Best & Worsts Discussion

Angel Valentine

Seph says yer dumb
Jul 12, 2006
Just like all the rest of the Fave & Worsts Discussion threads. Your favorite and least favorite weapon, character, GF, relationship, etc...can be discussed in length here.


1.) Put some thought into your posts, a.k.a. no spamming. Try not to post things like, "SQUALL IS MY FAVORITE LOLOLOLZ" or "IRVINE IS A COWBOI" and last but not least no, "RINOA IS UGLI, AND SQUALL DUN LUV HER". You have to give reasons why you like or dislike these things.

2.) Stay on topic. I don't mind if there are actually long drawn out discussions people get into about favorites, and why someone likes a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship or not etc....but don't go off on totally un-related tangents.

3.) DON'T FLAME. SRSLY, There's nothing dumber than someone flaming another member because they don't feel the same way about a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship. STFU, It's only their opinion. DEAL WITH IT.

If you don't follow these rules, I'll just quarter you %D *skips off*

Note: This thread isn't just for your favorite characters, it's for your likes and dislikes about everything in FFVIII. This is an extension of the Favorites & Worsts thread.
To start this thing off, I'd like to say that my favorite character (male) would have to be Squall.
I like him because his personality basically matches mine almost to the last drop, except for the part where he saves the world. :P

I didn't like any of the music though, but I need to listen to the thing more anyway.
Things I liked-

1. Zell <3
Zell is by far one of my most favorite, if not THE most loved character from FF in my books. I think that, 1. He has a great personality, 2. He's brave, ethical and kind, and 3. He does NOT get enough screen time. Zell shows his merit in the prison and willingly puts his life at stake for the sake of others, I know this is a common trait umong FF heroes but still. Also, there's something deeper than just the hyper martial arts poser attitude, something much more serious and mature, and I don't think that part of him that needed to be shown a bit more was really revealed. He could have been a much bigger character, as could Selphie, Irvine and Quistis, they just weren't given a big role in the story like they should have.

2. GF's
Guardian Forces are some of my favorites, mostly because I like to think of which GF fits best with the character using them. Like, imo, I think Quetzacotl fits best with Zell because they both have tattoo-ish things on them and they both remind me of lightning XD I think they're one stop smack downs were fun to watch :3

3. Technology
Another thing that set FFVIII apart was their large use of technology such as cars and spaceships. I think sometimes this may have been a reason for a lot of dislike that it received but I think that it was a breath of fresh air for once, to have people who knew what they were doing, and not just pressing pretty buttons then walking out and taking a ride across country by a bird.

What I disliked-

1. Rinoa-
I HATE this little girl. From the bottom of my heart. I'm not bashing her or anyone who likes her but my point is, is that I think they just randomly threw her in there for some romance. I would have liked FFVIII so much more if there wasn't so much romance in it, it took a serious chunk off the story line and plot. Plus, animal rights activists need to catch up on her, I don't think all those things she does with Angelo are good for that dog.

2. High School-
Now as a Junior I noticed that Balamb Garden was basically a high school. It wasn't an 'elite training facility' as some might have preffered to call it. It was a high school. o_O Elite training facilities don't have Garden Parties. Um...I think that the 'Special powers High School' motif should have been changed too "seriously, we're SeeD, we don't have garden parties, we kill people for hire." That might have made the game a bit too serious but to put truthfully I think that the personality of the characters if it had been let out more would have made up for it.

3. Squall and Rinoa-
Get a room or get your gun blade, we're not doing two things at once.

4. Seifer-
Cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it.

That's all for now..
Favourite GF

Iv searched to see if there is a similar thread & I couldn't find one.......soooo

What's your favourite GF & why?

I have always loved Diablos because he looks so cool & he was the only one I didn't have to faff around with boost for - I like Cactuar for pretty much the same reason
I think overall however I'd have to go with Doomtrain, not only does it look nifty but it uses meltdown which is an absolute godsend!

I'l have to say the worst are Carbuncle & Tonberry - all they were useful for were their abilities, & in that sense - Tonberry is probably marginally better than Carbuncle just for the call shop ability

*edit* Ah oopsie, thanks cerri ^_^ I shoulda made that connection ....
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I merged your thread with favorite and worse discussion thread. ^_^
I disliked some of the special attacks, they were weak and no point using them, Squall and Zell are the only two with decent special attacks. I suppose Selphie's would've been killer if the magic in the game was a strong asset, which it wasn't, I guess that's another element of the game i disliked, apart from the GF's, the magic was weak.

I also disliked the lack of sidequests, and the Chocobo mini-game was poor.

I absolutely loved the story, and loved every characters personality, they really had great appeal.

I liked going back as Laguna Loire and playing his past, living his mysterious life.

The Gilgamesh entrance is something i'll never forget, brilliantly done with Odin's death.

I love Angelo the dog, that dog saved me more often than i give him credit for. :lol:

The first disk is my favourite part of the game, with the parade and the train, classic!

I liked when Edea joined the party, she was very useful.

The final battle with Ultimecia was probably the biggest highlight in the whole of the Final Fantasy series, what a memorable battle, and challenging. The music was epic, "The Extreme" is one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard along with "Maybe I'm A Lion". FFVIII's full soundtrack is totally epic, to me anyway.

The optional bosses were total fungasm! :lol:
i liked irvine. he was missunderstood,and he was a good character. his wepons whernt the best, but at least the did some dammage, unlike rinoas wepons.

Also, my fave GF was shiva. she has been in the games since the start, and she is a classic. her moves have great visuals, and she is good against most.
Eek! I love Zell too! He definitely needed more screen time, and more FMVs... his limit break was fun too, even though I was too busy staring at his awesomeness to do well enough at them.

Another favorite thing from FF8 is Triple Triad. Omg, I love Triple Triad, let me tell you. It was one of the best mini-games to grace FF history (along with Blitzball and Mog's House in FF7... ha!). I always play it online at TTAdvance, and know every way possible to beat anyone anywhere anyhow. I liked that they put characters and other things on the cards; that system FAR outshined FF9's card game.

Favorite GF was probably... oh, I don't know. I liked them all equally, except maybe Pandemona and Brothers. Those two were probably the worst GFs, but other than them each GF was fun to watch and build up. Shiva's always been my favorite summon, because Diamond Dust is always so neat to watch in its intricacies.

Worsts? Uh, I didn't dislike much... although, the Laguna dreams annoyed me at times. Changing equipment and all that (becaue I'm picky) and dealing with Laguna's personality was just aggravating sometimes. His battle music is SWEET, though. I know it by heart. :]

Favorite parts of the game include the end of disc 1 for its sheer awesomeness and epic execution, as well as the Garden Wars. Flying motorcycles? Hell yeah.
the thing i like best about the game is ward's limit break. its so cool throwing an anchor up in the air and then crushing some one with it.
i didnt use the gfs though, the good things about them were there abilities rather than there attacks
Just like all the rest of the Fave & Worsts Discussion threads. Your favorite and least favorite weapon, character, GF, relationship, etc...can be discussed in length here.


1.) Put some thought into your posts, a.k.a. no spamming. Try not to post things like, "SQUALL IS MY FAVORITE LOLOLOLZ" or "IRVINE IS A COWBOI" and last but not least no, "RINOA IS UGLI, AND SQUALL DUN LUV HER". You have to give reasons why you like or dislike these things.

2.) Stay on topic. I don't mind if there are actually long drawn out discussions people get into about favorites, and why someone likes a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship or not etc....but don't go off on totally un-related tangents.

3.) DON'T FLAME. SRSLY, There's nothing dumber than someone flaming another member because they don't feel the same way about a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship. STFU, It's only their opinion. DEAL WITH IT.

If you don't follow these rules, I'll just quarter you %D *skips off*

Note: This thread isn't just for your favorite characters, it's for your likes and dislikes about everything in FFVIII. This is an extension of the Favorites & Worsts thread.
I like Squall because his gunblade his attitude and his Strength
Least Favourite Character: Selphie
Least Favorite Male Character: Zell
Least Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Least Favourite Weapon: Pinwheel
Least Favourite Limit Break: Angel Wing

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i disliked the laguna parts ! found rather tediuos having to play through them .

loved cards though !
I wasn't a fan of those dream sequences either, they dragged on a little too much imo, although I liked the general idea behind it and getting to interact with the past it got a little tiring. I hated the Lunatic Pandora bit, it got on my nerves

I absolutely despised stocking magic aswel, it's not so bad once you have the GF abilities but gawd it wasn't half time consuming. I had desires to punch my control pad on more than one occassion >_< especially If I wasted all my time stocking and I went and died the following battle

Ultimecias castle was a pain in the rear end aswel, I swear I get lost in there every single time. No matter how many times I played it
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Things that I liked-
The music was phenomenal. I absolutely loved it. I actually spent a lot of money having it imported from japan. It was different. So much talent was put into it.

The entire story was amazing. I hate playing games that look as if they'd been put together by a 10 year old boy. It had some serious deapth. I loved the whole romance thing going on to. The comedic relief was in just the right spots.

The only think I must say that I almost can't stand is Zell. I have never met a more annoying character.
well the best things in this game are the characters and the Storyline
Squall & Renoa are my favorite FF couple, and the Hero school idea is good with me =D
the bad things about this game is the junction system & the leveling up
the junction system is just the most confusing system FF has ever used, i've asked veterains & people who have completed the game even say they still didn't have a clue how to use it. and a little tip about leveling up cause i didn't know this when i first played it and it made me have to start again, if you use Gaurdians forces (summons) too much in a battle your team gets no Experiance, nope, none what-so-ever really set me back had to start again when i realized was stuck in a town with nowhere to train >.< so yeah all in all thou its still a good game (Y)
I freakin' love the Gunblade. Best idea Square came up with ever. Who would have thought up something so awesome like that??!!
I may be in a minority here, but I did enjoy the whole draw system, and the junctioning. It made sense to me- you were more powerful the more things you had, and once you start using these things you obviously have less of them so you end up being less powerful.

Kinda like real life- more money=more power. Spend that money so less money=less power!

I also liked Shiva- she was my favourite GF. I wasn't all that keen on Quezacotl
The only thing I found worse for this game is when I kicked all the enimies butts lol. I felt bad for them after I got through with them :P.
well the best things in this game are the characters and the Storyline
Squall & Renoa are my favorite FF couple, and the Hero school idea is good with me =D
the bad things about this game is the junction system & the leveling up
the junction system is just the most confusing system FF has ever used, i've asked veterains & people who have completed the game even say they still didn't have a clue how to use it. and a little tip about leveling up cause i didn't know this when i first played it and it made me have to start again, if you use Gaurdians forces (summons) too much in a battle your team gets no Experiance, nope, none what-so-ever really set me back had to start again when i realized was stuck in a town with nowhere to train >.< so yeah all in all thou its still a good game (Y)
Had no idea it does that have never experienced it myself. Is that if you use a GF in a fight too much you dont get exp or you don't get exp ever again cause in boss fights no xp and those about the only ones you could use a GF more than three times in a fight and not win.
I actually would have no problem then if you use GF's and never got EXP for it for your characters. I mean, this game allowed you to stay low in EXP because it also meant your enemies stayed at low levels as well.
Yu do get exp using Gf' just don't get the extra exp for the person that has the killing blow, because well, no one does.

I liked the general idea of the monsters levelling up with you, but I don't think they realised how flawed it was. You could just esentially run through the game only fighting what you have to xD