Battle system FFXII style

Battle system, your thoughts?

  • loved it

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • liked it but prefer other FF battle system

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • didn't like it, prefer other FF battle system

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • hated it

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
honestly is a good battle system since i sticks to the original final fantasy style but i only played the demo so i really did get a chance to be in it like that
oooooo.. Theres gonna be an argument a comin!! I loved it, I felt it was very refreshing and the way they had it set up it wasn't like same ole same ole. I feel that through the years there must be change to keep it interesting and thats what SE has done here. I give the Battle system a 10/10.
I like this one and the older ones. I just hope the older ones are not going to disappear.
I liked it, but I'm still a fan of the old school turnbase battle system. This one just seemed simplify the whole process and take a lot of the strategy away from the individual battles. IMO of course.
more than just love it... I think it fits pretty well in THIS game.

it's funny to think that the ff tactics propose another kind of battle system rather than the classic one, and the ff12 propose another one too; both of them are Ivalice's history.
while i do prefer the old normal battle system this one is perfect for this game ^_^ although i expect if they did the normal ATB or even FFX style CTB and kept the random battles it would feel perfect for this game too - i only wish that there was an option to have it either New style or traditional style.
The other battle system is very much okay, but I personally love this battle system. I don't even have to pay attention to the screen when I'm training. I can just stick the gambits on and move the characters. Which means I can read, do my assignments, or artwork at the same time. X3 Which is always good, because it means my mind can wander and I don't have to worry too much about setting actions for them, since the gambits make them fight and heal themselves.

It's nothing about being lazy. When it comes to boss battles, etc, I pay much attention to what I am doing. But since I am a training freak and like to train and train forever, it is good to have a battle system where I can just forget what I'm doing and do something else while my characters are levelling up. I just have to remember to check my inventory to make sure I have enough loot to sell.

I am currently training in the Stilshrine. Training my characters from level 30 to level 40. They're level 38-39 now! X3 Except for Vaan, who's level 49. And my gil has risen from 200,000 to 700,000! X3

Gotta love a system that makes it so you don't have to pay attention while training.
I loved it. This has proved far more challenging. The last challenging battle system, would have been VIII's to me.
As some of you may already know I detest this battle system, I know SE wanted to make an original one while keeping some of the classic feel to it but this doesn't work, I don't play this game because of the Battle System, it ruined the game IMO
Explain how it does ruin it. I've seen you say multiple times it does not, but you have yet to post a reason on why it's such a bad thing.
I wasn't a big fan of the new battle system. Provided you had set up the right gambits you didn't even have to watch the screen during the battles. it tookk away the challenge.
Quite honestly, I find it to be very boring and NOT because it isn't an active time battle. All I have to do is have the right gambits on the characters and then hit attack and then just watch everyone beat the crap out of stuff for ten minutes. Move around and watch the same thing again. It's gotten to the point where I've actually got up and left during boss battles to go get something, and then I come back to find that the boss has been defeated.

There are different ways to have done the battle system so that it wasn't like XI's. It didn't need to be exactly like an MMPORPG. And it doesn't have to be one where you just hit the X button over and over again. I've seen some very interesting battle systems that will make a game challanging with out it being an active time battle system. If anyone cares to hear I'll post some.

This battle system is really making this game a chore for me to play. I really feel like I'm not even really playing a game.
Loved it, and don't get me wrong i like the old battle system the same to, FF12 was definitely a change, square enix wanted to start adding speed and more excitement to FF, and they have done so, it's challenging, one reason i like it.

Also, i just like to turns on my teams gambits and leave the leaders off, but i don't bother with it much to tell the truth, half of the time, i have to go to my party's battle menu to select the command, to akward getting all the gambit targets and slots
Its annoying that people can level up without putting the time and effort into it though. Although i still like it ^_^