Best & Worsts Discussion

Oh geez I LOVE Onion Knight.
I love how Lulu gets bitchslapped by her own moogle when she's confused.

OH OH and when the sand slug swallows Lulu, you see her spinning in the air and when you look up her dress there's NOTHING THERE O_O
Yes yes this game hath been the source of many an inside-joke. :D

Of course the music from FFX is wonderful, I learned To Zanarkand on piano as well...actually it's the *only* song I can play on piano now ;_;

Love Auron. Forever.

Didn't care for Tidus' personality though. Also found Wakka a bit annoying. However I do like his accent ^_^

I know this is really stupid, but I didn't like that you can't make Tidus jump (I'm used to the KH-style). <.<; I demand the right to jump randomly!! T_T
Lol, totally agree Lulucent, Auron was great and Tidus was well... just awful. I played final fantasy a fair while ago though, can't remember it in huge detail, but I LOVED the sphere grid, and well... I never finished it, ha ha ha. I didn't know anything about any ultimate weapons until I tried to defeat Sin a ZILLION times, and looked it up on the net. And well... I was just so sick of trying after doing all that crap for SO long, I just gave up in the end... that saddened me.
I reckon the game was pretty great over all but the thing I liked best was when they used the main cannon on Sin but you only get to see it twice
The Aeons were amazing. The fact that you could customize them and teach them abilities was great. Also the idea that they grow as does Yuna was interesting.

As you can see by my name I LOVE TIDUS! But nobody else does so I don't point that out often. I like how he's normally so upbeat, and the fact that he's always confused and naive in the world he knows nothing about was funny to me.

The Sphere grid was amazing mainly because it took forever to conquer. In games I like to beat it 100% and to do so I had to clear the grid and then go back with clear spheres and stat spheres.

Overall it's my favorite FF game.
Hehehe, if u're Tidus' biggest fan, then my nick only goes to show Yuna is the one I love in the game...

But too bad i still haven't got the time to start playing FFX even though my bro has got his PS2 already set up a long time ago... Should be very soon though, and I'll be able to have my beautiful Yuna in action soon!
I mostly loved it. The storyline, the world, the monster arena, I enjoyed pretty much all of it. I really liked the customizations you could add to the weapons too. Graphically, it was a really pleasing game in terms of scenery. I wouldn't mind living in Spira.

Some things I did not enjoy: Dodging 200 lightning bolts to get Lulu's sigil drove me absolutely insane, and I was terrible at the Cloister of Trials puzzles. At times the characters annoyed the hell out of me, as did the dubs, because... sometimes Yuna would..... talk...... like..... this. :randompoke:

The good definitely outweighs the bad though.

And I love Kimahri. I want a pet Ronso. :P
i HATE BLITZBALL. Biggest waste of space in any final fantasy game ever.
I hated trying to dodge 200 lightning bolts for Lulu's Sigil. I swear, I think I got to 193 and then a bolt hit me. I screamed.
The side things you had to do to get Sigils for your Celestial Weapons wasn't all that bad really, it just took a massive amount of focus in most cases.

Dodging Lightening for me was a pain in the ass the second time because I just got done dodging 175 and my sister flipped on a light switch downstairs and it threw me off and I got zapped by lightening.

I then took a 15 minute break, went back to give it another try, and got 211 in a row this time just to make sure I had gotten the 200.