Battle system FFXII style

Battle system, your thoughts?

  • loved it

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • liked it but prefer other FF battle system

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • didn't like it, prefer other FF battle system

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • hated it

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
..Well why don't people turn Gambits off? Makes common sense, and then you can work things out on your own, decide your own actions etc.

Gambits aren't for everyone, and so you didn't have to rely on them..
They did say Gambits were more or less to make the battle easier so you really just have to worry about the leader, and thats if he doesn't have his Gambit on
My Gambits primarily focused upon curing status ailments... didn't really like 'em all too much, but they saved time.

I really didn't like the battle system for the first couple of hours, but once I got used to it, I found that I really like it. It took a slight implement from X-2 in the sense you could completely avoid an attack if you weren't in its path (in a manner of speaking), which made it equally challenging for your characters to get in range before attacking, likewise with the monsters.

Enjoyable, but I do prefer the classic.
I agree with Cloud 2007... You can put in no effort and still level up. I like that S-E tried something new but I think they should move on now.
I loved it. I was always interested to see how FFXI's worked and when I found out that FFXII's would be slightly similar, I was pretty pumped. I liked how you could easily avoid battles when you didn't want to fight, but then go out and fight whoever you wanted when you wanted to battle. Awesome system.
I actually like it. It did fit perfectly in this game. Quite unique and very different from the other FF games. But then again, every game has its own unique system anyway. I like how you don't have to fight random enemies and run away instead.

As for the gambits, I only use it for ailment status and curing. The rest, I do myself.
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The battle systeam at first was a gay as aids but when you got used to it it wasnt that bad at all. I even like it lol ^^

Yes i have to agree with you there, because i was so use to the Final Fantasy style system with random encounters etc, and i saw this, and i didn't exactly know what it was, but after a while i actually enjoyed it... alot, so it is a good one
the battle system was the best the gambits were useful and fun to use and the turn based system being replaced thats good to and also th option fleeing
i thought the battle system was really good :D
it seemed more exciting than the old style of like turn basedness, and it just felt slightly less repetitive a way of battling
on the other hand tho with all the gambit things it makes it kinda pointless at times, as my characters just seem to do everythin themselves :P
i thought the battle system was really good :D
it seemed more exciting than the old style of like turn basedness, and it just felt slightly less repetitive a way of battling
on the other hand tho with all the gambit things it makes it kinda pointless at times, as my characters just seem to do everythin themselves :P

true, though sometimes you were happy of the gambits being there, because they saved my ass a couple of times
Love how you can choose monsters to fight. Also love how you can move around in battle, and especially how it has taken away the load times between battles and moving. Great system IMO.