Best & Worsts Discussion

Kuja actually. Simple. Pretty sucinct. A name you'll remember and think about FFIX and FFIX only when you hear it or see it.

The worst has to be Steiner. Sounds like an old music teacher I had in Kinergarden that would smack your hand with a ruler whenever you twitched in your seat or forgot to raise your hand when asknig a question. Steniner jsut sounds like a last name for an old woman.
Zidane,Vivi and Eiko are good names but brahne wasnt a good name at all.
Names that I liked:
-Freya - Because it's just that epic.
-Beatrix - I dunno. Fit her somehow.
-Eiko - Cute and fitting for the character. I wouldn't imagine any other character with that name.
-Sir Fratley

Names I disliked:
-Zorn/Thorn - Maybe because I hated everything about them =(
-Mikoto - I like the name, but I didn't really think it fit her.
-Cinna - Reminds me of Cinnamon.

-Blank (love the character, just not his name.)

I liked Amarant, Blank, Baku, Ruby, Marcus and the Nero Bros. I was really glad when I read on the internet, before the game came out, that they changed Amarant's name from Salamander to Amarant. Salamander reminds me of that boss from FF3, also it reminds me of lizards. He's a cool character, I'd much rather his name refrence the color of his hair than a lizard. I'm also a big fan of the Tantalus Trope.

Hmm names I dislike... prolly Dagger, although I'm quite sure in Japanese Dagger prolly sounds alot cooler. I also don't like Brahne, mostly cuz I have no idea how to pronounce it... I've always said Brawn. I can't really think of any other names that bothered me. For the most part they tend to fit the characters well.
Hmm, I like the names Freya, Garnet (I love all stone names really) ~And Vivi is cute too.

Ugh, I dislike Branhe though, And Steiner never really stuck with me either.

Go Chocobos ^^
The names that I liked the most are Vivi, Amarant, and Zidane. The names that I liked the least are Quina, Brahne, and Dagger.
What Worked

Zidane, easily the most likeable 3d final fantasy protagonist and one of my favorites over all. He had a lot of heart, he wasnt annoying, he was free loving and developed but did not do a complete 180 degree turn other than disc 4 cause of Garland.

The Love story, I really liked the love story, it reminds me of my and my gf...not so much that I hit on her on and on and on, but we were so incompatibale at first and we, well at least me liked to pick on her to hell and back.

The Story, it was very deep and dark at times, truly enthralling.

The Ending
one of the best endings I have seen in a game, I was sad to see Zidane die, I actually liked him a lot, but do enjoy the unexpected and seeing the hero die is not the norm, so it was bitter sweet. Than we see all the characters a little while longer, and then the speech Vivi gives naraitoring the end, it was very sad and what I expected to happen to him. Then we get to the play, I just really wanted to skip over it and see what happened next, then I had no expection to see Zidane pop out and say "bring me my belovoed dagger" a couple tears out of me, I did not see it coming and was a nice twist and totally summed up Zidane

The Ability System, not overly coplex or annoyoing unlike VII and VIII.

What didnt work
The battle system, it was too slow at times, there were times where I would select a move for my character and depending on the enmey, it could take a few minuets before they could attack...and then when I chose an attack, got attached and went into Trance mode, so I wasted a turn by not using trance because I already had selected my move.

Wateraga - One of the spells by the Water guardian dude. I just saw that and I thought, WTF....oh well

Kuja, he just seemed so blah....I did like seeing his moments of doubt at the end of the game, and then boom out of no where this guy named Garland is thrown our way too, although Kuja stays our true enemy. He wasnt horrible, but in a game of few bad spots, I had to pick one of the weaker aspects.
Just started this game like it so far weird playin with a party of 4. Steiner good in battle annoying any other time. Zidane's outfit is almost as fruity as the tail. Garnet just plain annoying any where. Vivi is my favorite so far just finished disc one and freyas race is weird walking rats with giants hands wtf?
I wasn't too fond of the 4 player line-up at first either in battles, but i grew used to it and it gave me more attacks to dish out when facing enemies.

Also, FFIX had quite a number of characters in your party, so using 4 at a time gave you more chance to level up a good portion of your party that's active instead of having more "sit the bench".
I have to say that Dagger and Steiner is the worst names. i always renamed Dagger back to ''Garnet'' .. well, what an awesome cover! but anyway. Steiner is so .. uhm... empty. ''Stein'' means stone in norwegian. so the name gets kinda weird. Zidane is actually kinda weird too, because a football player got the same name. but it's a great name that fits the character

Vivi have to be the best name in the game. it's made of just two letters x2 but have a nice sound to it :)
Fav characters- My fav characters would have to be Quina, Vivi and Cinna. They just rule! Quina such an idiot and he/she is obsessed with food! Vivi is a legend because he's 8 and he's able to destroy half the planet with his magic. Plus, he's sooo cute! Last but not least, Cinna is class. I dunno why, but he just is!

The Story- The story is probably the best story I have ever seen in a game, and it was also very sad! Especially when
Vivi finds out that he's the prototype Black Mage, Zidane apparanyly dies (Awww!) and when he finds out he's a Genome and just goes emotionally mental!
It's such a sad game!

Eidolons- My fave Eidolon is, without a doubt, Bahamut. It. Is. Awesome!

Battle System- I liked the battle system and ability system. They just, felt right for the game.

Kuja- Aiyaaa! What a prick! He's so bloody anoying and acts like a freakin' emo! (Which he is!).

Chocobo Sidequest- The Chocobo Quest in this rules! It is so well put together and very inportant if you want to get most of the characters Ultimate weapons and other things among that.

It may not sound like I like it that much, but it is my favourite game ever! So well put together and written! I love it! Just hope they make a remake soon! (Probably won't, but a guy can dream!)