Best Soundtrack

There's actually one of these soundtrack things on Youtube for quite a few games. It rocks.

But the music for X was pretty epic. Sudeki De Na (sp?) was great.
Oh! The FFX music is epic! Crisis Core's was cool, but FFX takes the money on this one.
My favorite tracks are

Seymour Battle Theme
Decisive Battle (Yu Yevon)
The Burning Sands
Brass de Chocobo
The Palace of Ordeals (Yes, the Cloister music, endless minutes of headaches :wacky:)
Quite a few more, some of the music was perfect!
It has really cool soundtracks, however I don't think I like it better than FFVII soundtracks and CC soundtracks, but my favorites are Someday the Dream will End and To Zanarkand
Otherworld's lyrics are a little off-track. Sometimes they sound a little dumb. The Burning Sands makes me very sleepy due to its constant 'hypnotizing' theme. Many of the FFX soundtracks stir certain thoughts in me. :wacky:
X is defo amazing. uematsu out-did himself. Love Skies-Above and all the different versions (like to zanarkand, which was made a little eerier and foreboding, depressing.) Tidus' theme sounds very...boyish (like adventerous) but also has a feeling of sadness, discontentment.

Yuna's theme is just beautiful. A lament almost. beautiful yet sad.

Yuna and Tidus theme is so heart wrenching and beautiful.

Aurons, as we all know, screams dangerous, bad ass, veteran etc

Rikkus is playful but serious at the same time.

Then there are the places themes. I LOVE Besaid; it represents the little village entierly. Friendly, upbeat and fun.
With FFX having voice-overs, for the cutscenes, the music was a lot quieter than in previous games, which is a little bit of a shame. If you listen out for it, there is some awesome music in this game.

I've been listening to the FFIX OST lately, which is surprisingly good!
Ooh I love FFX music! To Zanarkand is definitely a classic and timeless song. It's too bad though that Nobou Uematsu retired; the music in FFX-2 is no where near as good. I liked the Ending Theme, Suteki Da Ne, Fleeting Dream, Via Purifico, and the Thunder Plains. This is definitely some of the best video game music out there; I rank it with Ocarina of Time.
This is pretty much the same as 'best Soundtrack' Thread so I'l merge them

-Threads merged-
i actually like a lot of the songs on here...well...actually for X-2. The Yuna lookalike..i forget the name..she has a nice voice :] I think that was sweetbox singing right?

And i love the FF X soundtrack it has the Hymn of the faith on, i love that and also many other's, to me it's the sound track that stood out more than the others.

Also does anyone know the title and artist of the theme music when your fighting Zeckt? (i think that's spelt right)
jecht =] Unless you're thinking of someone else >_>

Anyway, it's Otherword apparently NOT by Rammstein :wacky:

And that is one of my faves too, I agree the sound track to X is epic, to Zanarkand stands out as one of the best peices aswel, it is just an overall amazing soundtrack although my favourite is still VII...
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I like FFVII's soundtrack the most, but FFX's is definitely awesome. When just hearing a theme from a game makes you want to stop whatever it is you're doing and go play that game, then you know the soundtrack rocks.