BBS AdHoc Party


Key To Darkness
Feb 12, 2011
Does anyone use the adhoc program on their PS3 to play their PSP games online? I was wanting to set up one and get some people on it so we could do some Mirage arena goodness.
i use the adhoc party function

but at the moment it's mainly for dissidia 012
but i'd love to do some mirage mayhem sometimes
since i haven't tried it yet for BBS yet
Hmmm might sound like a good idea. I did some arena stuff by myself, now its getting to the point where I need some help. The enemies are just swarming me to much so I die off to quickly. Even if I get to the boss sections now, there's I think only 3-4 of them I have not killed. I don't do enough damage to them at all and in about three hits im dead.
Yeah, as long as you have Ad Hoc Party downloaded from PS Store and have a Wired Internet Connection you're able to compete with other players on Ad Hoc supported games.

On topic though I have recently got back into BBS so i'm down for some Ad Hoc partying with people in Mirage Arena.