Best FF Game To Date

Rest In Pizza

ShinRa Guard
Apr 8, 2007
My favourite Final Fantasy Game would have to be Final Fantasy 9 becuase it just has a great story with great characters and gameplay. And whats good about it is that it also adds humor. I wanna know what others think. :mad: REPLY OR DIE!
never played it before might buy it off ebay give it a go

most ppl would diagree with me but ffvii sucks
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I'd have to say FFIX.My reasons:
1.It was my first Final Fantasy game.
2. It was fan based.
3. Tantalus pwned all n00bs.
4. Steiner was really weird.
5. I thought the game was hilarious when I was 8, hence why it was my favorite game.
6. It was the first game for me in which there was some kind of challenge, I'd always play something like Spyro, idk was I was thinking.
never played it before might buy it off ebay give it a go

most ppl would diagree with me but ffvii sucks

Just borrow 8 off david gazza. I'd have to sayX, XII, IX, III and IV are the best games (just cause IV doesn'tr have exelent graphic doesn't mean it suks {only retards think that you retards{soz to all those people who prefer gameplay over graphics i just had to shoute it out}]).:)

Well i've only played FFX, FFXI and FFXII but outta thos i would have to say FFX because it had good story line and cool charceters and i loved the sphere grid!

When i got ffX i didn't understand the sphere grid and when i figured it out i was at the sinspawn boss so i was stuffed so i started the game again lol

My favourite Final Fantasy Game would have to be Final Fantasy 9 becuase it just has a great story with great characters and gameplay. And whats good about it is that it also adds humor. I wanna know what others think. :mad: REPLY OR DIE!

gazza if your fav was ffIX why did you post it in ffX section. Oh yeah put a poll on this that goes I,II,III,IV,V, VI,VII,VIII,IX, X,XI,XII
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never played it before might buy it off ebay give it a go

most ppl would diagree with me but ffvii sucks

I would probably disagree with you. FFIX is my second favourite just behind FFVII although the more I play IX, the more I love it and the closer it is to being my favourite game. I just can't help but love this game!
yeah the more you play IX the better it gets.
I first played it when i was 5 the 7 years later i see it in the shops and buy it strait away
ff7's graphics are annoying and hard to see and the movement is way too slow. I'd say ff3 is my second fav because you can choose jobs for your characters and the ds can make the graphics look really good in 3d. thanx bono i dunno if i want ffvii anymore. ive almost finished 2nd disc of ffix.

i haven't been a fan of ff games for very long but ffix was the one that got me hooked in the series and ffx would be my 3rd fave!
ff7's graphics are annoying and hard to see and the movement is way too slow. I'd say ff3 is my second fav because you can choose jobs for your characters and the ds can make the graphics look really good in 3d. thanx bono i dunno if i want ffvii anymore. ive almost finished 2nd disc of ffix.

i haven't been a fan of ff games for very long but ffix was the one that got me hooked in the series and ffx would be my 3rd fave!

I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but that sounds harsh that you are critisizing a game mainly due to its graphics. It reminds me of those who critisize FFIX for being too 'cartoony' like.
yea ff9 a good game but it's not my fav ff but i did like the card game in it
but i loved ff6 and ff10 was good
ff7's graphics are annoying and hard to see and the movement is way too slow. I'd say ff3 is my second fav because you can choose jobs for your characters and the ds can make the graphics look really good in 3d. thanx bono i dunno if i want ffvii anymore. ive almost finished 2nd disc of ffix.

i haven't been a fan of ff games for very long but ffix was the one that got me hooked in the series and ffx would be my 3rd fave!

you've only played 4 games. And by the way cause you've know me for 3 years i think you would know MY NAMES JONO. I agree with daz... dislike a game for just graphic means you take gameplay for granted... no offence gazza:D
yeah ffx ruled... the frist one i played that i accually knew what an ff game was
Sorry Jono I just thought u might not have wanted me to give out ur name or somethin. Its not just the grapihcs for ff7 its just that i wasn't really enjoying it much and since i have advent children and have watched the game scenes in the extras i just kinda know the story and i wanted somethin different. FF3 is much more enjoyable and ffx was the first one i played. i gave up at first cuz of the sphere thing but i started again and i enjoy it! great game
Sorry Jono I just thought u might not have wanted me to give out ur name or somethin. Its not just the grapihcs for ff7 its just that i wasn't really enjoying it much and since i have advent children and have watched the game scenes in the extras i just kinda know the story and i wanted somethin different. FF3 is much more enjoyable and ffx was the first one i played. i gave up at first cuz of the sphere thing but i started again and i enjoy it! great game

I take it you seen AC before playing FFVII? I could understand how that could ruin the game a bit for you. It kinda ruins the FFVII because it explains what happened after FFVII and I liked it being a mystery with players coming up with their own conclusions.