FFF Choice Best FF Location - Poll

Which location is the best out of FFF's top ten?

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Following the response to our call (in this thread and on social media) we have narrowed down FFF’s favourite locations to a top 10.

Through a poll we are now seeking to discover which location is considered the ‘best’ location by the community.

Depending on the number of comments we receive we may include comments about several locations in the magazine article itself, but we hope to be able to demonstrate which location is favoured by the community via the poll.

Please make your vote count!
After much consideration, I voted for Lindblum. While I adore Black Mage Village (and the concept of living there), the hustle and bustle of Lindblum city drew me in. It isn’t your typical city due to the time period, and I’ve always adored the art, environment, the grand castle, the cobblestone streets, buildings and cottages lined up along the roads. Some areas reminds me a bit of Thomas Kincade’s paintings, except less on nature imagery. I’m not too fond of city-type locations (I prefer the small quaint villages and towns), but this is probably the only city that has captivated me due to its Final Fantasy theme. Its charming look and non-stressful navigation in the game makes me wish that I’m in a different time period. It’s almost poetic, really.
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^ I am very disappointed in you.


Nominated Cosmo Canyon, and I'm voting Cosmo Canyon for the same reasons I nominated it! xD
aaahh I'm feeling torn now that I'm seeing the choices. I nominated Fossil Roo, but I know it won't make the cut... On the other hand, all the other answers aside from Conde Petie fail to tickle my fancy...

Fossil Roo or Conde Petie ... Hmmm...
balamb garden hands down. ff8 had such an amazing world.
I voted for Lindblum, reflecting on it the place is actually quite large in scale! I love how you have multiple districts and traverse within the Taxis. The place also just has such a community to it and it's heartwarming to see while even pushed to the bring of destruction through war the community remains strong in putting all their efforts into re-building. I love the introductory shot where you see all the airships floating around this fortress and being so giddy to explore.

Also, I love the Cid's Theme which plays out in the castle.

Storywise it holds so many great moments within the game itself from the Festival Hunt, to meeting Freya In the bar. I just had a really nice time visiting and exploring each district.
I don't know which one to vote for... In the end i had to vote for Lindblum, i was going vote for Balmba Garden, but it being a school was a turn off.
It was a very hard choice for me to pick one place since there are two places that I like that are on the poll. These two places were Black Mage Village and Besaid Island. After a long thinking, I decided to go with Besaid Island. I find this place to be very relaxing and peaceful. I think it is the perfect choice for the FFF Magazine since that location seems the best place for starting a conversation and meet new people, just like you do in a forum. That is why I voted for it.
I can't even remember most of those. It's been that long since I've played FFIX. lol

Of the ones I do remember I'd give it to Balamb Garden. Partially because I'm biased towards FFVIII but also because I always enjoyed the look of the whole school theme. It actually made me think that High School would be like that. Sadly it wasn't. :(
It was hard to pick one, but I went with Besaid Island. While I do like Balamb Garden and Cosmo Canyon (especially the music!), I think overall I enjoyed Besaid Island the most because the landscapes were so beautiful - you have the beach, the waterfall, lots of green . . . . it would be a nice place to be.
After much consideration, I have changed my vote to lindblum! ....because apparently I'm able to do that.

I must face it tho: obscure locations cannot win. And lindblum sticks so well with people-- better than treno it seems, which would have been my next option if it were there. (That or galbadia city....hmmm too bad those didn't make the cut)
Just a reminder that people have until 29th March to cast their votes for this!
I'm no dead! Oh wait not what was asked :P I was always a sucker for the setting in IX, and so Lindblum will be my choice. Plus it kinda looks like the kind of city I can get anything I need at any hour, so never a chance I'm going to be caught short.
Out straight lads, it has to BE SAID:

Besaid is a paradise island where people wear dresses made of belts, leather and FUR.

If that's not so silly it's amazing, I don' t know what is.
They're all great in their own way. I was torn between Besaid Island, Dali and Balamb Garden. All are serene, picturesque locales with amazing music. I've said that Dali has the second best town theme in the series, losing only to Home Sweet Home. And Besaid Island is no slouch either featuring both a nice starter town and two beautiful field sections.

But I have to go with Balamb Garden, and it's not just my love of FF8 that causes me to say that. But ultimately of all the locations on this top ten list, I think Balamb Garden just has the most going for it. Great music? Yes. Plot relevance? Yes. Turns into an airship (of sorts)? Yes. On-site combat area? Yes. Unique aesthetic? Yes.

That whole "school days" feel is one of my favorite parts of FF8. So yeah it's Balamb Garden for me.
The poll will be closing in less than 24 hours! Anyone else?
This was a tough one between Balamb Garden and Besaid Island. I love them both but I would pick Besaid Island the atmosphere and music for that place was amazing
I voted for Besaid Island because it is the most tropical and peaceful place and I would love to live there. That music just screams paradise and it's beautiful to boot. Besaid Island is also one of my favourite locations in any FF game and if I had to pick one to live it would probably be there. The music also sets the mood and is downright amazing.