Best Nintendo console (includes GB)

I would have to say the Super Nintendo would be the best. Why? Because it has so many amazing games and memories.
I pretty much love evry Nintendo machin they have made. I own a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP and a DS. I collect Nintendo! :D <333
I can still remember when I got my NES, even though I was very young. All of my friends came over and we played together and had an awesome time. So counting the memories and such, I'd have to go with the good ol'NES.

Although as far as the best console go, I'm positive I'll completely fall in love with the Wii as soon as I get it.
At the moment, Nintendo's best console in terms of available games is the Gamecube. Why? Not only can it be used to play Gamecube games, it can also be used to play GB, GBC and GBA games, via the Game Boy Player. Many of the classic SNES games were ported to the GBA. The ports do hold their own against the originals (though their portability is their biggest advantage and if you're playing them though the Gamecube portability is redundant) and they're definitely easier to get hold of.
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I "personally" think that the Nintendo 64 is the best console they made. The GC and NES/SNES were fantastic, but I just have so many great memories with the N64.
I'm all for the Nintendo 64, though it's been labeled a failure. The Gameboy is a close second with the SNES/Gamecube (can't really decide between those two) coming in at third.

The N64 supports too many great games for me to go against it. Goldeneye 64, ftw.
Ooh, well, even though it isn't a console, I'd have to say the GameBoy then. Pokemon>Goldeneye. =D

But strictly consoles, the N64 for sure.
Handheld console. I'd say the Gameboy qualifies.

Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, Goldeneye 64, Starfox 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart 64 > Pokemon