Best battle system in FF series

Despite what people say, I loved FFXII's battle system. When people say there is no strategy, what are the Gambits for? I always made Ashe my white mage and Vaan and Basch were warriors. I never had a black mage for some reason( sorry, going off the subject :S ). Anyway I loved all the battle systems equally and don't like to compare, but I do think XII's was the most fun.
Hm. Ok I did like the FFX system. And it actually seemed as if, even though you had the option to switch characters out, the battles were still difficult. ESPECIALLY marlboros...UGH.

I really liked the junction system in FFVIII. I do admit, it made the game a little too easy...but the whole aspect of junctioning magic and GFs...that was neat. ^.^
For me, Crisis Core's battle system is doing it for me. I prefer action RPG's and Crisis Core delivers an adequate battle system that engrosses me.
XII's is my favourite. When people complain about it, it's mostly that the Gambits make it too easy, or the menu real time thing.

Well everything is optional. You don't have to use Gambits if you don't want to. You can choose to have menu on wait or active.

It was just more fast paced, and not having to sit through waiting scenes at the beginning and end of battles was heaven.
I'd say X as well.
It has the good ol turn based system, but a proper one, unlike 8 when you can be attacked whilst you are choosing what move to do.

I also like that you can switch characters during battle, it does make it a bit easier, but more fun imo
My favourite is a tie between X and XII
Despite what people said I really liked the XII system, and the turn-based system in X was awesome as well, coupled with the switching etc...
But that being said, both had slight flaws, you could burn the X system with Haste/Slow and XII was a touch too simple in some cases, but only against stuff if you were item-hunting so you went back to the inital levels once you were level 70+ (like I did/do still)...
I liked VIII's though, the junctioning system was novel, but you could take advantage of it way too easily...
X-2, X, VII
I liked X-2 the best because the pace was so much fun, and everything was so silky smooth.

X was great too because you got to strategize everything 5-10-15 moves ahead and i thought was pretty cool.

and VII to me was good as well because it had everything final fantasy in it.. classic atb, summons, fire, fira, firaga Limit breaks etc.
I liked FFX's mainly because you could think ahead and see who was attacking when and it allowed for you to think out when you wanted to attack, heal, etc...

It may have slowed down the battle a bit, but it did allow for more preparation on when to act.
X had the best hands down, I just liked the way you can think ahead and take it at your own pace. While none of the other systems are bad (besides XII's which was terrible) there were a few things about them that put me off.
VI was the best in my opinion, I don't know why, I just seemed to recieve more enjoyment fromthis battle system than any other, it may have been the character skills or something. And XII is one of the worst although it is still good. II was even worse than twelve but the worst one ever was X-2...It took like 1/2 hour to learn all the skills for one class! and the dress spheres sucked major balls.
My favourite has to be 7's mainly because it's simplicity is just perfect and fun, it make you use your head to think ahead and try and struggle you're way through
The FFXII battle system is favorite so far, Because you move awhile the battle making the game faster and much fun.

Crisis Core's system is great too, you can dodge the enemy's attack and the DMW thing is so fun.
The best Final Fantasy battle system is Final Fantasy12! It was the first Final Fantasy game to have a different battle system.I loved every thing on it:D!The License board,gambits,No wait your turn to fight!:D
I really like the battle system in Crisis Core, it seems like a nice happy medium between the turn based and XII which I think was too much, although it might not have been so irritating because you only had the one person to control....although trying to escape was a bit of a bum hole....
As far as stat systems go, I find V and TA the best. The whole multi jobs and all those abilities, it was just great.

As far as ATB goes, I've no clue why, but VI seems to flow the best.

CTB is my favourite. It like, perfectly combined all past systems. Too bad X had sphere grid. D:

Tactics had fun gameplay, I love TBS.

And Crisis Core had perfect battles for real time.