Best Story?

It's between X and Tactics for me.

For X, the fact that you are seeing the world through the eyes of someone from another time and place means that you know the same as Tidus at the start. You learn the shock twists when he learns them. So you end up sympathizing with him as the story progresses. X-2 wasn't the same as it was from Yuna's perspective and she had been traveling around Spira for two years.

In Tactics, it took me a while to suss out, but the clash of the classes and the civil war aspect is really cool!
So, is FFTactics available to buy at all? Everyone says a lot of good things about it.
Generally I'd say VII, though I liked the idea with those aeons in X. VIII was a love story, not much adrenaline there. Also, XII is quite interesting.
Above all, VII wins.
I'll just put it in the winner in each group for me...

Character Development: FFVI. Every bit of that games plot that didn't involve Kefka was a sidequest, and a beautiful one at that.

Deep, man: FFX. I don't think I need to explain this.

Charm: FFIX. It's as oldscholl as DQ8. : D

Issues: Tactics. It was easily the most realistic, and the plot was very well done and played.
Sadly Square only released in Japan and NA. Cunts.

I believe that the PSP version was an enhanced remake of it though.

What House said :neomon:

The PSone version is just America and Japan, but the PSP version is out in Europe. It's pretty much the same thing, just with prettier cutscenes and some extra characters and jobs thrown in. I highly recommend buying it, JR. It is hard though, so be warned.

The story is fantastic. You seem to think that XII's political plot is I'm pretty sure you'd say Tactics's story is godly, since it completely outclasses XII. It's a fairly dark and gritty story too, lot of church coverups, murder, backstabbing, war, poverty and people turning to crime as a result of said poverty, etc. Hell, at the beginning of the game you start off as a paid mercenary. Much cooler than starting off as a sewer rat and fighting...well...rats.

Deep, man: FFX. I don't think I need to explain this.

Plz do, I have no idea wut u mean by deep, man -__-

Charm: FFIX. It's as oldscholl as DQ8. : D
Only IX is superior to Dragon Quest :neomon:
ARC said:
It is hard though, so be warned.

Man...that's the truth. Tactics abused me in horrible ways. My ass is still a little sore. The other Final Fantasy games made me soft. They're incredibly easy in comparison.

I kept going mostly because I wanted to finish the story.
I think IX had the best except maybe the very ending but looking past that it was great
Man...that's the truth. Tactics abused me in horrible ways. My ass is still a little sore. The other Final Fantasy games made me soft. They're incredibly easy in comparison.

I kept going mostly because I wanted to finish the story.

Same here, that game will rip you a new asshole. To be honest, I hate hard games, they piss me off and I always end up selling them. Only reason I made it through Tactics and still have it is cuz the story was so damn compelling.

I think IX had the best except maybe the very ending but looking past that it was great

I thought the ending was makes me cry every time I beat the game too -__- The story in IX isn't terribly original (then again, the game IS a tribute to oldschool FFs), but it has ALOT of depth character-wise. And when you look past the character design, the game is pretty deep. The game deals with genocide, manipulation, depression, being an orphan, etcetera etcetera etcetera. I suppose it actually does get close to Tactics in terms of darkness, it's just masked well. The great thing is through the whole game there's a theme of hope and never giving up. The game is so anti-emo it bleeds rainbows.
Only released in Japan? Arse biscuits. I don't even have a PSP, so I can't even play this highly acclaimed game and enjoy the story :(
Only released in Japan? Arse biscuits. I don't even have a PSP, so I can't even play this highly acclaimed game and enjoy the story :(

Well in that case, you can either buy a PSP or dl a ROM :wacky:

Oh, I forgot to mention something. The game has two main characters. And they both kick ass and are exceptionally well-developed. One is just a badass, the other knows when to be a badass. There's no whiny emo people in the game, which alone makes it worth playing. The pacing is kind of spastic, however....although that mainly depends on your skill level and how much leveling you'll need to do (which will be alot). It definitely is the most compelling story though.

And just in case you've heard people whine about the bad translation...well, the game came out the same year VII did, so yes, it does have a few mistakes, but like VII they're nothing that will hamper your understanding.
The story from 7 to 12 were all great. They all had that effect on you when you play each one of them, which is that you become indulged by the fantasy world and story.

I forget that sometimes its not real. It's great how all of the ff have different themes. They all range from:
Belonging, etc.

Those were just a few of the main themes that could be discovered in the different ff games. They all had a story to tell, so lets see what they can do.

I haven't played final fantasy I through to VI yet though...
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Only released in Japan? Arse biscuits. I don't even have a PSP, so I can't even play this highly acclaimed game and enjoy the story :(

It's worth it though. In the PSP version you can recruit Balthier from XII and Luso from TA as well as Cloud from VII. They are all really strong when they join the party. Balthier is very quick and usually has 2-3 turns before anyone takes a turn, Lusu and Cloud have high strenght, and Cloud starts of at Lvl 1 so, he fast becomes one of your strongest party members.
From Final Fantasy 7 to 12 the storyline were all amazingly great, but of course the one that stuck out was of course 7,
Ff Ix

Final Fantasy 9 had the best story in my opinion. Kuja really showed the fraility of a doomed child. Dagger's reaction to loss was great, and the overall climatic feel of inevitable destruction really set the tone for the game. At no point do you feel like the story forgot someone was out to destroy the world. Best characters + second best villain = Best Story
*Stares in shock.* You mean, I'm no longer the lone voice acclaiming the superiority of Tactics? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN ALL THIS TIME???!!! Judge Rulia, get a PSP! The translation mistakes have been fixed in the port process, not to mention the addition of several great mini quests. Thank God, it's about time you people crawled out of the woodwork...
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*Stares in shock.* You mean, I'm no longer the lone voice acclaiming the superiority of Tactics? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN ALL THIS TIME???!!! Judge Rulia, get a PSP! The translation mistakes have been fixed in the port process, not to mention the addition of several great mini quests. Thank God, it's about time you people crawled out of the woodwork...

I'm sorry, I only found this site last week! :mad:

But yeah, it's a great game, and the 5th one I've played, in order:
X > VI > X-2 > XII > T
In my opinion, no game will ever beat FF7's storyline. It had huge plot twists, love triangles, death, sadness, and on and on. The game really pulled you in, and I felt such a deep conection with the characters. FF7 ftw!

Second best would be FFIX. It had an awesome storyline as well, and I really enjoyed playing it.
I'm sorry, I only found this site last week! :mad:

But yeah, it's a great game, and the 5th one I've played, in order:
X > VI > X-2 > XII > T

Okay, okay, I forgive you. It's just been a rough several months, as all the tactics fans used to confine themselves in the Tactics subforum. Just help me spread the wildfire that is 'Tactics fever' across the General Discussion threads. Many of these people, such as Judge Rulia, have yet to see the light. Their souls must be saved!