Best Blitzball Teams

My team that I had was:
Tidus- he was my main goal scorer.
Eigaar- best player on the Al-Bhed Psyches
Abus(alt for Eigaar)- loved scoring off invisible shot
Letty- he was the set-up man in the middle
Zalitz- an absolute beast on defense. probably the best or 2nd best
Kyou- maybe the best defenseman. behind or ahead of zalitz
Jumal- beast in the net. i never lost with him as my goalie.

but as for the best team. I'd say in the beginning it was Al-Bhed and Luca. But Luca started to suck as you started playing games. Atleast for me they always dropped off the map for winning tournaments and such.
I guess it would be the Al Bhed team, seeing how of all of them they were the greatest and hardest I've ever played against.
Oh jeez, the Al Bhed team absolutely murders me everytime I try to play them. The second hardest team, I think, were the Ronso team.
I like to mix-n-match my team personally, but if I was going to pick a team I would have to agree with you all and go the Al Bhed, those guys (used be hard) are insane...
Still, the Ronso are fairly good too, especially since I think their LF has a higher SH value than Tidus... Minus Jecht Shot obviously...
I also stuk with the original team, well, I obviously added Tidu and Wakka up front. Worked just fine for me. I rarely if ever lost a match after the first couple so that suited me :neomon:
Mine is probaly the Besaid Aurochs mainly because wakka was the coach n wakka is 1 of ma fav charactors