Balam Garden


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 29, 2006
what happened after ultimecia died did the continue to make SeeD?

i think so for a number of reason
1.esthar needs help from Lunar cry
2.what if another sorcess come
3.galbadia is in turmoil from recenr events
they would have, because even though she was the ULTIMATE sorceress, doesn't mean she was the last. As long as Hyne continues to live, there will continue to be sorceresses. until his life and powers are depleted, there won't be a stop to the sorceresses. And as for the Lunar Cry, SeeD's aren't used for that. Besides, Esthar is a secret from most of the world, so SeeD is highly unlikely to know about it themselves. And the same goes for Galbadia.

SeeD was formed for the sole purpose of defeating any Sorceresses.
ya i forgot about Esthar being secret and galbadia probaly cant help them anyway
Who the devil is Hyne?

Well, I believe the point in making SeeD was to rid the world of sorrow and suffering, planting little Seeds of hopes all over the world. Isn't that what Squall told Seifer in the desert?
what happened to SeEd?

i bet they continued the tradition for maybe 300 years and changed it to something time goes on things change and thats a good thing....nothing good stays the same forever anyway :)