Battle System [Scan]

I'm gonna hate the battle system I think.That's one of the main reasons I was disappointed in FF12.It just didn't give the feeling that I was playing an FF game.I'd prefer it if it was somewhat similar to Kingdom Hearts'.

This might be interesting. I'd like a hybrid between the traditional battle system, and one that is quite fluid, without the random encounters. I want a system which switches from character to character once they've made their move, much like old Final Fantasies.
Gambits were optional, but you were almost forced to use them, and make all characters the same in terms of abilities. Not cool. I'd rather that the gambits system was removed altogether. And definitely nothing like the license board, heck no. It just spoils it when you can give all your characters flare just like that. :ffs:
Also, enemies should spawn more frequently, if there are no random encounters. I liked the surprise.
So, if Square gets the priorities right, this *might* be great. If it's just XII, gambits, and boring combat all over again, I will be very disappointed. I didn't like the very fast battle pace. It cut the game time, and took the thrill out of combat. How can you enjoy kicking a monster's arse if it's so quick and indirect?
I absolutely loved the XII battle system so if they continue to evolve that system and better it, then i'm optimistic for the series.
I would never say the old battle system was outdated because they kept updating it every game and a similar system is still used nowadays in games like Xenosaga, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey.
Saying that the move from X-XII was a big gamble but they pulled it off outside of what could turn into boring battle in XII when i could just walk away with perfect Gambits and come back to see Omega Weapon or Yiazmat half dead.
ill admit i miss turned based combat :( ffX showed us how good it can be on a powerful console, imagine how amazing they could make it if they kept it up by now... itd no doubt be better....

anyways, that being said i didnt HATE twelves battle system, but its got nothin on the others IMO...:( also, twelve needed the good old summons Bahamut etc, but thats straying really off topic :S

i also thought crisis core was sweet, so that proves that real time can be done well, but we must remember that was with one character to control, and familiar concepts of the old 7 battles like materia and limits that we could relate to.

bring back turn based!
I'll elaborate a little for those less-than-certain. Do yourself a solid and watch the trailers once more and pay close attention to the combat. Afterwards think about the impact a turn-based battle system would have.
from the moment i see gambits return, i'm buying a Wii..

on a more serious note

gambits were what made FFXII's battle system suck

the license board was what made FFXII a total failure(combined with the battle system)

no random encounters is fine, but boring battle systems to go along with that, simply isn't fine

rogue galaxy featured a good battle system, though it did have random encounters, the system was perfect for open world combat

adding button bashing and short cuts instead of gambits(but still keeping the typical FF combat menu) would be a great thing

but letting everything happen automatically, would be yet, another failure
I loved the battle system in XII but i guess they had better advance it alot to keep alot of people happy *reads posts*