Battle or Obtain?


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
For your Summons would you rather Obtain them (Cloister of Trails) or would you rather fight them and then get them, like in previous FF titles.

Discuss: How would you like to obtain your summons
I'd fight the fuckers.

Loved the feature on both VIII and XII, and I wish the other installments were like that too. The Cloister of Trials was nice, but... on a replay, they're not so fun as they initially were, whereas a battle is always -to an extent- exciting.
I'd rather fight them and obtain them. It feels like an achievement once you can summon them. I'm playing FFIII right now, and you can just buy them ... it just feels lackluster.

Obtaining them via the Cloister of Trials wasn't so bad, since those were a challenge. Getting them at points in the plot like IX wasn't bad either. Making that story for Ramuh and telling it correctly was a challenge for me at first :P (I was about 10 on my first play through).

I think the idea of: "You have defeated me, so you are worthy of my power" is cool. But I think most summons should be side quests.
A mixture of both for me. it would be nice to obtain some of them from a puzzle of some sorts, while obtaining others - perhaps the more agressive summons like Bahamut - from battles. That way you have a mixture of both.
Battle - it's a nice way of seeing a summons true power.
I liked fighting them alot more then having to solve dumb puzzles
Fighting them. I agree with Judge Rulia in that it shows the power of a summon, or at least how cool they are, 'cause usually the summon is much more powerful than the form you battle in the first place. xD

Battle summons ftw.
Fight them. I liked obtaining them because it fit so well into FFX's story... but my personal preference is to fight them. I just wish that was the case more often than it is in Final Fantasy titles.
Fight them. Expept for like the first summon that you get for free (kind off) like in FFVIII you get Quezaqotl (dont correct me please, it was the most stupid name ever tbh) and Shiva. Then you almost immediately go fight Ifrit. And then it takes some time before you get Siren and Diabolo and Brothers and so on. So, I want to get the first few free, and then fight fight fight.
Most definitely, I’d rather fight them to obtain them and gain the experience as well. Also, on a personal note, it just seems like I've been cheated out of a good battle...
I don't mind obtaining them but I rather battle summons. It's more of a challenge and a better feel of accomplishment.
I like to fight the summons just as much as I like to solve puzzles to receive them. I think a good game would have a variety of measures to obtain different summons. ^.^
I would like to obtain them & battle them as well. It would be nice to mix it up now and again. Have the harder summons fought and the others you just get for free.
I'd love to be able to fight all of the summons to gain them but technically in FFX you fight all the Aeons when you are gtting the magus sisters you have to beat Belgamine and i preferd FFVIII for the fighting to obtain summons