Best Opening AMV


Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
this has most likely already been done but as i am starting a new FFX game right now and the openingscene has just finished, what is the best FF opening sequence EVER!?
Id have to agree and say FFX, it just shits all over the openings of any other game I think. It just kicks straight off into action, it's brilliant the music is great and it's just ...well, brilliant. Wins by a mile imo
I liked the FFXII opening, it had a wide range of events happening from the marriage of Ashe/Rasler to the brief introduction of Basch and the war, the fall of Nabudis and the death of Rasler.

Great opening was great. :awesome:
Oh I think Final Fantasy X has the best openingof all the final Fantasy's. Its just so beautiful when there all sitting next to the fire. I had a similiar dream to that except it involved some of the site people. Anways The opening is beautiful. I also agree that Xii had an awesome opening too.
I've always been partial to FFVIII as far as opening scenes. I liked X alright, but .. nothing like starting an opening scene with fighting and fully orchestrated music.

I have to say FFVIII too. It had scary music and beautiful graphics. I love seeing the beach and water washing to shore. After that I'd have to say not many other openings out there I care about. There's Crisis Core which is action packed. I like that but not as much as FFVIII.
I liked the FFXII opening, it had a wide range of events happening from the marriage of Ashe/Rasler to the brief introduction of Basch and the war, the fall of Nabudis and the death of Rasler.

Great opening was great. :awesome:

I've always been partial to FFVIII as far as opening scenes. I liked X alright, but .. nothing like starting an opening scene with fighting and fully orchestrated music.

Argh...damn you both for making me choose between these two! :gasp:

Eight is my favorite game, and the opening sequence is definitely awesome. The music was pretty good, and fit the battle between Squall and Seifer beautifully.

However, when I opened this thread, I knew that I was going to say Twelve. I know that it's basically just a montage...but they did a great job of choosing the best scenes from the various happenings in Twelve. Also, the music is PHENOMENAL. I already enjoy the Opening Theme, and this is my favorite arrangement of it by far.

So, Twelve gets my vote (sorry Eight). :neomon:
FFVIII - as I have commented elsewhere I fell in love with the game the moment I first saw the opening FMV. It's dramatic, has the brilliant Liberi Fatali soundtracking it, and it all builds up to this crescendo. And it still looks stunning.
I though you wer aztec when i seen your avatar xD

In either case uhmmmm it would either be FF8 or FF10. I love the fight scene between Squall and Seifer and the music adds to the rush of the battle, it shows you the other characters aswell then theres the little story that appears whilst the movie is playing. It ends well with Squall and Rinoa away to hug.
FF10 is awesome aswell though, the music is brilliant and its just awesome when the blitzball stadium lights up and the fans start cheering, then the attack of sin and auron watching over from high atop Zanarkand, it makes you excited to play the game dont it?

I think id have to give the award to ff10 purely because if i had never played either of the games and had just watched the intro X would be the one which would have me dying to play the game.
I'm really torn between VIII and X (I haven't played XII yet D= ). FFX opening is really beautiful. It's different because it shows a far ahead point of their journey, and it's when Tidus starts telling us his story. The music is just beautiful, To Zanarkand is one of the best piano themes of Final Fantasy in my opinion. The sequence and the music transmits to the player the tension of the situation.

FFVIII has the awesome Liberi Fatali as the opening theme and it really causes a great impact, specially in the scene where Squall and Seifer fight. I remember the first time I watched the opening sequence of FFVIII and it was fantastic, it stunned me. So I'll stick with Final Fantasy VIII for the best opening sequence. :D
FFVIII. It borders on art. It is less a dialouge, and more a representation of the themes of the game. It is both strikingly impressive, and impactful. It sets the tone for the game, and leaves you with as many questions as you have information.

FFX, while engaging, was less impressive to me. Sure it was jaw dropping, but it seemed to be mroe showy than artsy. I am talking about the blitzball scene. Conversely, I thought that the campfire scene set to "To Zanarkand" was GOLD. In media res just works for me
Despite the fact that I didn't enjoy FFVIII as much as some of the other games, it had a really awesome opening cutscene. It's hard to beat opening a game up with Liberi Fatali, that song remains to this day one of my favorite FF songs.
The scenes that went with it made it even more enjoyable of course, but the song really set the mood.

FFX would come in second, with another enjoyable song. It just didn't feel as epic as FFVIII. But that may just be because Liberi Fatali was sung in a foreign language.

Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur. (Rough translation: Anything said in latin sounds profound.) :awesome:
FFX hands down. It has amazing graphics and it pulls you right in with it's visuals and the music. The way Auron and Sin were introduced was perfect and Tidus too. It even made blitzball look cool ( was not a fan of trying to play that thing )
i would most definitely have to vote for VIII. i just enjoyed watching a battle in 'real life' and with dramatic camera angles and *gasp* blood! instead of the usual menus and repetitive graphics. it was cool. and the music fit sooooo well. plus the analogy of the beach, and then suddenly flying off into the ocean as a comparison to being a student on a small island and suddenly being thrown out into this huge story/adventure. good stuff.
I really Like the FFIX Opening I remember first playing on it and from the opening scene i knew it was going to be a great game
Ahh I have to say FFVIII has the BEST opening scene. The music just sets you in an amazing mood to start the game with and the fight scene between Squall and Seifer is utterly gorgeous. The baron battlefield, the fireball that Seifer uses, the gunblade fights, it just really brings together the whole hatred between Squall and Seifer.
As much as I despise the game, I'd have to go with VIII as well. If anything, it's because of the jump from the cartoon-ish models of VII to the much, much, MUCH more realistic art/models/everything of VIII. And like someone else said, the water washing up on shore is awesome. Always sticks out in my mind.
Definitely Final Fantasy X for me.

It was the the only real game that had every FMV sequence stand out to me as well.

I love the opening FMV! It has an awesome song that really gets the adrenaline pumping and makes you really feel like you're at the Blitzball game with Tidus.

The action during the blitzball game is awesome and the attack of Sin soon after really makes you go 'WOW!'
Final Fantasy VIII

The battle between Squall and Seifer was just really cool to watch. And seeing the small flashes of mini- future AMV's of what's going to happen in the game while Rinoa and Squall dive for each others arms was just cool. Plus it gave out, Wonder what's going to happen later in the game ? question/ feeling.
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I enjoyed both FFX and FFXII openings. As it was said earlier, FFX gets right into action. As for FFXII, I don't know why I liked it so much. It was like a movie almost