Best Opening AMV

For me I'm going to go with FFIX's AMV, sure it may be a little more cartoony than some of the over AMV's but I really liked how well the characters were designed and how the AMV really brought them to life, my personal favorite AMV has to be Black Waltz #3 on the airship with the puppet mages protecting Vivi, it was a really brilliant moment :)
For me, it's between Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and XII.

In the end, I would probably say XII. While VII's is very action packed and exciting, and VIII's is very intense with the Seifer fight, I think XII's is the most visually impressive, and it all comes together well with stellar voice acting and the explanation of the death of the prince and supposedly the princess.
Thats a toughie. Personally Im a fan of nearly all of them. But the one that STILL gives me goosebumps is FFVIII. The music score is just so dramatic and I love the fighting sequence between Squall and Seifer. FFX is close behind, only because Otherworld is a kickarse song ^^
I liked the FFXII opening, it had a wide range of events happening from the marriage of Ashe/Rasler to the brief introduction of Basch and the war, the fall of Nabudis and the death of Rasler.

Great opening was great. :awesome:

I agree Final Fantasy XII's opening was utmost perfection, did any one else feel like they were watching a Movie while they started their game? Maybe it was just me but I loved it, great directing.
Tricky, for me it's between FFVIII and FFX.

At the time I remember being confused by FFVIII but really gripped by it! The same kind of goes for FFX - so much happened in both of them.

I'll have to go for FFVIII, just because it had pieces of everything. FFX was solid action. Still awesome, but nothing else.
Controversial fo' sho but x-2 blows them all away for me. I hate the song as well as the artist singing it but that just goes to show how great it is with the fact that I can still enjoy it. A lot of people took this game far too seriously and the intro certainly didn't pull any punches or ease people into the style of the overall game. It's by far the funniest intro I've ever seen and easily the most unique of the FF series.

I have seen XIII's intro though and it looks damn epic, will just have to see if my opinion changes on it when I see it on my actual TV rather than my computer monitor.
I lOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVED the opening of 8 it was amazing and i also liked 12 but 8 was def my favourite
I think I would defo have to pick VIII, it's by far my fave game and the opening just is pure epic.

With the words scattering around the screen then the fight scene between Squall and Seifer just is amazing!
I've always been a sucker for VIII's opening. I think it's beautifully choreographed and the music is really enchanting. Plus it's got awesome gunblading action!

I really like how it starts off slowly and then picks up and becomes really energetic; it gets me pumped and really sucked in into the game. And I thought that the conversation with the words was well written, and added that touch of mystery that makes you go "what was that all about?" and makes you want to play to find out if it holds any significance, or if it was just completely random for the sake of the opening.
One of the Best openings gotta be FF VIII because of the creepy music and you get straight into the epic fight between Seifer and Squall, the opening illustrates Rinoas dream, that she mention for squall later in the game.

and they even put Rinoas and Squalls Promise they made eachother..but overall it's a great opening for a game. :D
FFVII because of the serene, yet dark beginning. Following Aerith, then cut to speeding train. IT then reveals all of Midgar as you keep pushing forwrd toward the goal. Pretty awesome IMO.
The best opening was hands down FFVIII. Nothing has ever quite grabbed like me that, especially in the start of the game, and had me so interested and excited to see whats going to happen in the game. It was amazing.
It HAS to be X.

Though FFVIII is legendary.

Mod Edit: Could you please elaborate a bit on your post? Thanks ^^
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Final Fantasy VII and X were my favourite opening AMV,
I like VII because we're introduced to Cloud on a mission in midgar,
which i thought was a pree sweet fictional city btw,
and X because the blitzball opening was awesome.
with sin going all crazy like on zanarkand. I was interested at the get go.
Im aware the opening AMV is when tidus is beginning to tell the story
but i also believe the zanarkand part of the story is also part of the opening segment.
FFVIII! I was in shock after the opening scene, it made me sit down and play for 10 hours straight the first time I played it. It really got my attention, especially since the start of games are usually really boring and tutorial filled for me. It was such a great scene.
FFVIII is my favourite opening.


You're instantly introduced to Squall and his Rival. As well as the female protagonist and what you end up thinking is the antagonist. The fight is a brilliant set up to the rivalry and the way it's cut to from the ocean is just amazing. It gives a few suitable hints to things without actually ruining anything.

And not to mention the music. One of my favourite OST's in a Final Fantasy game to date. It's just mesmerizing.

So without a doubt, FFVIII's has my favourite opening sequence.

FFX-2 is a close second, for the sheer fun factor. XD