Balamb Garden

Al was in dreamland.
He was in a perfect place, with a perfect girl.
As she came closer*


Al looked around, no on there.
then he looked towards Howl.

"not again. why did you do it this time"
Al said as he looked at the clock

"Its just over 5Am damn you"
howl just sat there. looking at him in confusion.
"what you mean it wasnt you!?.. who else can make a sound like that?"
Al was awake now. so, he couldnt sleep.
Could it be a side effect of the Elixir?

"crap, im not taking more of those" he muttered to himself.
He got up, and looked in the mirror.

"duude.. a yeti.. I must have been turning in my sleep again"
this was not an unusual thing.
being that he has long hair. it sometimes stood all around as he woke up.

he brushed it, put on some casual clothes.
Let Howl outside.
"*sigh* now only to pass the time. I guess Ill visit my old friend, Caffeine"
At that, he exited the Door, and whent towards the cafeteria
Evan was sat in the cafe drinking Coffe by the pint when he slammed both of his hands down on the table and stood up
Evan: "F*** IT I'M GOING"
he grabbed the cup he was drinking from and started walking towards the Training area
Evan: "nothing like training at 5 am in the morning"
as he marched to the training area he went past a young girl who was crying.
he stopped and turned around he walked over to her
Evan: "hey, whats wrong?"
Girl: "i can't find my dormatory"
Evan: "well which dorm are you in"
Girl: "dorm 149"
Evan: "oh so your a candidate?"
Girl: "yes, *sniffs* but i failed my Seed test... and its just been a really bad month"
Evan: "hey dont worry about it, after all there is always someone worse off than yourself"
Girl: "really like who"
Evan: "me"
Girls: "*sniffs* why is that mister?"
Evan: "i nearly got kicked out of garden, and my hometown was destroyed"
Girl: "why were you nearly kicked out of garden?"
Evan: "i threatened Cid"
Girl: "oh ok then"
Sarah: "there you are"
Evan: "sarah?!? what are you doing up at this time?"
Sarah: "im looking after this little one"
Evan: "haha, your doing a pritty bad job"
Sarah: "i know, hehe, she isn't very fast and when i was takeing her back to her dorm she got lost in the Library and i haven't been able to find her"
Girl: "miss Sarah, do you know him"
Sarah: "yes, he's the boy i was telling you about"
Girl: "the one who is takeing you to the ball"
Sarah: "yes"
Girl: "hey mister, she really likes you"
Sarah let out a little Giggle in embarrisement, and evan crouched down next to the girl and whispered in her ear
Evan: "i know she does, thats why im takeing her to the ball"
the little girl laffed
Sarah: "come on trouble lets get you to bed, and you better come to my dorm on time tomoro night"
Evan: "well it's actually tonight, it's five in the morning"
Sarah: "hehe, i better get her to bed then"
Evan: "yea you do that, and i'll see you tomoro"
Sarah: "tonight"
Evan: "yea ok tonight"
evan turned and started walking towards the training area smileing when he heard the girl say
Girl: "he is really nice"
but shamefully he didn't get to hear what sarah said back to her, and when he finnally arrived at the training area he started to cut down Grats one by one.
It was exactly three in the morning when Beccalyn was aroused from her sleep. Her eyelids still heavy from just a few hours slumber, she rubbed at them gently until she could keep them open without having to blink every second. The entire room was enveloped in darkness except for a tiny night-light that barely illuminated a meter. It was enough, however, since her sight was already adjusted to the near pitch blackness. She glanced at the blinds covered window and noticed that not a bit of moonlight pierced through as it usually did.

Cloudy skies. She sighed softly.

After folding uncovering herself of the three layered blankets she swung her legs out of bed and to the floor without so much as making a floor board squeak. Training had become second nature, even to her amusement, but then anyone could move about in the dark without making a sound if barefooted. . .and bare legged. A sudden chill shook her body as she remembered that a white t-shirt and a dark-blue g-string were the only things she had on. As she embraced herself for warmth, she could not help but examine her room mate, who was sleeping peacefully. Beccalyn nearly doubled over when she noticed that Luana, despite how much more clothing she was wearing (the usual t-shirt and PJs), had tossed and turned in bed so much that a little something was exposed as a result.

With her intermediate level of training in the field of assassination, she carefully unrolled Luana's shirt to cover her chest and belly. Lastly, she placed the sheets over her. She hadn't stirred during the entire process.

Beccalyn abandoned her slumbering roommate and proceeded to the bathroom. She fumbled in the pitch black until her fingers felt the switch and flipped them on. She squinted momentarily as the bathroom fan and lights lit up brightly, almost disorienting her. With haste she gurgled with warm water for freshness, and then finished up with washing her face.

This was what she could recount before swearing she saw a shadow creep behind her. Through the reflection of the mirror a distinctive black blur eluded her sight.

"Luana?" She whispered loudly while patting her face dry.

No response, and neither would Beccalyn react any further. She needed sleep more than anything now. Clearly, she thought, she had begun hallucinating.
The dormitory area was bustling with students and the air was filled with bemusement; something had them rattled. Enigma raised an eyebrow and carried about his business, selfishly he just wantd to sort out his own problems.
"What the hell..." The dorms were different. The numbers on all of the doors had been turned upside down. Every single one. That settled it, something strange was going on.

Enigma managed to decipher the upside down dorm numbers, it wasn't difficult, and found himself at Becca's and Luana's; the door was slightly ajar.
"I really shouldn't...What the hell." He poked his head around the corner to see the dorm in a bit of state. Clothes everywhere and curtains ruffled.
There was no sign of Becca anywhere, always an early bird. Luana on the other hand was still in bed, with a very distressed look on her face. She was clearly a restless sleeper, her PJ's were twisted and slightly pulled down.
"That's weird, Becca wouldn't have left her in that state. She's like her carer sometimes!"

Enigma quickly dismissed any uncomfortable thoughts and closed the door quietly so not to wake Luana. He rubbed his face with both hands and released a puff of air. Thank god he had a relatively eventless day up ahead; yet the training ground appealed to him.
"No doubt Evan will be there by now, taking his frustrations out on anything that moves. Maybe that's where Becca went."
Sometimes the sheer size of Balamb Garden proved to be a hinderance. It was such a mammoth treck from the dorms to the training centre, yet he felt rusty and in need for sharpening up.

He trapsed through the corridors slowly and gazed up through the glass roof. The sun was in view, but something was different. Only something slight though. Enigma often annoyed himself for over analysing every little thing in his life, but it didn't stop him from doing so. The blazing sun seemed to be a soft red rather than a warm fiery orange. How odd.
"Hmph, maybe it's a bad omen. Ha ha.....ha" Not something he wanted to joke about really, especially after the strange occurances of the previous night. What Enigma didn't know, was that he wasn't simply over analysing everything. The sun was a pale red. The reason however, was unclear.
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The sun was just coming out and Cole still sat there in the cafeteria. Many people, student and SeeD alike were coming in an out for their breakfast, and maybe some coffie.
"Well look who's here."
The voice came from behind him. It was one of the other instructors; one that he had never really knew, but saw all the time walking around the garden. He had a big smile on his face as he looked Cole over.
"You look like hell. So the word is you are an instructor now."
Cole kept his eyes one the table in front of him, trying to avoid eye contact.
"So what was it that got the Great Cole Redding to settle down back in the garden?"
"I was given a choice of either becoming an instructor or leaving on another mission yesterday."
"Ha. What a choice. Well it looks like Quistis was the one to win the bet."
"What bet?"
"Oh some of the staff had a bet on how long it would take you to give in."
"So that's why Xu was being so persistant."
"Oh no. Xu would have nothing to do with it. Well I better get in line to get my food. I'll see you around Cole."
'Now I really do need to talk to Xu.'
Cole got up and headed out of the cafeteria.
Evan was cutting down Grats like they were small flowers he had no difficulty with these creatures and didn't really care the amounts they came out in, then he was jumped by a pair of T-rexaurs,
Evan: "dammit!"
he lept backwards and then summoned Diablo, who materialized looked at the two T-rexaurs and knew exactly what he had to do, diablo grabbed one of the T-rexaurs by the head and slammed it off the floor 4 or 5 times whilst Evan started cutting down the other.
Diablo eventually ripped the head off of the Rex he was fighting and so he threw the severed head at the other, the remaining rex was shocked into stumbling back giving Evan the chance to decapitate it, which he did,
Evan: "good work"
Diablo: "thanks"
Evan: "your dismissed"
Diablo vanished and evan went to the cafeteria for some breakfast.
Enigma arrived to the sound of roaring T-Rexaurs, this sound quickly subsided. He ventured further into the facility, following the trail of mutilated Grats and headless T-Rexaurs.
"Well someone certainly knows what they're doing." The monsters in the training centre varied. Some were incredibly weak, whilst others were far from it.
Unfortunately for him, the monsters had seemingly been decimated by the person who visited previous to Enigma.
"Great, no training for me then. Supe...." He was cut off by a strange sight. Around the corner were a group of Bite Bugs and Grats, beating the hell out of each other and anything they laid their beady eyes on. As if someone had cast berserk on them and just left them.
"Wait a minute. I wonder if that weird red sun has anything to do with it? Nah! You're talking crazy, man!"
What was happening in Enigma's head was anybodies guess, he seemed so frazzled lately; so much was happening.

The monsters had clocked onto Enigma and were heading in his direction, at speed. The looked vicious, possessed almost. However, their new found crazy streak didn't compensate for their general weakness; especially the Bite Bugs. Enigma cut them down with ease but continued to backtrack, knowing he could be a sitting duck if he remained still.
"Nuts to this! If I run into a T-Rexaur in this kind of state, I could be in serious trouble."

He emerged from the man made jungle and felt the atmosphere lighten. There was an odd feeling in that place, a feeling of discomfort and danger.
"I hope no one goes in here for a while, they're getting worse by the looks of it."

Time was ticking and Enigma was still dateless. He tried to act nonchalant, he wasn't desperate by any means. Or course not. He caught a glimpse of himself in the highly polished windows of the quad.
"Come on, who wouldn't want to go with me. Look at me! You handsome devil you!"
From the distance Enigma thought he heard someone shout "HA!" Maybe that ever present voice in his head was back.
Evan was sat in the cafeteria thinking about his encounters in the training area
Evan: "wait a second they don't travel in packs"
evan lept up left his cup of Tea on the table and sprinted towards the training area, upon arrivel he was surrounded by Grats
Evan: "please you guys think your good enought to contend with me"
Evan ran at one of the grats and cut it in half he then went on a rampage and killed the rest of them leaving nothing but decimated bodies.
he was breathing heavily when he looked at his watch
Evan: "all this training and it's only 10 a.m"
OOC: sorry. I had acctually forgot this over other things.
among them, was taht I got a visitor ^^
As Al was about to enter the cafeteria, when he was rushed by Evan.

"well then, he was in a hurry" Al thoguht to himself as he got a cup of coffe

"hmm...If howl didnt make that sound today, then what did." he started to think about the wierd shreek that awoke him.
he thought it was howl, but it was obvioustly not.

though, in his train of thoughts, he jsut sat there, sipping his bitter coffe
As he woke up from his bed, Arthvader realized that his clock read 10:00 a.m..

'WHAT!! I've been asleep for this long!?'

As he quickly got dressed, Arthvader headed towards the training area to continue his training. There, he fought against several T-Rexarus in a row. Sure, battling a group of them is a bad idea, but, Arthvader can handle such a situation such as this, as he quickly called Gilgamesh out to help out.

Arthvader "You ready for some training, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh "Yeah, Arthvader. Anyways, who are we practicing with today?"

Arthvader "It's not who, but it's what we're facing. look behind you."

Gilgamesh then turned behind, only to see 3 T-Rexsaurs in a group. He then quickly turned back towards Arthvader.

Gilgamesh "So, that's what we're going to face? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!??"

Arthvader "Hey, do you want training or what? I called you out for you to practice your skills, ok."

Gilgamesh "ok, ok. I get the picture. Anyways, this is the perfect time for me to try out the new weapon Odin gave me."

Arthvader and Gilgamesh then charged towards the T-Rexsaurs.
evan saw Arth and Gilgamesh charging at 3 T-rexaurs, and started smiling, he then called Diablo
Diablo: "hello Evan, training area again?"
Evan: "yea i thought you might want to help out your old friend Gilgamesh"
Evan pointed at Arth and gilgamesh charging at the t-rexaurs, diablo's face became very seriose as he flew at the third rex, he grabbed it by the head and slammed it into a wall,he then held it there left handed and was punching it with his right hand, he then formed a ball of black matter in his hand and slammed it into the rexaur causing an Explosion and when the smoke cleared Diablo was stood next to a gap in the wall
Diablo: "i'll leave the other two for them"
As they started to attack, Arthvade and Gilgamesh saw Diablo coming out of nowhere and took one of the T-Rexsaurs out.

Arthvader "Whoa, Where did he come from!?"

Gilgamesh "Arthvader, Evan's here."

Arthvader "Oh, so he is here. Hey there Evan. Gilgamesh, let's take care of these two now."

Arthvader started swinging his sword towards the legs of the first T-Rexaurs. At the same time, Gilgamesh went with attacking the second T-Rexaurs at the chest. The first T-Rexaurs managed to dodge Arthvader's attack, and followed up by trying to eat him, only for him to be caught in one of Arthvader's attack, in which he sent a vertical slash with his sword, slicing the T-Rexaurs through the mouth, killing it. As for the second T-Rexarus, it was cut through by Gilgamesh's new sword.

Gilgamesh "Arthvader, You call this training? These guys are easy now that I have this new sword now. Call me whenever you can find somewhere else that we can train at."

And with that, Gilgamesh vanished. Arthvader then headed towards Evan.

Arthvader "Thanks for the assist, Evan. Is there anything that you need?"
evan turned to look at the hole that diablo made
Evan: "hey arth its okay, don't need any help at the moment, i'm just trying to figure out why the Creatures are travelling in packs."
diablo walked back over to evan "was that really neccassery it was only a T-rexaur" Evan asked diablo "no but it felt like a good idea at the time" Diablo replyed
Evan: "dismissed"
Diablo: "cya soon"
Diablo transformed into 1000 little bats and then dissapeared, evan the walked further into the training area, and stumbled accross a Preagnant T-rexaur
Evan: "what the F***"
evan summoned Diablo as a group of 5 T-rexaurs who looked like over protective daddies ran at him
Evan: "i think i might need your help"
Diablo: "what for this time"
Evan: "them"
evan pointed at the T-rexaurs as he un-sheathed his sword. he then ran at one and decapitated it and Diablo grabbed one by the face and slammed a ball of dark matter off it's head causing a fatal explosion. as the dust settled there were 3 rexaurs left and both Evan and Diablo were still standing. evan looked over at the Pregnant T-rexaur and thought to himself "normally Cid would have announced the T-rexaur mateing season and only lets the strongest Seed members and Instructers into the training area to stop the overflow of T-rexaurs in the Training area."
Staring at his reflection in anything and everything shiny was passing the time brilliantly, but even he couldn't do it all day.
From above him, the crackle of the loudspeaker could be heard, signaling a speach from Headmaster Cid no doubt.

" I on? Oh! Good!
Good afternoon people, this is your headmaster. As most of you know, tonight is the customary SeeD ball; and yours truly will be attending of course. Initially this was scheduled for 8pm. However, thanks to a few contacts of mine, we now have a fabulous meal prepared for you. This means we will be starting slightly earlier. 2 hours earlier to be exact! Be there at 6pm sharp please. Tables have been arranged and there is no seating plan of course. That is all.....Thank god for that, I hate talking over that piece of shit. Especially to these bunch of......It's still on isn't it....Only joking everyone! Ha ha ha....ha."

The loudspeaker clicked off after Cid made a spectacle of himself. 6pm now, outstanding. At least there was a meal for them now, nice touch.
Enigma's main aim of the night was to not get completely drunk and make a fool of himself; the last thing he needed was a reputation.

The time had just passed 1.00pm, leaving only 5 hourse left to get himself ready and to the actual ball itself.
"So much for me getting a date. I may aswell just go with Howl. I doubt Al would let me borrow it though." Mocking himself was the only way he could relieve stress in a backwards kind of way.

All the time Enigma had been listening to the loudspeaker, he could not hear the hellish noises coming from the training centre.
"What the hell is going on in there? Looks like I got out at the right time."
Usually he would have dismissed the noises, but the Garden Masters were out in force and it was usually rare to see just one; let alone a group of them.
"Something funny's going on. I wonder what it is..."
Al had been thinking of stuff, and dozed off as ghe gazed in the sworling coffe..

zzz- ZNORK!
he awoke to a crackling sound

" I on? Oh! Good!
Good afternoon people, this is your headmaster. As most of you know, tonight is the customary SeeD ball; and yours truly will be attending of course. Initially this was scheduled for 8pm. However, thanks to a few contacts of mine, we now have a fabulous meal prepared for you. This means we will be starting slightly earlier. 2 hours earlier to be exact! Be there at 6pm sharp please. Tables have been arranged and there is no seating plan of course. That is all.....Thank god for that, I hate talking over that piece of shit. Especially to these bunch of......It's still on isn't it....Only joking everyone! Ha ha ha....ha."

"nide move dude" Al sorta said towards the speaker, allthough, he knew that Cid didnt hear him.
"lesse here... 1PM. so, what to do for 4 hours?" yes, it was 5 hours till the ball. though, he thought an hour was more then ehough to shower, and make himself ready for the ball.

ge took a sip of the coffe.
"blerk. cold coffe" indeed, it was a few hours since he got it, any beverage would have lost its temperature.

"so.. now what" he started thinking as he walked from the table
"what to do for the next hours"

there was not teally mutch to do, there was not enough time to go to the town, so he had to hang around in Garden untill the time neared.

"aww. this place can be so boring" he muttered as he exited the cafeteria
Jimmy stood in the quad area for a long time and eventually he fell asleep, he had a bad nightmare...he dreamt that he had went to the ball with no pair and that he had to dance with the cafeteria lady, it was a very scary dream.

Waking up with the annoucement from Headmaster Cid, Jimmy decided to headback to his dorm hoping not to find Enigma who would most likely laugh at him for being rejected by Xu.

"DARN IT! I just lost a lot of cool points...and now i have to find an emergency pair hummm..who could i ask? It can't be an ugly chick, let's see who do i have on my list hmmmmmmm....ohhhhhhh i know i know i'll ask that girl from the library i have nothing to lose!"

Filling himself with hope Jimmy headed to the library to see if he could find the hot librarian, as soon as he walked in he spotted her she had light brown hair and a small tan, her eyes were green and she used glasses which made her look like a naughty library girl.

Jimmy did not know her very well and he only talked to her when he wanted to find a book, but she was the same age as him and she seemed to be a really nice girl...silently aproaching he did not lose any time and went straight to the point...

"HI SARAH!!!!!!! Ahh....i was wondering if you don't have a date...if you would...perhaps like to come to the ball with me?"

Sarah was surprised to see Jimmy inviting her she was even more surprised with the fact that he started screaming inside a library.

Sarah:"Shhhhhh...Jimmy you can't scream inside here you know that don't you?"

Jimmy recognized she was right but it was in his nature to talk loud, he then decided to make up a corny line.

"Sorry Sarah it's just that i was so worried that you might have already had a pair and...i really wanted you to come with me cause you're so nice and all that."

Despite Jimmys babbling he was able to make Sarah blush and she accepted his invitation for the ball.

Sarah:"Ok Jimmy i'll go with you meet me in dorm 126 in about 3 hours ok?"

Sarah kissed Jimmy on the cheek and left, he knew he had hit the jackpot and was going with one of the best looking girls in the entire Garden.

"Ehehehe wait till Enigma hears this he will be jealous and i will regain my social status once again!!!!!!!"

He quickly sprinted back to his dorm to get ready for the ball.

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The overwhelming need for a date had passed as Enigma thought it would make more of a statement if he went solo. Not that he had a choice on the matter.
Talking to various friends and partaking in a few games of Triple Triad, Enigma had whittled away 3 hours and it was now 4pm. Supposedly time flies when you've got nothing to do but mope.
"I best get ready. Gotta be looking at my delicious best tonight."

His dorm was already unlocked and had music blaring out of the doorway. Jimmy was back and had a huge grin on his face. Enigma put two and two together and realised that he had a date.
"So has Xu changed her mind then?" Not knowing it was Sarah from the library, Enigma was stunned at the prospect of Jimmy going with Xu. Well, no so much stunned as he was jealous.

For this event, the SeeD's had been provided with specially embroidered SeeD uniforms. They were a cross between suits and uniform. Strange really. Hastily, Enigma had changed and was now taking utmost care over his prized possession. His hair.
The finishing touch was nothing to do with appearance. He had decided to take his Sai in the event of something happening.
"Strange things have been happening and I don't wanna be unprepared. I've got a horrible feeling."

The look of anxiety showed on his face, even if he didn't consciously feel it. It was hard to relax when so many things were changing.
"Jimmy, I might be going crazy, but have you noticed things have been a bit...odd; the last day or so?"
Enigma preyed Jimmy felt the same way and it wasn't just him loosing what was left of his mind.
Now the time was 5pm, and the ball was approaching.
After Dispatching with the remaining 3 male T-rexaurs Evan looked at his watch and saw the time
Evan: "Shit!! it's 4. this is takeing longer than expected"
Diablo: "whats wrong evan, you tired?"
Evan: "nope, i could do this all day, but sadly i can't coz i have the Seed ball"
Diablo: "i can handle the pregnant T-rexaur alone if you wanna go get ready"
Evan: "what and leave you to have all the fun. i don't think so"
evan ran at the female and slashed her leg but her hide was thicker than the male hide because she was pregnant the female then went to bite off evan's head in retaliation but he managed to get his arm in the way, causing the female to sink her teeth into his arm.
Evan: "AAARRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Diablo unleashed his dark matter attack knocking the female off of evan, evan dropped to one knee and looked at the female when a garden master walked past him and towards the female.
Garden master: "Ex-instructor evan i shall handle this"
Evan: "no, she is mine"
the garden master held out his arm and pointed the palm of his hand at the female rexaur
Garden master: "HOLY"
a giant beam of white light shot from the garden masters hand and hit the female rexaur destoying her and leaving nothing behind.
evan dropped to his knee's in shock "such power" he muttered diablo turned into 1000 bats and dissaoeared and the garden master escorted Evan to have his arm looked at by the garden nurse and after she had bandeged his arm up he went back to his dorm to start getting ready, when he notied a text message from his date.
hey evan come to dorm at half 5, and member its dorm 25, cya

evan looked at his watch and saw that it was quater to 5
Evan: "SHIT!!"
evan ran about his dorm searching for his uniform, after finding it in his wardrobe he put it neatly on his bed, he then puled of the bandage on his arm and jumped in the shower he washed his hair his body then his hair again, he made sure to get all the blood off of himself he then leapt out of the shower dryed himself off and got into his uniform, he then styled his hair and washed off all the hair styling product off his hands. he looked at his watch again.
Evan: "quater past 5."
evan ran out his dorm and to the dorm of his date sarah, he knocked on the door and waited for her to come to the door, she opened the door in her outfit for the night with her hair ready.
Sarah: "hey evan,"
Evan: "wow!"
Sarah: "whats rong ?"
Evan: "nothing you look gorjus"
Sarah: "thank you"
evan kissed her cheeck and then held his arm out to escort her to the ball, she linked arms with him then they started walking, evan herd Sarah's dorm door open and he turned around to see the rest of his fan club looking at him and Sarah. he smiled and said
Evan: "i guess they helped you get ready"
Sarah: "they also toldd me not to kiss you"
evan: "haha okay then"
evan and sarah continued their walk to the hall were the ball was being held.
Al was randimly walking around.
Untill he randomly looked at his clock.

"its 4 already. Id better go back and get ready"

he walked back to dorm 128 faster then usual.

As he arrived, he entered, to find a embroidered SeeD uniform lying on his bed

"oh, so this is it. eyh" he said to himself.
He took a quick shower, drying himself of good,
especially his hair.
if not dryed ehough, it will take ages to dry.

He combed it, put it in a braided facion, as where the rules.
He put on the new uniform.

"hey. this has a good feel to it"
This was not made of thte notmal 'wear & tear' material, this had a classier feel to it.
more smooth.
And since Al didnt have anything better to wear, he used this.-

After he thought he looked presentable, he exited, heading towards dorm 241.
Only to be stopped around the corner.

Lucy came to him, wearing a gorgeous light dress.

*o_O* "wha" was all that Al was able to get out.
"why thank you, Al" she replied,
"um.. er.. *cough* I mean.. You look gorgeous"
"yeah. I guessed that" she smiled back
"well then.. shal we" Al said as he lifted his elbow, inviting her to hold on
"shure thing" she smiled back

And they whent towards the Ball area
Upon hearing Enigma question Jimmy wondered if he was serious but his look seemed serious enough...

"Hmm...strange things? Well i suppose that the fact that Xu did not accept my invitation is strange...apart from that everything seems normal to me, relax dude i bet you're just anxious about the party!!!! So did you find a pair to go with you?"

Jimmy wondered if Enigma did not find any date and if that was the reason why he looked so strange...