Best & Worsts Discussion

Angel Valentine

Seph says yer dumb
Jul 12, 2006
Just like all the rest of the Fave & Worsts Discussion threads. Your favorite and least favorite weapon, character, eidolon, relationship, etc...can be discussed in length here.


1.) Put some thought into your posts, a.k.a. no spamming. Try not to post things like, "VIVI IS MY FAVORITE LOLOLOLZ" or "ZIDANE IS A MUNKEY CUZ HE HA TAIL!1 HAHAHA" and last but not least no, "KUJA R STOOPID CUZ HE WARES A THONG". You have to give reasons why you like or dislike these things.

2.) Stay on topic. I don't mind if there are actually long drawn out discussions people get into about favorites, and why someone likes a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship or not etc....but don't go off on totally un-related tangents.

3.) DON'T FLAME. SRSLY, There's nothing dumber than someone flaming another member because they don't feel the same way about a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship. STFU, It's only their opinion. DEAL WITH IT.

If you don't follow these rules, I'll just castrate you %D *skips off*

Note: This thread isn't just for your favorite characters, it's for your likes and dislikes about everything in FFIX. This is an extension of the Favorites & Worsts thread.
I'm surprised no one's posted here yet...o well :)


1.The characters- I think that the characters were somehow old fashion, you had the dashing rogue, the rebellious princess, etc...however I think that FFIX brought back what Final Fantasy was built upon, these sorts of characters, it's old fashion final fantasy with classes given and a storyline that's sometimes easier to follow than others...*coughlikeVIIIcough*

2.The graphics- I've been reading a lot of flack on how cartoonish and SD the characters of 9 are, well, they're supposed to be like that. In a way, I think it made it more light hearted and fun, it wasn't so serious and 'rarrarwrawrawr i'm angsty and blah blah blah cry' and I think it gave a well needed inhalation of fun-ness.

3.Steiner-Yeah that's right. I said it. Steiner. Why do I like Steiner? Well I'll give you meh reasons! Steiner is so devoted to the Queen and to his kingdom that he's willing to travel with a theif (Now seriously people, this guy has been arresting people like Zidane his entire life and is very serious if not trying to get along with a princess who doesnt even listen to him, try to see things from his P.O.V) and whatever else to lay his life on the line to protect Garnet. A lot of people think he's annoying and has a stick up his ass, well he probably does with the way he's treated.

4.The Characters (different than #1): With all FF games there are good personalities to go with good characters, and I think that FFIX had some of the best. The opening overture where you see a quote by every characters picture describes them very well and if you go on through the game remembering that I think it shows them in a new light. Zidane is selfless, putting others before himself and caring a great deal, Vivi is stuck in a midst of confusion of what it means to be a real 'person' and how he qualifies. Steiner must try to do what loyalty demands, but loyal to a queen who would kill her own daughter or to a daughter who goes against all he's told her. I think that with the romance, as like most FFs, a lot of great peeps got overshadowed, but they still got the limelight just enough for us to find out something good.

5.Kuja- Despite bringing androgyny to a level to which even I cannot tell, and believe me I've read enough manga to be able to tell, Kuja had a certain 'oh well as long as i'm involved then it matters' kind of thing. He had a pretty funny smirk too. Kuja brought sexy back. Kinda


1.The Romance *sigh*: Yes, Zidane and Garnet are very cute together, and so on and so forth but I think that again, it overshadowed SOME, not all, of the story. Believe me it wasn't as bad as VIII.

2.Battle System: Cast Hastega and you MIGHT get somewhere otherwise you'll be standing there all day waiting to swing your knife Zidane, don't even get me started on Steiner.

3.Trances: Unfortunately when Zidane turns into Uber Kewl Zidane Strip Tease pin up mode, he only does it for so long and you can't choose when. I really would've liked to choose when I wanted Steiner to go all 'rawrdarkknightcrazy' on people but instead of a boss fight, my anger got taken out on a small plant form I ran into instead.
FFIX, what to say?

Hmm, well, the characters were certainly some of the best that I have seen so far from FF. The storyline was simply amazing and intriguing, obviously it kept me hooked. I remember a time when I played this nonstop for 10 hours. >.<
Underlying it all was the liveliness of the whole scene. I mean, just take a look at Treno, Lindblum, and Alexandria. Awesome places just bustline with activity.
And the ending, in my opinion, the best ending that I have ever seen for any game. :D
I finally have the time to post in here :)

I LOVE THIS GAME. xDD Srsly, this is right up there alongside FFVII for me. I loved all the characters (except for Amarant honestly) and their quirks and whatnot.

It just gave me this......otherwordly, magical, mystical feeling. I know that sounds retarded, but I love that feeling. Kinda like that feeling you used to get when you heard fairy tales when you were younger. I loved the atmosphere in the cities, and even the music was spot on x3

I was actually pissed off when you get to go to Terra, and they don't let you explore the planet more >_> xDDD Honest to God, if you could have, I would have wandered around there for who knows how long cause I like to do stuff like that xD

And yes. The ending FMV. FRICKING ADORABLE. xDD It's just so sweet, and refreshingly light hearted.
The ending is sweet?! More like heart-touching. :cool:
One of the best endings I've ever seen in a game, I normally don't go for endings that make you cry, but this one is the sole exception.

Melodies of Life is an awesome song and track, beautiful. :D
I agree, best FF ending in my opinion, i remember, i completed it when i was 12, it was my first FF game as well, have to admit, i have shed a small tear....i forgot now, do you see Vivi's gran childeren? did he and Quina.....:huh: he's the best character in FFIX i think, innocent but a bit predictable, reminds me of pinochio? And i also have to say that FFIX had the best Chocobo side quest from all the FF, although i enjoyed the rather complex chocobo breeding in FFVII, ha, the flying Gold Chocobo is the ultimate reward!:D

hmmm, remember the Ark eildolon?, after finally getting him i thought he was kickass, but then i got seriously bored watching the lengthy and tedious summoning scene..... overall FFIX was my favourite FF, mainly because of sentimentality, altough in my opinion FFVII has this almost Godly status among rpgs, it was massively innovative...:)
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The ending is sweet?! More like heart-touching.
One of the best endings I've ever seen in a game, I normally don't go for endings that make you cry, but this one is the sole exception.

Melodies of Life is an awesome song and track, beautiful.
xD Yeah, I agree with you there ^^

And neither do I, but the ending was just so.......I dunno, it just made me feel all warm and squishy inside :P

I love it ^o^ I listen to it quite often still ^^

nd i also have to say that FFIX had the best Chocobo side quest from all the FF, although i enjoyed the rather complex chocobo breeding in FFVII, ha, the flying Gold Chocobo is the ultimate reward!
I got addicted to Chocobo Hot & Cold xo! I sometimes would play God knows how long just on that xD The sidequest in VII confused the hell out of me at first ^^;
I agree, I think (IMO) this just edges it past 7 for my fav one in the series. Everything about 9 is amazing, the music, the landscapes, the characters and their backgrounds are amazingly intertwined which makes it so compelling.

The best thing about the game in my opinion is the music score. As far as I'm aware this was the last game Nobuo Uematsu wrote the music for(?) and boy if it was he went out with a bang! Melodies of life, you are not alone, loads more but I cant think of the top of my head..

The only thing I didnt like about it really (and this is clutching at straws a little) was that the only sword weilder in the game was Steiner, who seems a bit clumsy.. Zidane should of had a real sword instead of those double edged things!
i loved this game to the point of crying i bought this game when i was 8 and completed it at 12 without doing any of the side quests so i went back and did them. fav character is blank he loved marcus so much he went back and saved him. i didnt like that you could not go back to evil forest
I don't really remember much of it, so Ima restart it soon, but I DO Remember loving the chocobo mini game, I well enjoyed it

What reaaaaally irked me though was the guide and it's shittiness. What is the point in having a guide that doesn't tell you everything, I wanted to be thorugh and do everything I missed second time round but wanted me to use the internet. I DIDN'T HAVE THE INTERNET AT THE TIME, I DIDN'T EVEN JHAVE ACCESS TO IT AND EVEN IF I DID I WOULDN'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK TO START, I FAILED IT :gasp:

Although I have to admit, the guide pushed me in the right directions withthe stuff it was vague about and because I had to pertty much just work it out for myself on that chocobo mini game effort I was well pleased with myself when I did it

Still fucked me right off though, I took notes when I did stuff so I could rememmebr for my next playthrough (which would be like now, several years later >_>)

Can't remember much else..

OH DAGGER, what kind of a shit name is that, I dun want no one to know who I am so I'l call myself DAGGER?! What a bollockery of a name
I don't really remember much of it, so Ima restart it soon, but I DO Remember loving the chocobo mini game, I well enjoyed it

What reaaaaally irked me though was the guide and it's shittiness. What is the point in having a guide that doesn't tell you everything, I wanted to be thorugh and do everything I missed second time round but wanted me to use the internet. I DIDN'T HAVE THE INTERNET AT THE TIME, I DIDN'T EVEN JHAVE ACCESS TO IT AND EVEN IF I DID I WOULDN'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK TO START, I FAILED IT :gasp:

Although I have to admit, the guide pushed me in the right directions withthe stuff it was vague about and because I had to pertty much just work it out for myself on that chocobo mini game effort I was well pleased with myself when I did it

Still fucked me right off though, I took notes when I did stuff so I could rememmebr for my next playthrough (which would be like now, several years later >_>)

Can't remember much else..

OH DAGGER, what kind of a shit name is that, I dun want no one to know who I am so I'l call myself DAGGER?! What a bollockery of a name

There, your qualms were with a shitty guide and you can just call Garnet, Garnet again, or Mute Bitch, whatever suits.
IX would have to be one of my favorites. I liked the whole somewhat midevil feel of the whole game. Some of the characters I really could have done without. But all in all a very good game.

The story-
I loved the story. I was nice and fresh. Like I said before I liked the whole midevil thing they did with it... And I love the whole war thing that was going on between all the nations. It could make you relate to the whole situation.

The characters-
The characters are all over the place. Zidane was definitely my favorite. He was a nice change from his two preceding heroes "Cloud, and Squall". He may have not been the power house of the game but he was a necessity for steeling. I have mixed feelings about Garnet. I felt for her when Braine died and the cinema when she cut her hair made me cry... But a lot of the times she got on my nerves with her whole Naive thing. I loved Steiner! He was so funny. He was also a huge power house and I was mad everytime he left my party. I loved Vivi. He was just so innocent and I sympathized with his horrible situation. He was definitely a valuable player... I just wished he had more MP. I hated Quinna... I don't know what the hell they were thinking. I thought Eiko was cute and fun... and as for Admarant, I thought they could have put a little more into him.

I hated the card mini game. It didn't even compare to VIII... But I did however like the Chocobo Hot & Cold. I Found that to be absolutely addicting.

And as for the music... I spent 90$ getting it imported from Japan and I really feel it was money well spent. Beautiful.
Favourite & Worst Name In IX

I saw a thread like this in the VIII forum so I thought it'd be fun here too :) As far as I know it hasn't already been done :highfive:

So, which of any of the characters' names would you say was your favourite and which one did you just hate?

I liked Zidane, Vivi and Eiko. Vivi and Eiko are nice and cute :P

As for worst names I'd have to say I didn't like Brahne; it sounded like cereal :lol:
Dagger was the stupidest name ever. She is the only FF character that I rename because I hate it so much -_-

I like Eiko, it's cute, oh, Beatrix has an epic name. I love Freya though, she's probably my fave name

There's quite afew names Im not fond of really, come to think of it....oh well :monster:
Garnet sounds like a pretty name, although I don't like Dagger, even if it was meant to be a codename.
I, like all you guys, also wasn't too fond of dagger.

Other than that, I didn't have any objections, I liked all of the names and thought they fit the characters well.

Although I never really knew how to pronounce Queen Brahne.

Is it pronounced 'Bran' as in Bran Cereal or 'Bra-nay' or 'Brawn'???
Eh, Dagger didn't bother me all that much. I knew her real name was Garnet, so I was like "whatever."

Anyways, least favorite name out of IX would have to be Brahne. As previously mentioned, it sounds like brawne' or bran' or whatever, so yea stupid name.

I liked all of the other names in IX actually, Brahne was the only one that got on my nerves. If I have to pick a favorite though, I guess I'll say Eiko since it's adorable.
Amarant has to be my favorite name. It sounds all oooh mysterious.

And I agree with all the above posts in that Dagger is an awful name. I mean really, looking around and saying the first thing you see? Bah. Amateur. With that logic, I could've been eating cereal when I played to that part and just went with Spoon or Frootloops. :|
My favorite name is Zidane. It always just stuck to me and sounded really cool, plus i liked the fact that he had a tale and could kind of go "super saiyan" (trance). Least favorite name though is Dagger. Why couldn't they just call her Princess Garnet? I realize she was in cognito, but still, a better name could have been thought of than dagger.