Best Female Character

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Garnet, Beatrix or Yuna.

Damn, this is hard :P I <3 Garnet and Yuna's personalities, plus they're both summoners :P I also <3 badass-ness of Beatrix. Seriously, on my first play through (when I was about 10) she kicked my arse ...

I'll just go with them as equals :D
Terra because she can use magic, not summon but BECOME an esper, and still has a good attack. next would be beatrix because of her moves and she's a tough enemy.
Princess Garnet Til Alexandrios The 17th. she's a great white mage/summoner and i love her story and her and zidane's relationship. plus i love her song she always sings, everytime i hear it i get sad because i think of how great this games story is and how its over and isnt going to be expanded upon. oh and she's rebellious and cuts her hair off with a dagger :)
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The Sorceries Edea. Mainly because she's the type of strong, independent woman other women envy, and men lust after.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Tifa, because she has a nice personality, and for that reason, I would have to go with Aeris and Yuna as well, because they have great personalities. :D
Lady Ashe...

A little to aristocratic at times, but she was strong both physically and mentally. Determined and independent, she never once played the damsel in distress, a nice change in my opinion.
The Sorceries Edea. Mainly because she's the type of strong, independent woman other women envy, and men lust after.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe

haha why thank you!
lol I have to agree with Wullfe. Edea is the best. She is powerful and she is quite memorable IMO
Quistis comes a close second though.
I say Celes Chere would be my favorite female character. She's not your typical Damsel in Distress.
Well, you did had to save her but she was being tortured, and she wasn't getting lead off that easy by the Empire. She had a courage to go up against Kefka and find her team mates after the world was in ruin. She was also a former General of the Empire. Also I loved the Opera scene. :D

Second I would say....Aerith for going out of her way to do her best to save the world.
Best Female characters...

Terra Branford (FFVI)
She had a great design, a wonderful background, and she was a very decent mage. I always had her in my party.

Tifa Lockheart/Aerith Gainsborough (FFVII)
Tifa and Aerith are always really closely tied for my favorite leading female role. Aerith was sincere and innocent; and she sacrificed her life for her friends and the world. Tifa on the other hand had one of the best personalities I've seen in the series. She's considerate and brave, and she'll do anything for her friends; she's just reclusive and shy about her feelings. Her outfit somewhat...clashes with her personality and gives people the wrong idea.

Lucrecia Crescent (FFVII)

I've always been a Lucrecia fan; no I haven't played DOC yet. I liked her before that. The entire story that revolves around Sephiroth, Vincent, and Hojo. She always seemed very outgoing to me.

Garnet Til Alexandros (FFIX)
I loved Garnet as the leading female roll in FFIX. She was spontaneous and willing, and she did whatever was necessary to reach her goals. She was a better friend than she was a fighter, but I found her personality to be more rewarding than her battle stats.

Freya Crescent (FFIX)

On a never ending quest to find her true love. A dragon knight. She's everything you could possibly want out of any FF title all cramed into one character.
Probably Garnet for me. She goes through the rough childhood of losing her real parents, is thrown into a role of royalty with no idea who she really is, is almost killed, and is pursued due to her summoner powers...

Garnet has all the ideal characteristics of an awesome lead female character to me. She may seem like she's stuck up at first and doesn't want anything to do with Zidane and Co., but she's just your average late-teenage girl who wants to be normal, be free of deception and drama, and follow her heart.
Since there is a favourites/worse discussions stickied thread now you can disucss the best FF Girl there ^_^
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