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Iller than Radiation
Jan 15, 2007
Ellen Stone
FFXIV Server
Have you ever been banned from a website for a bullshit reason? If this isn't in the appropriate section, then inform me.
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I think one of those class ass fucks used my e-mail to sign up there and resulted in getting themselves banned because I tried to sign up there the other day and it said my e-mail address had been banned. I don't get it at all and when I tried to contact to administrator, the page couldn't be found. I really wanted to sign up there, but I can't and I can't even contact the admin for help either.
Hmm...both FFR and LSD now huh? Must have something against you Albel, you had to have done

And yeah, I've been banned for various reasons before from sites. No biggie though.

A christian forum for starting a topic about Iron Maiden....

Chavworld for mass trollage....

Gothscum for turning it into a blog.... for having long hair....three times....

Chavscum for *see sig yet no real reason has actually been given....

And finally my own forums, for pressing the wrong button on the Admin CP....

There are more, just can't remember :D
Albel earned his ban, contrary to his own beliefs. The proof lies within his posts which are all easily found at FFR. ^^;

Lady Aerith said:
I think one of those class ass fucks used my e-mail to sign up there and resulted in getting themselves banned because I tried to sign up there the other day and it said my e-mail address had been banned. I don't get it at all and when I tried to contact to administrator, the page couldn't be found. I really wanted to sign up there, but I can't and I can't even contact the admin for help either.

You're in luck. I'll take care of your account, LA. Just PM me your e-mail; I'll unban and delete that other account and you can come on by at your leisure. :)
So, I'm banned forever? Good. Also, tell savior he is a retard. He thinks it's neccesary to make a thread about someone as worthless as me leaving the FFR.
i actually got banned HERE before.....but i deserved it cause i completely flipped out on like 10 poeple at was immature of me.....but then the other day a certain admin here who sahall remain namelss PMed me outta the blue and threatened to ban me for telling poeple how sexy i am...i laughed at him....kinda insecure if u ask me LMFAO
lol, but seriously, I was almost unfairly banned. The only reason I care about going back is to keep telling Savior of the Damned he's a complete douche.
C'mon Jay, I'll keep it in the bitching grounds..... Give me another chance.
hey i got 1 for ya! i got banned from because 1. I "bragged" about believing in god. thats bullshit i said i believed god i didnt freaik out about it. and 2. i inslted a person and supposivly its suppose to be "private" but the guy cried to an admin and he banned me. that place sucked any way. =P i like it here wayyy better.
i never get banned but i have troubles in chocobo heaven in that forum exist a bitch called rini i hate that bitch everytime i'm in that forum she give me a hard time and she sayis that a newbie isnt a great thing but fuck her
lol, but seriously, I was almost unfairly banned. The only reason I care about going back is to keep telling Savior of the Damned he's a complete douche.
C'mon Jay, I'll keep it in the bitching grounds..... Give me another chance.


How does one achieve "almost unfair" banning? Curious, really.

You're not allowed to actually flame anyone at FFR; we actually warn people for flaming excessively in the Bitching Grounds as well. Sorry, Albel; I warned you multiple times and you chose to ignore me. You dug your own grave, now lay.

Oh, and enjoy yourself here at FFF. Try not to piss Darkblade off like you've pissed me off. ^^;
Well maybe he'll get lucky and Darkblade won't care as much about him using the N word constantly in a derogatory manner even after the global mods tell him to stop.
I think one of those class ass fucks used my e-mail to sign up there and resulted in getting themselves banned because I tried to sign up there the other day and it said my e-mail address had been banned. I don't get it at all and when I tried to contact to administrator, the page couldn't be found. I really wanted to sign up there, but I can't and I can't even contact the admin for help either.

It was MEEEEE!!!!!


No serriously though, fuck that asshole.

I did get banned from the local mall here in Tulsa, OK because I slid down the middle of the escalator.
You're not allowed to actually flame anyone at FFR; we actually warn people for flaming excessively in the Bitching Grounds as well.
Unless you're staff, or "in wif da crue".

Jay preaching about morals, decency, and fairness. I don't think I've been so entertained in... days.

Anyway, to asnwer the question, I'm banned from ACF, and some other insignifcant place that thinks it's important, whose names I can't remember.
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