Best looking costume for sora

Coolest costume that sora wears in KHII

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i think valor form, wisdom form, master form, final form and his new clothes look the best
btw dont you think that the percentage of the poll results is screwed up ?
The problem with the percentages is obvious: there's a bug with the multiple choice options. I'll talk to Darkblade.

I voted all Drives (Anti included), new clothes and Lion form.

I'm blethering. There's nothing wrong with the graphical representation at all.
I went for Valor, Master Form and Final Form, I just didn't think the Wisdom Form looked as good on him as the others. He looked very sleek in the silver Final Form particularly. Also very stylish in his new clothes, he looks ultra cool in a majority of black. Pure smex. :P
I picked new clothes, Halloweentown clothes, Tron clothes, Wisdom form and Master form. I didn't notice how much I disliked Sora's old clothes until he changed to the new ones! Also, I've always liked the Halloweentown costume. Tron made my eyes hurt at first, but the light effects were cool. Wisdom and Master are my favorite clothes, because of the colors and the symbol design (at the bottom of Sora's pants).
I think the Anti-Form looks the best.

It's so dark, I like it.

And the Valor Form (because red is my favourite Colour)
I would say anti-form because he looks so cool in it. He's got some pretty cool moves too.

If not that one, I would say either the Final or Halloween Town forum. I think the Halloween because of the mask thing he has and Final form...just because it's Final form
Lion Sora Definitly. I didn't think he would actually be a lion I thought it was just for a scene but when I played myself at pride rock I was like wow so cool ^_^ He's so adorable.