Barvolde Academy: Paranormal club


Blue Mage
Jul 18, 2006
OOC: So tell me what you think. I hope that it'll become a success, and I hope that people will actually join. Plus this is a little somthing to tide over those waiting on the x-men rp

You know Barvolde Academy would be the top academy in the nation if weren't for one little club that they're helpless to shut down due to irreversible school stipulations. Why is this little school club so bad? Well, just take a look at this poster...

The Academy lies within the town of Barvolde, an almost moderately populated school. The town itself is more like a village, nestled snugly into the heavily forested New England countryside. The town is practically filled to the brim with secrets and mysteries. Most, if not all of the citizens of the town are friendly, and caring on an almost impossible level. They'd be willing to give the clothes off of their back to keep you warm, if you were ever just feeling a bit chilly.

"Do you have any special or "freaky" powers? Are you "different" from everybody else on a plane that we can't imagine? Do you know or are related who is? Or do just come in contact with a lot of weird stuff on a more than usual basis?

Then come on down to room 131 and join the paranormal club after school Monday through Friday!

Our club does more than encourage you to be yourself! We cover and explore nearly, from the metaphysical to the extraterrestrial! Got a Lycanthropy problem? We can help! Just join us in room 111 in the west hall from 2:40 to 4:40*

disclaimer- club sessions are subject to change due to both outside and inside forces ie: vampire bites, werewolf attacks, rapid shrinking of the school, alien or demon invasions, government kidnapping attempts, or epidemics of the magical and biological variety."


Ella Sustress, age 19, rank B witch, and current club leader

"So how does everybody feel about the recruitment poster? It made it myself... Ehhh, nevermind, let's just get to roll call."

"Now when I call you name, just say HERE okay?"


...Those of you that are new to the academy should know that Barvolde academy is a unisex boarding school. You should also know that this school isn't just for you high school kids either. It's a college, a middle school and an elementary school. You should also know that the grade levels are divided up into four halls, each with strict rule enforcement's in the dormitories.

North Hall - For college level students. The no drugs and alcohol policy is strictly enforced here. Most other rules though are pretty lax here.

South Hall - For middle school students. The light's out policy is strictly enforced here along with the no fighting policy. There's an occasional strange incident here, as some children begin manifesting special powers around the time of their puberty.

East Hall l- For elementary school students. Enforcement's are as strict here as they are in the south hall.

West Hall l- For high school students. The no drugs and alcohol policy is enforced even stricter than it is for college students. Rooms are subject to random checks, so be careful. It is said that bad spirits have a habit of manifesting here as a result of all the teenage angst and anxiety.

Dress code- The dress code is to be enforced at all times during the school week. Males are to wear a black blazer (With the schools insignia sewn right where the heart should be), a white dress shirt (with the optional tie), and black slacks.

Females are to wear a black sweater (with the school's insignia sewn over the chest where the heart should be), white dress shirt, black skirt, and black stockings.
There are a few things that you should know about the school. The first thing is that the academy in a cross-shaped manner. Interestingly enough, it was built and carved out of stone in the "ye olde english" style in mind. The thing about that though is that it was built by first generation american colonists... at a size way too large for the entire population, colonist local native or otherwise.

People here are a way too friendly, but etremely vague when it comes to the details of the town and the town's history. A middle-aged man who's lived town all of his life might "forget", interrupt you, ignore you, change the subject, blow you off, or let the entire convseration blow by the wayside at the slightest interruption, intrusion or distraction. Most students would normally be suspicious, a wide majority are too lazy to care. Some of the older students are beginning to act like the ordinary citizens of the town...

Like with the rest or American society, most are ignorant of the paranormal, and dismiss it as parlor tricks, looniness, hoaxes, or crackpot conspiracy theorism. The "ordinary" citizens of Barvolde dismiss anything and everything paranormal as hogwash or craziness. Thus, an interest in the paranormal or joining and participating the paranormal (openly) goes hand in hand with social ostracism (unless you're like Jeffrey Wright, who's still the target of rumors). There's a social stigma attached to the unexplaininable in this town. Most members of the paranormal club, and even the club's president will deny any involvement in the club. Rumors can spread like wildfire here so you've got to be careful.

Well now that you've got the low down on this RP, let's just get started.

There are several club position to fill, so PM me if you really want one.

Club President- Filled
Vice- President- Professor13
Spokesperson- SephCountShadow
Officer (space for four or more)-
New member-

Oh, while I'm at it, I've got to establish the rules.

No spamming
No god modding
No player killing
No short posts
No meta gaming
No flaming
Sentences have to have proper grammar and appropriate sentence structure (that means that I don't want any of the *troy walks into the room and looks at every body all angry. Troy blasts the with his super energy because cops are bad* or else it'll be bye-bye time. I am NOT asking every body to perfect, all I ask is that people make understandable posts and try for the of god to improve your role-playing skills.)
Romance is at the standard PG-13 level
Have lots and lots of fun

Here's the Bio template. Keep in mind as well that you have to write the word "Here" at the top

Name: (nicknames and aliases can also go here as well)
Appearance: (Be descriptive as you can folks. I want to know what your characters look like, and not just what they're wearing!)
Powers (if any): (for this subject, you don't even have to have powers. A simple series of paranormal experiences will do just as fine. Also keep in mind, that I do NOT want any super mega powered characters with every single power. I also don't want characters with super cliched powers or abilities. You know what i'm talking about here. Original characters with original powers and abilities are what make a good role play, and role player. Keep it simple.

Hobbies: (you know, it's what you like to do with your spare time)
Club position: (keep in mind that regardless of your position in the club, everyone is expected to complete assignments and mission determined by their skills)
History: (please, for the love of god, refrain from the "my parents were killed, so I was oprhaned and sent here for care" line. That's gotten mighty old, mighty fast. This is our time period, so if you're going to do that, come up with a reason that makes some sense.)

Well, I think that that about covers it, have fun everybody!!!
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Here and beautiful.

Name: Jeffery Wright
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Grade: College Freshman
Appearance: The proverbial “pretty boy”, his skin is perfectly smooth with the slightest hint of a tan from his natural olive complexion. His eyes are a dazzling shade of metallic blue and radiate self confidence. The rest of his face is perfectly proportioned and devoid of flaw. His body is not bulky, but lean. He is 6ft tall and weighs 145 lbs. His hair is explained below. He doesn’t wear a tie and keeps his white shirt untucked.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Powers: Jeffery has the ability to manipulate every aspect of his hair. He can cause it to grow, retract, move, and change density, texture, and color. At the academy, Jeffery never seems to have the same hairstyle twice.

Hobbies: Jeffery’s primary hobby is loving himself. Narcissistic to an almost superhuman extent, he simply doesn’t have the capability to believe that anyone could be more beautiful, graceful, elegant, or sophisticated than he is. His secondary hobbies include fashion, dancing, singing, and playing the piano. He also enjoys reaffirming his superiority to anyone that questions it.
Club position: Vice President
History: Jeffery was born into one of the wealthiest families in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">New England</st1:place> area. It was his father’s original intention to send Jeffery to the private boys boarding school he had attended as a boy. However, an incident occurred when Jeffery was five years old (we won’t go into detail, but it involved a toilet, a young boy’s discovery of his power, and a team of plumbers equipped with hedge clippers) that proved it to be impossible. Jeffery’s father was told of the <ST1:PBarvolde </ST1:PAcademy</ST1:P by his psychiatrist, and in the same week moved the family to the town of <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Barvolde</st1:place></st1:City>. Jeffery is now a freshman college student and an active member of the school ballet troupe, acting troupe, and, of course, the Paranormal Club.
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Here, Yo!

Name: Matthew Allen Xenpelar 'Max'
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Grade: 10th
Appearance: Mother nature seems to have given Max a breeze through puberty and left him smooth and fairly hairless. Not being one to rock the boat, he decided to follow the trend and keeps his dark, brown hair in a buzz cut. His face is round and pudgy, and his eyes are black and beady. Usually pulled back in a smile which tugs at his cheeks and causes him to squint.
He stands rather comfortably at a height of 4'11 and weighs an equally comfortable 162 lbs. He's not overweight and not skinny. He choose not to wear the tie, but does wear an armband that reads 'Man the Harpoons!' an inside joke he and his friends made up. (I'll take the armband out if its not acceptable)
Powers (if any): Max has the uncanny ability to be unnaturally calm in every circumstance. His upbringing heavily involved with the supernatural left him pretty unconcerned by things that would normally make people run for the hills.

Hobbies: Max enjoys watching his favorite cartoon show 'Pasta Master' and talking to his bug collection, which he regularly adds to ritualistically every friday.

History: Max was born into a very conflicted family, and managed to come out pretty centered. His father is a high-powered attorney (with commercials other New Englanders may recognize, 'Xenpelar and Rorbison the stiff arm of the law') and his mother is a self-proclaimed Gypsy (who runs a fortune telling shop on main street and organizes meetings for 'Gypsy's of the world'). His mother's meetings often brought about strange guests who would quickly turn from channeled spirit to angry polterguist and start running amok through their two story house. Mother Xenpelar claimed it the work of her rude and obnoxious, unbelieving husband. He of course refused to see any of it, and on one occasion had a priest bless the place.

Max enjoyed the zany atmosphere and often took to the newly channeled company by offering them cheetoes and an episode of his favorite show 'Pasta Master'. He attended Barvolde since he was in elementary school and was picked up by the Paranormal club when a member overheard him telling his buddies about his mom's last 'accidental' channeling of our countries 16th president Abe Lincoln.
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So those of you that sent me your bios (which is at the moment, a paltry 2 people) got approved and all that. I've also added you and your club positions on the roster as well.

I'm still awaiting people to sign up and join, the more the merrier (and less pathetic) and all that, but in the mean time, we can have a dicussion about what's going to be going on in the rp.

Does anybody have an idea for a story arc? Or should I just go with mine?
Well lets hear it, I'm sure we can come up with tangents to go on while doing the main arc.