. To use any combination of derogatory words on me as a deliberate personal attack designed to hurt me? Of course it'll likely bother me. Again, less to do with the words themselves in isolation, and more to do with why they are being used against me.
I more or less agree with the above post completely.

However, if I had to give an example, it would probably be "prick". It's just so short and blunt. I don't like it at all
This is a topic that always makes me roll my eyes. There are no "bad" words. Words are simply words; I swear all the time, it's habit and I really don't even think about it. There's more reason to be offended by me yelling out "you stupid idiot" than there is in hearing me say "this shit is fucking ridiculous."

What makes anything offensive is how it's meant. I can be far more offensive with ordinary words than with so-called "bad" words. And someone please explain to me how exactly "cunt" is worse than "dick." Both are simply terms for sex organs... they are used in the same exact way. Doesn't make sense to me. And I'm really not bothered if someone calls me cunt, dick, asshole, bastard, etc. as long as they're just messing around. If they're trying to attack me, I'd find ordinary terms like moron, idiot, waste of oxygen, etc. just as offensive, if not more so, than these alleged "bad" words. What makes a word "bad" is always the way it is used, not the word itself.
I hate the word "cunt". I have a friend who used to call me that the way others say "baby" or "honey". For me, being a very shy, quiet person who has always been a "good girl" because of my upbringing and try to be good to others even at my own expense, to be called that because I didn't play maid service and pick up and clean up after him, that is the worst word you can ever call me. I personally will not use the words "son of a bitch' and 'bastard". If you think about the meaning behind those two words, especially "son of a bitch", it's more a slam to their mother then to them. If I'm going to curse someone out, I'd rather make it about them, not their family.