Help Beach Plugs

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Mar 24, 2009
Okay,so I'm trying to get the Big Guard skill,but I've been running up and down the beaches for hours and B. Plugs don't seem to want to appear. Are they a rare creature or am I doing something wrong?
Are you in the Costa Del Sol area? As far as I know, that's the only place they appear. I usually have no problem finding them at the beaches around Costa Del Sol?
Keep in mind that you have to use manipulate on them. Once done don't attack it until you get the chance to use big guard on your team. Also don't forget to have the enemy skill materias equipped
Yeah,Ive tried the beaches around Costa Del Sol and around Gongaga Village. I've gotten lots of those egg-shaped Russian doll things and and the brown shell creatures with the long feelers,but no beach plugs.

It's maddening,because I did fight a few of them when I first arrived in the area. But now,it seems just because I'm trying to find them,they're nowhere to be found.

I'm beginning to consider just skipping acquiring that ability and moving on,because this has gotten to be really tedious. :(
The beach plugs are the things at the beginning

you might want to play it on mute I hate tossers who feel the need to throw in shit music

I'm pretty sure those are the beach plugs. :wacky:

Have you tried manipulating them?

I swear,when I scanned those things,it didn't say they were beach plugs. And yeah,I did try to manipulate them,but it didn't work. I'll try again,though.

Yeah, manipulation doesn't always work the first time but those are definitely the beach plugs. If the manipulation fails, just keep trying. It should only take a few tries since they're fairly easy to manipulate. :hmmm:

Yeah, manipulation doesn't always work the first time but those are definitely the beach plugs. If the manipulation fails, just keep trying. It should only take a few tries since they're fairly easy to manipulate. :hmmm:

Yes,they were.
I wasted so much time looking for 'em and they were right in front of me. I feel pretty silly right now.
Aw well,I least I got some good leveling out of it.

For future reference Manipulation is considered a Magical have it equipped on your your most powerful magic user to make it easier.
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