Baten Kaitos


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 22, 2007
Ok, I guess someone probably posted a thred like this befor. I admit, i havent exactly serched for it. >_<
Anyways, i think Baten Kaitos was one of the greatest games ever made! I love the storyline, the grafix, the music, the characters and everything! Though, i havent had the time to beat it yet... *Blush*
Well a) Sure it's alright its an RPG, but its not really that good, i mean it has its moments but no, not my thing and how can you give a full opinion if you haven't completed it EARTHBOUND RULES!!!!!
Well a) Sure it's alright its an RPG, but its not really that good, i mean it has its moments but no, not my thing and how can you give a full opinion if you haven't completed it EARTHBOUND RULES!!!!!
I just want to know wat other peeps tinks of it... Im sorry... T_T But atleast ive almost finishd is, im right at the end of it.

Aeris: Savyna? I dont relly like her, her attacks arre to quick. -_-;;
I've had this game for more than two years now...I haven't completed it yet though. I'm almost done, but then I bought Fire Emblem for GameCube and focused my attention on that. =/

I really would like to finish this game though. I'll dig it up sometime from the basement and continue on with the journey.

Hmm, I can say that it's an ok game. I didn't like the character's voices...I felt like there was no emotion at all, especially from that blonde girl (forgot her name).
The voice acting was horrible in general. It sounded almost robotic in a way. Music wasn't bad or anything, and the graphics were good, but like I said...nothing special at all. Story-wise...well there was definitely a major twist towards the end. ;) And I like it. But it still kinda bored me. Just a little. =)
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Yeh, teh voiseacting is relly crappy! It sounds like their sitting in a small box just reding from a paper someone gave them 5 minutes ago. ;_;
I played Origins first in fall (much better than the first), then bought and played the original (which is chronologically second in the series). Origins only has 3 characters plus yourself (You act as a voice inside the main characters head called a spirit), which might turn people off to the game. However the lack of characters means that the 3 main characters get thoroughly developed before the game is finished, which I often don't see in any RPGs. I found characters in Origins refreshing, a very kind and optimistic (though not nieve) bunch who are welcome change from the flood of convoluted, unlikeable, or just stupid characters that fill many rpgs. I think I got into the game a little too much, I got attached to the characters so much that I spent most of the original game just trying to figure out what happened to them.

Only 2 characters from the Origins survive the ending of the game, these characters (Sagi and Milly) get married at the end of the game. In the original game (which takes nearly two decades after Origins) I searched every inch of the game for them, only to discover that they died (Imagine my grief) and that their daughter (Melodia) was the villian of the main game. It's hard to explain here, but if you play the games in chronological order the villians appear much more sympathetic than the heroes in Eternal Wings, which lead me to do as much as was possible in the game (mostly answering questions) to encourage a certain party member to join with the villians.

The Gameplay was above average (Origins better than Eternal wings) and the voice-acting much better in Origins. However what set this game apart from others I have played recently was the personal experience I had with it, mainly the way the game manages to insert the player into the game.

I agree, Eternal wings was not that good, the plot was cliche, the voice acting horrible, and most of the characters were too self-involved to be interesting let alone likeable, but Origins is the exact the opposite. Origins had a plot that revolved around politics (the heroes and villians work for the same government) and characters who choose to support their causes rather than being forced to by circumstance like many Rpgs. The voice-actors in Origins are veterans of the industry, many of whom have worked on games and shows such as Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Ghost in a Shell, Killer7, and Family Guy among others.
To put it simply I loved Origins and only played through Eternal Wings to see what happened to the chracters from Origins.
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Has any one tried baten kaitos, I played and complted the game it's very underated in my opinion. There's so much deph to it. To start with theres the whole range of cards to choose from, the special move cards exclusive to each individual character and not to mention the spirit moves kalas can pull off and of course the story.

Anyway the reason I made this thread is to see what other peoples views are on the game although its not the best rpg, it's the best rpg using cards to battle with and definetly should be owned by any rpg lover who owns a cube or a wii.;)
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Shorter freaking titles. This game looked innovative for a card-based RPG but I still think those games in general are horrible. From the previews, reviews, and random videos I saw of this game... I was not impressed. It looked like a very crappy Nintendo RPG
I love Baten Kaitos. It is one of My favorite games, and i thought that the battle system was interesting and it was a welcome departure from the normal RPG battle system. The music was great, and the storyline was amazing. The worlds were vibrant and colorful. All in all it was a great game ^_^
I liked the game a lot, the plot twists were interesting and i loved the batte system and music ^_^

The VA was pretty horrible in places though =/
Well varied comments so far from people.Kinda like marmite this type of game u either love it or hate it. I agree on the grounds that at times the game can feel dragged on and the voices can become irritating depending on ur own prefrence but i still side with the postive comments.
-Thread merged-

Make sure to do a thorough search next time, guys. ^_^ Apparently, I posted in both threads, and didn't even know it. =/ It's fixed now though.
I've played Baten Kaitos. The battle system was very neat! I did enjoy the card system. Some of the setting were gorgeous as well.

I agree, the voice acting was absolutely terrible. I couldn't stand it, I had to turn off the voice option. (Thank god for that.) Besides that I also agree that the plot was very cliche and the characters were very plain.

Is it just me but did some of the character designs and personalities reminded you of the Final Fantasy X characters? Savyna - Lulu, Gibari - Wakka....

I'm stilling thinking about buying Origins or not.