Best & Worsts Discussion

To me the hardest boss in ff 7 was ruby the first time i was combining materias to see what can kick his ass the second and third time through the game i have to say i had no problem with any boss.
The hardest boss for me, believe it or not, was that Two-Headed Dragon in that cave. I don't know why it was so difficult. Also, when I was 8, couldn't beat that Air Buster >.<

The easiest boss was Safer Sephiroth. I just used DeBarrier and Knights of the Round and his ass was grass :neomon:
Hmm.. hardest boss..didn't have any problems through the game with any of the game bosses, My favorite party in FFVII that I use is RedXIII, Tifa, and Cloud. Emerald Weapon was a challenge but RedXIII and Tifa destroyed him.Safer Sephiroth was a joke
hmm, well my fav ff part was killin the weapons n gettin 50k ap, lol, loved it, jus all my materia was goin lvl up lvl up lvl up lvl up lvl up.... and so on lol.
least favorite part is the fact that everyone bones over zack... teh fook people's? hes jus a homo hu gets slapped down by sephiroth lol. and he no a crap part in ff7. except crisis core lol, which was jus crap. cloud pwns him any day is what i say. ( that rhymed.... :D) i thought tifa was pretty cool, bit annoyin tryin to get the limit breaks on time through the games but by the end she was strong enough to do 9k if it was hit or yeah so i wasnt assed. cait sith... argh! he was a useless peice of crap lol. tha dice shi was buuuulll lol. and the part where he goes to give his stuffed body up wasnt at all sad or emotional lmao. wish that had been his real body n he jus fricked off lol. the only good thing about him was his accent on AC. lmao - "Ah cannae handle this!" cracks me up lol.

oh oh, btw, i jus thought id put this down.
lol, u no u all been sayin safer was crap n too easy n stuff? well, i got bored, n decided to go finish teh game of agen, all chars 99, best weaps, best limits, nearly all materias mastered... and guess what? he handed my ass to me lmao. i had no idea what was about to happen when he jus threw me a few of those crazy attacks he got like pale horse n supernova n we were gone lol..... i guess i didnt take him seriously and was jus tryin to beat him with counter attack only lol.
btw nice sig andenken
i loved this game and its such a huge game but there are a few things which annoy me

1. u can visit zacks house in the game right so y does tifa and cloud not say anything 2 them how bad is that! they call themselves friend ye W/E

2. the ancient forest is pointless they could have made it a bit more intresting i was expecting great treasures but found nothing of value

3. there are points in the story which dont give u any hints on wat 2 do next which is annoying

but overall i love the game and have compoleted it around 4 times now
Best male is Yazoo, because he is quiet, calm, cool...

Worst male is Cloud, Reno because Cloud keeps trying to be mysterious, he constanly runs away somewhere and leaves the mystery behind. Reno is too childish...

I don't have a favorite female character.

Worst female is Tifa because I don't like her personality in the movie.
To name a few of my favorite aspects of the game...
*Chocobo Racing; I wasted tons of time breeding those damn things, so I raced them a lot to make myself feel better about it.
*Side stuff about Zach and Cloud; I really enjoyed learning more about what happened to Zach. He was always an interesting character to me.
*Dating Barret; Best choice in the Gold Saucer ever. It takes effort, but it's worth it.
*Cloud dressing up as a women; I remember playing this game when I was about 12 and I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Crossdressing=epic win.

WORST thing in the game: that stupid summon Sephiroth used during the final battle. Seriously, he generally uses it about 5 times when I fight him. I can leave my game, make a sandwich, come back and he's still only destroying Mars.
Cloud Strife - Like
Reason; I think Cloud is a pain in the ass, and fucked up in the head. :D But... Beside the fact that he has so much mixed up memories, and truths, I like how he takes on the leading role for their little group. Barret was supposed to be the leader of AVALANCHE but Cloud pretty much guided their group through the whole game. I just like how that all developed, I can't really explain it, it just clicked and worked for me.

Tifa Lockhart - Like
Reason; Despite the fact that she is my favourite character, there is a reason behind it than just who she is, and how she looks/fights. Tifa in a way of acting, reminds me of myself. It's just one of those "...I understand what she must go through right now." things, as you go through the game, and it focuses on her. I love her Martial Arts way of fighting, and I just think her personality is really deep. Personally I think she is a very usefull character in the game, and I'm really glad she was designed. Best female character developed ever if you'd ask me.

Barret Wallace - Like
Reason; Barret is just a big dude, with a big mouth, and a small heart. He cares about his team, his family. Like he says, he wants to be with Marlene, but he also has to fight and keep doing what he does, in order to keep her safe. For her future. Though he curses alot, and acts like Cloud is a total and complete retard sometimes, he follows our Final Fantasy VII leader, and has his back when needed. To "kick" Cloud's ass back in shape if he were to ever get crazy in the head. ^^

Cid HighWind - Like
Reason; I don't really have that much to say about this character beside the fact that I simply just like Cid. The way he acts is just friggin' hilarious, and his cuss words, don't get me started. *ROFL*

Aerith Gainsborough - Dislike
Reason; No. Not because I'm a Tifa lover, or a CloTi supporter. I dislike Aerith because I just don't like the Girly Attitude about her. Some thing that she said to Barret for example in the Gold Saucer. "
Cheer up.
", or something along those lines, while Barret was clearly upset with what happened. I mean Hello? Can you be more insensitive... I didn't like her Limits either, I never used them, 'cause I think they're pretty much pointless if you have Restore. Sure it might be a free healing, but... I rather have something that kicks the enemies ass, and use Ethers for filling up my MP when needed. On top of the fact that I don't like her outfit, which has nothing to do with the character, but with the game, I don't care for pink. I think the whole hecticness around her
Death Scene
was pretty uncalled for either. Sure she helped the whole team in her own way, but it's not like she saved the planet by herself. =/

Cait-Sith - Dislike
Reason; Leaving out the fact that he tries black-mailing people, which is something I hate beyond belief, I just don't care for this character. I think he is useless as a fighter, and annoys me with his personality. Not to mention his limit breaks. Omg! If I felt like having myself get killed by an ally, I'd kick a rabid chocobo in the head and let him Chocobuckle me to Mimitt-Greens. =/ Not by having an unlucky roullette and have a cat who's to lazy to walk kill me. >_< *Glares*

Red XIII - Like
Reason; I just like his soft personality. He's a child in his years, but tries being an adult, and to look after his people. I just love XIII's attitude. He's just a cute big ball of furr. <3 :tighthug:

Yuffie Kisaragi - Mixture of Likingly-Dislikeable
Reason; Ehhhhhh... She annoys me a whole lot. But made me laugh a few times, so... Can't say I hate her.

Vincent Valentine - Like
Reason; Now I don't care for his Limit Breaks, cause I think they're bloody pointless. <.> Buuut... I like Vincent's personality in the game. Dark, scarred mentally (possibly), yet remaining and trusting his comrades.

That's it for the characters for me. ^^ I know this isn't just about the characters, but I just might get back on this topic once I figured out my real likes and dislikes about the game itself. :D