Best of the Best?


Dark Knight
Jan 15, 2007
Mog's Tent
So I was thinking of having a character voting bracket kinda competition with FF Characters, not all of them obviously, but I was thinking 10-20 and having a voting thing, just for fun, was just curious what others thought of it, and what characters should I use?
I was thinking having each round being only a couple days or a week long, and going from there. Just for fun, let me know what you guys think of it.
[Moved to FF Fun]
Are you suggesting like a massive voting tournament with brackets or something like that?

if it what that random guy said then yh i'm all up for it :D would be great to find out which FF Character is loved the most here :D
Are you suggesting like a massive voting tournament with brackets or something like that?


yes exactly what im suggesting ;)
I just figure it would be something fun to do and we can see which FF people are the most loved!
Sounds like that would be fun. I'd partake, as long as the thread doesn't slip under my nose somehow. Yes Yuna is a must and I know one way or another both Cloud and Sephiroth will end up on the list. Perhaps Squall as well.