Best story in a Final Fantasy


why does every one think kefka is a great character!?
he isnt interesting at all
his place in the story is interesting (man who goes mad with power, makes himself god and decides to destroy everything)
he ehimself
is static, dry, stock, boring, obnoxious, abrasive, high pitched, and has terrible taste in cloaks
i mean even seymour, perhaps reigning ff king of ostentation knew not to wear green and red
he doesnt have a backstory or any personal connection to any of the characters
and that laugh is (argh.)

which is my main probelem with VI (or three or whatever) there are 14 characters, and three of them have any development whatsoever
locke, celes and terra

not hard, considering they are the main characters around whom the story is centered (although, locke's relationship with rachel should've been highlighted more)

the rest fluff
even if relm will own everything given a gem box and edgar can pretty much knock out an entire boss with genji glove/ offering/ atma weapon
their relevance to the story...moot. mostly

well edgar is important i guess, but his role, well its just not that interesting

dont even get me started on shadow
he's a stock ninja
and the stereotypical "strong but silent type"
his personality with lifted directly from every fantasy novel ever written
and then they slapped a ninja sprite on it, threw in a dog and called it original.
im not fooled square
and what the hell is a ninja doing there anyways, there isnt anything remotely japanese in this game, its bloody victorian steampunk for chrissake

but yeah 8 is the best
its kind of anime story-liney
but, thats probably why i kind of like it

10 is good
but its whole metaphysics/ religion = bad
secualr humanism = good
feels a little preachy
we get it, even priests can lie
but maybe some of them should tell the truth y'know, thats how it is in real life
some people are liars and whatnot and some arent, regardless if they're a member of the clergy

i was thinking of putting 9 but then i couldnt remember what actually happens in the story, i think its kind of like, if 6's 200 characters actually worked.
but i cant be sure, so i figured 8.

that and selphie is adorable.
which is probably mostly the reason

actually scratch that.
9 has the best story
because in 9 square wasnt a afraid to make fun of themselves, and to know that they were making a video game and not writing the next novel to change the world
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For me it's definitely going to be FFX. No question. The story of Sin, the fayth, summoners, and Tidus' story is just so unique to me. The political/religious stuggle, story of betrayal, romance, people willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, one guy trying to find a way home...what doesn't this story have?
For me the best Final Fantasy game, I ever played was FFX, I really love the story, in where there's love and romance on the game. The music is very nice, most of all the music "To Zanarkand" which was my inspiration to learned and study playing piano. And because it has all so part 2 which is FFX-2, which make the whole story complete and very wonderful. And as far as I know, the ending of the FFX was chose by most of the player as the saddest ending ever on an RPG. I keep on reading on the files about the character, story, development of this game. My rate for this game is 10 out of 10.
I picked FF XII because it has less mushy romanticism in it and a lot of excitement with great scenes!! I really enjoyed some of the character details in the plot....kind of like how Vaan wanted to be a space pirate! :D
I went for FFX.

It's the best between them all IMO of course, it's interesting and can pull you into the game without even trying, I was like why can't all of my characters use summoning but after I played it, I understood why, it was really a great story line.

FFVII had quite a unique one, I liked the developments, the traps and what so. One of them is when you-know the scene, so I say FFVII story line was almost as good as FFX
It was hard for me to choose..because I think Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy 8 both have amazing storylines, but I pick 8 over 10.

I love 8 because all of the characters are important to help understand the game. The plot is not just put out actually have to explore, and talk with people..there is a lot of thinking with the plot line, and I guess I just really like that a lot.

Squall grows a lot over the course of the game..and it's just so great to be able to see his thoughts.

The characters are what is great in this game, Squall is Laguna's son..Laguna is a solider he values friendship and love more then anything..Squall is cold and distant..mercenary soldier...Squall's dad loved Rinoa's mom at one time...Seifer is Squall's opposite...scar is different, both use a gunblade but a different kind..both loved Rinoa...This kind of stuff..makes this game great.

Also I love that you don't find out who the real villian is until the beginning of disc 3. The sorceress triangle is fun to think about..

Also time in this game is really important..I love the reason Edea creates seeD and garden is because she meets squall when he is trying to get back from the future..and that Edea takes Ultimecia's powers. (I am not one of those people who believe Rinoa is Ultimecia btw...Ultimecia is supposed to live too far into the future for it to be able to physically be Rinoa...)

Anyways..I know I am rambling lol

I just really think the plot line to this game has a lot to offer but people don't give it a fair chance.
Final fantasy X is winning!:freehugs:

I was expecting VII to win, but im glad X is. It really was an amazingly thought up storyline. Square acheived a whole new level in world making in this game, they took you completley away from earth and into spira with tons of new fresh concepts. The story was tragic and enchanting! A very gripping game to play through!
I would have to say, hold your breath, Final Fantasy X. Yeah, surprised me that I didn't say IX too. FFX has a great story that seems like its straight forward in the beginning and through most of the story as well, but it has and excellent twist that keeps you interested as well as great characters that you can fell in love with. AHHH!. The story does not detract from is main focus, with all the side missions that some FF games have. The ending is great and oringinal and could make anyone sad.
I'd say FF8 because it has the best character development in a game (squall) A major storyline with a minor one( squalls party and lagunas party) A love triangle(squall-rinoa-quistis) And so on
I think FF XII had the best story line. I liked FFX too, but in my opinion the storyline XII was different from most Final Fantasies, which is why I liked it.
i think ff7 has the best story.i just love playing that game.

MOD EDIT: Could you possibly elaborate on this more please? Tell us why you think it has the best story, what makes you think it's the best etc.
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Okay, so i've only actually completed 2 final fantasy games. I voted for IX. I'm really surprised how it didn't get very many votes. It was so epic. I like X, but there wasn't anything special about it. I found it a little confusing. I think IX had a little of everything in it. old school, new stuff, knights, black mages, princess, hero, love, romance, it was just an incredible moving story. Maybe when I actually beat X i'll feel different but I kinda doubt it. I'm at the end now.
I loved all the stories of FF, but for simplicity's sake I thought FF2 had the best story. In FF2 you had a functioning group of rebels who had actual goals in a war effort unlike FF7's ragtag Avalanche who only performed a few cheap acts of terrorism. Another thing was that romantic love was not such a big concern in the game as the female protagonist was a step-sister to the hero, Firion.

All along I felt like I was building towards the climax of this great war. First, I scouted Fyn and found out about Count Borghen's betrayal. Then I captured Palamecia's entire supply of mythril for the rebelion to arm itself. Third, I attempted to stop the construction of Palamecia's WMD, the Dreadnought, which had a huge impact on the story for most of the game. I failed bringing dragoon reinforcements from Deist but I did get the Ultima tome. And even after Palamecia was dealt the crushing blow by the party's hand, it redoubled its efforts under the second in command (kind of reminds you of how Malak reorganizes the Sith after Revan's "demise" in KOTOR). Finally, in the last confrontation the overshadowing by the war of something much darker is revealed with the Emperor's raising of castle Pandaemonium from Hell.

Also, nice is the soul of rebirth to address the question if the Emperor could die and go to Hell then there must be a heaven for all the innocent dead to go to, not to mention throwing in a moral plot twist provided by the Light Emperor. This last part leads me to believe based on dialogue of the Emperor, Minwu's party, and the consciousnesses of their loved ones that maybe by saying not to be deceived and that he is the same as the living emperor the loved ones did not necessarily mean evil (as he is the Emperor's good side) but that he had the same goal of ruling over everything just for the good intentions of stopping violence and war rather than his evil side wanting to simply claim everything for himself.

Finally, loved how Ultima is first introduced into the series, and it actually being stated as the ultimate magic. This status was more rationally emphasized than the easilly attainable Meteor in FF4 because Ultima had several "seals" placed on it in order to keep it hidden away. The first was the incantation received from Hilda, then the white mask for the goddess statue, the black mask for the doppleganger, the crystal rod for the Mysidian Tower, the Leviathin, the three ancient mages, and finally the magic seal broken by Minwu's sacrifice in which he concentrated all his magic into a blast of energy not unlike the Mako cannon being fired into Sephiroth's barrier of light. IMO, the right protection for the most powerful magic in existence.

Just overall, a really enthralling story if you get on a nostalgia buz or even if you aren't.
That would be X for sure. A great story line, Characters and fighting system. I loved the summons in the game and I sure loved the Sphere grid system. The cut scenes were amazing and the main character was awesome. I loved the Blitz ball and the way those guys can breath under water.

The game was full of emotions and I almost cried at the end when wants to Tidus jumps away and Yuna start crying. :(

P.S. I'm a sensitive guy not gay...I repeat, not gay.
The best story was 7 I think.

"Everything I do, I do with no regrets"
Yuna, FF X, Mt Gagzet.