Balamb Garden

((OOC: I'll just assume that the rest of you made it to the cars at some point. You can choose to be with Luana or to be in another vehicle; I don't mind.))

Luana climbed into the nearest vehicle, not really caring who else had boarded in it. As she sat down, she leaned back with her hands behind her head, her legs crossed and her foot tapping an unheard beat in mid-air.

As a few more students took up the remaining seats, the engine started and there was movement. The driver was pulling out of the lot and heading over to the docks at Balamb. Luana tugged at the 'collar', as she's calling it.

"...the next thing you know, they'll be attaching bells to these things and calling us with a can of tuna," she muttered. She didn't really care if anyone else heard her, she just felt it needed to be said. Out of nothing better to do, she fitted the ear piece where it belonged, humming to herself. These rides were always boring for her if she wasn't driving.
OOC: ok.. im sorry for this. I will NOT choose the teams. say we go in 2 or 3 man teams. and you choose yourselves.

As Al entered the leftmost ship.
An instructor stated.

"please. enter the ships. the teams will be chosen by yourselves. this will be used as a test, to test your judgement in pre-battle situations. Please try to take someone that do not have the same skills as yourselves. as that will dont do too good. Try to take someone with you, that has different skills, that may work for your advantage. You will go in a 2 or 3 man formation. Students, MUST have ONE or more instructors or SeeD members with you. This is just a safety precaution. Now. enter, and choose wisely"

Al didnt think of it too mutch. he sat down, and scratched Howl on the neck
"well. we will see how this goes.. eyh?" he said to her.

After all. Al didnt know any of the others that well. but he hoped to get one that where good, and not an arse. since the world had too many of them already

As he looked around, he noticed that all seats had a dossier, he then noticed his own seat had one as well.
he took it. opened it. and read..

It contained basic information on all the SeeD members, and candidates.
Name, picture, combat weapon and basic style. Special skills.

"well. this will aid in the team making" Al said to himself.

OOC: OK. here is the deal. your characters will choose one or more persons to be in theyre team. thought you must ASK that character. if She/he wants to, they might already have a team mate, or some skills/Ideas you dont.

here. ill make it easier for you. here is a list of skills, and names. might help

- Al'umar (Red Fox)
|- Manipulate light. can go undetected. WITH Howl. he can get information from the heights of the sky. [Good for infiltration & information gathering]

- Evan (Black-rose-2k7)
|- GF summoner. [Good for battle]

-Enigma (Damo)
|- Can go invisible. [good for infiltration]

-Arthvader (Arthvader)
|- hand-to-hand combat, sword actions [good for battle]

-Beccalyn Winsted (Vegnya)
|-Calvary (Ninety-Nine-Knights) [Combat]

-Luana Nightingale (Shenorai)
- Polearms use and transportation [Combat/Driver]

-Jimmy (Jimmy)
-High evasion and dexterity, good reflexes, special martial artist. [combat]
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Jimmy quickly rushed inside the same vehicle that Instructor Xu had entered and sat by her side.

Jimmy:"Ahhh...can...i seat here Intructor Xu?"

Xu:"Why of course you can Jimmy!!! So how does it feel to enter your first mission?"

Jimmy:"Well Instructor Zell and you taught me everything i need to know so i think i can handle the pressure!"

Xu:"Guess what you will be teaming with me and Zell after all we are your instructors!"

Jimmy:"COOL!!!! I mean...i would be honoured."

Zell:"Just don't forget to make the cool pose we practiced for the victory dance!!!"

After Al had red this dossier. well. he didnt read it all. he where just skimming through it.

he sat there. Wondering on what type of teammate he should have.
He himself where a spell user. and perhaps Swords as well. but He tended to use his magic more then the sword.
so. He would then be needing a Fighter, to balance him out.

As Al sat there, thinkign about this. more people where entering the ships. and doing theire stuff
Beccalyn frowned at her misfortune.

Of all the people they called in. . .

She wanted so much to hold Luana's hand, desperate to cling to her female companion in hopes of diverting attention from herself. The roster was a lively bunch. Too lively. It was as if fate conspired against the brunette.

Damon, Jimmy, Evan, Zell.

Beccalyn could only hold back her disgust for so long. It never occurred to her that Headmaster Cid was against the equalization between the sexes. This was unforgivable! Strangely, Luana was silent on that matter. In fact, for most of the trek, her mouth remained shut. It was just like her room mate to reserve herself, saving up for the mission. Beccalyn almost envied the warrior, who would most likely become a SeeD before her.

"Can I please stay with you?" Beccalyn whined as she clinged to the tanned beauty, playfully bouncing herself against Luana's magnificent curves. "Those guys scare me."
The car Enigma was in, contained only him. Solitary confinement on wheels. Joyous. Evan, Jimmy and Al all practically burst a lung to get to the first cars. They were desperate to kick this mission off as soon as possible. Enigma, on the other hand, was composing himself. This just wasn't a mission they were all used too. How often were most SeeD's required to work together? Rarely, was the answer.

The warm smell of rubber filled Enigma's lungs as the car sped around Balamb, arriving at the docks. The driver had little respect for Balamb Garden property. Maybe he was a Galbadian! Ha! Not really that funny actually...
The black tinted windows made Enigma feel important, yet cut off from the outside world; a strange, uncomfortable feeling. In one flowing motion, he opened the door and stepped out onto the dusty graveled floor.
The sunlight bounced off of the water, onto the dated ships provided by the Garden.

*Well, Balamb Garden sure don't spare any cost, do they.*

The ships were faded black, near on grey now. It was clear to see these had been used countless times, and were not quite ready to retire. One was swaying side to side slightly. Undoubtedly it was the ship containing Jimmy and Zell. What a mixture of personalities. To Enigma's knowledge, Luana and Beccalyn had not arrived. Neither had Damon and a couple of SeeD candidates.

*Perhaps I should wait for them. I wouldn't want to disturb Beccalyn and Luana though! That would be suicide for sure."

To kill time, and countless amount of flies, Enigma began spinning his Sai around. A great method of relaxation and a brilliant way of improving dexterity; Enigma always found time to practice. His eyes squinted for focus and his feet moved quickly. The agility he possesed could only benefit the group, but meant nothing if the skills weren't sharp.
In a typically flowing, suave motion, he spun the sai around and holstered them; one beside each leg. A draw point flickered gently over by the water, catching Enigma's attention. Approaching it, he realised it contained cure. A basic spell, with a plethora of uses.

*I had better stock up on these. If the worst comes to the worst and everything...*

Enigma was growing impatient. They couldn't leave until everybody had arrived of course. The time was now 1.46 p.m; early afternoon. The heat was scorching, only amplifying the discomfort of the SeeD uniform.
From around the corner, the feint sound of an engine could be heard.

*Please be Luana and Beccalyn! I wanna get this going...*
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Evan looked at jimmy after he had entered the ship that contained him,zell and Xu
Evan: "so we get him"

Xu: "yes is there a problem with that?"

Evan: "no i love goin on dangerose missions with people who have no battle experience, it gives me a chance to look better"

Xu: "good"

Evan: "hey jimmy you better be ready for this coz i dont feel like babysitting"

Upon hearing Evans comment Jimmy started to boil over but since Instructor Xu had defended him he calmed down...

Jimmy:"Once we reach the battlefield you'll see just how good i am...and who are you again? Ohh yeah you're that new instructor who flirts with little girls to see if they want your autograph."


Jimmy:"But if you don't want to baby seat me then you can also join another crew nobody is holding you back, or better yet you could just go alone!!!!!"

Jimmy then got up and decided to check the upper part of the ship he picked true a window and saw Enigma standing on the he decided to call him out.


Jimmy spoke too loudly as people over the town looked at him with a sinister look, one man even screamed for him to shut up...

Xu:"Jimmy you need to control your voice tone, although it battle it might be useful to scare your opponents!!!"

Jimmy:"Sorry instructor..."

Al just sat there. Flopping through the dossier, looking at various combat styles.
He could not quite decide who to team up with. Though, some where out of the question. Enigma, had somewhat similar skills to himself, going invisible. Al could do this himself. So they where too alike.

Perhaps with a Student. Since he had some experience, he might be a good 'tutor' of sorts. But then again. That would require him to take care of someone.

Al sat there. thinking like this. untill he thought

"fuck it. Ill take it as it comes let them come to me" He really didnt really care who was his team mate, as long as they could plan ahead.
Still, he hoped for a combat person, since this would make it a better team.
after looking at his current team mates who were the people on his transport
Evan: "oh sod it, im not gon with you guys"
Xu: "why not?"
Evan: "i cant be arsed to baby sit"
evan looked at the dossier that he had been sat on after scanning throught the pages he notice that Al a stealth user might be a good team mate for him considering his battle standards were good so he pulled out his fone and opened the new Text message screen
Hey al It's instructor evan are you goin on this mission, well considering your in the dossery you probly are, anyway you wanna be my team mate coz i need someone of stealth capability to go with my gopod battle skills? txt bac evan
evans phone then beeped to confirm that the text message had been sent
OOC: o....k... I then take it that we have Cell phones..
if you don't remember, we all got radio equipment from Cid. I linked to it in teh speech that Cid made. But ok I can say that I forgot to leave my Cell back at my dorm, and got the SMS.
As Al put down the Dossier, His phone vibrated. He rarely had the sound on, since he sometimes got a message in class as he was a student. and it jsut became a habit.
"wha? I thought I left it back at the dorm.." he somewhat muttered to himself

He took it up, and red:
"Hey Al It's instructor Evan are you goin on this mission, well considering your in the dossery you probly are, anyway you wanna be my team mate coz i need someone of stealth capability to go with my good battle skills? txt bac Evan"

Al flipped up the Dossier.
"evan... evan.... oh, there he is" he thought as he was skimming the pages, looking for his name.

"Hmm. GF summoner. here we have a battle specialist.. SeeD instructor. there we go. lets see here... "
"Diablo, Carbuncke.. Cerberus?. Doomtrain?? hey. this works fine"

Al, a little happy that he would have a combat team mate, flipped up his Cell. and Texted back

"Al here, I see ur a GF summoner. Id be glad to be ur teammate.. Im in the leftmost ship at the docks... Al" He sent it back to Evan. and was hoping not only that his newfound teammate would be good. but also, now he would have a first hand demonstration of the GF's
Damon realised he had no partner and wondered for a while if he gets assigned one upon arrival or if he has to pick someone, he decided to wait for someone to call him, besides he was too confused by phones

Damon: damn am I bored, and no-one to talk to......
Enigma chuckled, Jimmy was always so hyperactive. The enthusiasm of that boy was nothing short of amazing. Near the doorway of the ship Jimmy occupied stood Evan. A very disgruntled looking Evan. Enigma knew that look; he had just been properly introduced to Jimmy.

*I may as well go with Jimmy, it doesn't look Evan can stick it out!*

He approached the ship and slid past Evan who was engrosed in his phone. "S'cuse me." The interior of the ship was plain and lacked character. It was reminiscent of a paper bag. Zell was sparing with himself in the corner, Xu was looking cute as ever and was reading the dossier and Jimmy was, as always, transfixed on Xu.
Enigma clicked in front of Jimmy's face, trying to break his trance.
"Oi! Hello! JIMMY!" Pointless. Jimmy was long gone in a world of birds chirping, green grass and scantaly clad versions of Xu. Actually, thinking about it, that wasn't a bad world.

The water was rough and rocking the boat from side to side. Not the best feeling Enigma had ever experienced. Everyone else was keeping busy in their own way and looked fine, so he took it upon himself to do the same. The latch leading to the top of the boat was open, tempting Enigma towards it. Without a thought, he clambered up the ladder and emerged out of the hatch, back into broad daylight.
Enigma's view was composed mainly of the ocean, it was breathtaking. Somewhere over the horizon was their next destination...

*I can't wait...*
Evan's fone started vibrating in his pocket, so he pulled it out and checked the text message "Al here, I see ur a GF summoner. Id be glad to be ur teammate.. Im in the leftmost ship at the docks... Al" evan looked at Xu as he put his phone away
Xu: "you were ment to leave that in your dorm"
Evan: "i never leave it in my dorm"
Zell: "haha neither do we but we still leave ours incase they get broken"
Evan: "if it gets broken, then i'll buy a new one after all i can afford it on my Instructors salery"
evan went out the top hatch and looked back toward the other ships as he was on the flag ship
Evan: "far left that means that one, so i will have to walk accross the beach upon arrival"
Damon: argh! I am sick of this waiting!

Damon pulled out his phone as boredome beat his inexperience and he called the first person on his list

(at this point anyone can pick to have their phone rang, first come first serve though)
OOC: @FFGuy. LOL. lazy eyh?
Well. Al was set, not only did he get a combat specialist. he got the GF summoner. And an Instructor on top of that. He would have to get to him as the ships got to the location. Though this was not problem.

"well. howl"
"It seems we get a GF summoner. so we are set" he said as he started scratching her on her neck.
Standing out of the hatch he looked to the horizon "i wonder what enamies are waiting for me and i hope i dont loose any of my GF's" Evan turns around and looks in his bag checking for what potions he had brought with him, "3 GF returns and 3 GF Hi-potions, dammit i always seem to forget potions for me"
Enigma, overhearing Evan thinking out loud, decided to share some advice; "Evan mate, there's a draw point containing Cure just outside the ship. Why don't you grab some?"
It wasn't often the two shared words, let alone advice. There was always a feeling of mutual respect between the two; never any feelings of dislike. Well, not on Enigma's part anyway.

Luana and Beccalyn were on their way and would add quality and beauty to the roster. Not that the beauty would help on the mission, but Enigma always appreciated it. It was eay to get carried away thinking about the women on this mission, especially for your everyday stereotypical 19 year old. Enigma did not prove this stereotype to be wrong in any way; he just made it his own.

Leaving Evan to cripple his thumbs via texting, Enigma began to drift off. The sound of the water rippling and crashing aganst the boats soothed him. He closed his eyes, allowing his thoughts to take over. Occasionally, his brother would be on his mind. Why wasn't he here to share this moment? Why was he taken? Why...
Startled, he opened his eyes in a state of confusion. He had nearly leant too far over the edge.

*Phew, careful man. And stop talking to yourself; it's weird.*

Hoping no one saw the one person arguement, Enigma sat on the spot, composing himself once more and gathering his thoughts. Today was a big day in all of their lives and he couldn't shake the feeling that Headmastar Cid hadn't revealed all.
evan looked outside the ship for the draw point saw it and used it
Evan: "thanks enigma"
evan went into the cabin and lay on 3 seats sat next to each other he shut his eyes and began to doze off thinking about the upcoming mission
Luana gave her roommate a nod and a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Becca, I won't let you out of my sights. Besides, we can show those guys how great Girl Power can be!" she beamed with an enthusiastic fist in the air.

What spirit she had! Although she looked a little silly, Luana would go out of her way to cheer up Beccalyn. After all, her roommate was like the sister she never had. Fun to tease at times sure, but this was not a time for mischief.

...well...until the boys came into view, at least.

Once the girls arrived at the docks and boarded a ship together, Luana was already batting her eyes and blowing kisses at any boy that turned his head her way. She made sure to put extra work into her steps, purposely attempting to allure perverted eyes towards her well-rounded rear. Her snugly-fit pants seemed to accentuate the curves. So much for not letting Beccalyn out of her sights.