Best President

I see your point but a film does not have to have a good story to be a good film, constant action, characters, everything really goes towards my decision on whether a movie is good or not.
Like I said, it's all personal opinion. But I have to say, it sounds as if your tastes lean more towards the eye candy side of film making, rather than the deep plots. And that's fine. There's an audience for every kind of film.

My whole point here, though, is that I firmly believe Advent Children was a weak (though very pretty) attempt at giving the rabid fans something to whet their appetites with. I really don't think that there's anything remotely creative about the movie, and I don't really think it was something the developers planned on doing at the start.

Even if it was, VII was really just the best game ever made, in my opinion, and there was no way that this movie was going to be able to do it justice. At least in the storyline sense. The atmosphere didn't grip me the same way it did in the game, as well. I just found everything about it to be forced, you know what I mean?

I guess I can't find the words to properly describe how I felt about the flick. Cheap comes to mind...but that's not it. I know how you feel when your favorite band sells out, and becomes a pop shell of themselves? (Think: Metallica) That's how I feel about Advent Children. It's like, Square made this beautiful piece of art with VII, and ten years later, they decide to milk the game and make this movie. And the movie just means to appeal to everyone, (Gunblade, anyone??) and had no real artistic value.
I hate to do this because I'm really enjoying these AC debates. :(

Can you guys please keep this thread on topic? You can debate whether AC was a good movie or not in the Advent Children forum. There is a thread where you can state your opinion, and feel free to start up a debate topic there.

Opinion Thread

I can probably move these posts for you guys if you want.
*Is still learning the mod CP*
I’d have to say President Shinra… He ultimately built the Shinra Company into the powerful organization that it came to be known as in the game. Rufus’s goals just seemed far more different than what his father had originally intended for the Shinra organization, that and Rufus just seemed to be a putz.