Best & Worsts Thread


Am pwning my Psyduck
Nov 19, 2006
Favorite Character:
Favorite Male Character:
Favorite Female Character:
Favorite Boss:
Favorite Villain:
Favorite Race:
Favorite Temple:
Favorite Area:
Favorite Place:
Favorite Song/Music:
Favorite Weapon:
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:
Favorite Aeon:
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:
Favorite Magic:
Favorite Sidequest:
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst Boss:
Worst Villain:
Worst Race:
Worst Temple:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Song/Music:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Main Party Overdrive:
Worst Aeon:
Worst Aeon Overdrive:
Worst Magic:
Worst Sidequest:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:

Let me know if anything is missing!
Favorite Character: Lulu
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Braska's Final Aeon (so far)
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple:Remiem
Favorite Area: Macalania Woods
Favorite Place: Luca Sphere Theater
Favorite Song/Music: The music that plays in the "Spring" movie
Favorite Weapon: Caldabog
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's Slots
Favorite Aeon: Magus Sisters
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Gatekeeper hunt
Favorite Cutscene: "The Spring"

Worst Character:Grand Maester Mika
Worst Male Character: The captian of the Luca Goers in the beginning
Worst Female Character: Chocobo Trainer
Worst Boss: Sanctuary Keeper (i think)
Worst Villain: Sin
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: Blitz off! (it gets in your head. not bad to start, but...)
Worst Weapon: Trapper Mog
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Ronso Rage (no interesting commands or anything)
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo (you have to pay him)
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Ixion's. (can't remember the name of it)
Worst Magic: Fire, when you're near the end of the game
Worst Sidequest: Catcher Chocobo/ Thunder Plains (they tie with me)
Worst Cutscene:IDK yet

I don't know what an FMV is, so I couldn't answer that.

An FMV is like a movie scene, for instance, when Yuna performs her sending at Kilika.
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Ject
Favorite Villain: Yu Yevon
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: The one in Besaid
Favorite Area: Moonflow
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Music that plays during the "goodbye"
Favorite Weapon: Auron's sword
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Yuna's
Favorite Aeon: Valcifor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Bahamut's
Favorite Magic: Ultima!
Favorite Sidequest: Didn't do any
Favorite Cutscene: Don't know
Favorite FMV: The ending one was nice

Worst Character: Seymore?
Worst Male Character: Seymore
Worst Female Character: That lady with the annoying voice that would follow you around.
Worst Boss: Seymore in the mountains
Worst Villain: Seymore
Worst Race: none
Worst Temple: Macalania, so confusing!
Worst Area: that place were it was real dark
Worst Place: Macalania temple
Worst Song/Music: Rikku's theme
Worst Weapon: Rikku's
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's, could never get it to fill up all the way.
Worst Aeon: Hmm... none really.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: none really
Worst Magic: the status ailments attacks never really worked when you needed them too.
Worst Sidequest: didn't do any
Worst Cutscene: don't know.
Worst FMV: The kiss underwater scene. SOOOOOOO cheesy!

Favorite Character: Seymour
Favorite Male Character: Seymour
Favorite Female Character: Yunalesca
Favorite Boss: Spectral Keeper(that one from the Zanarkand's Cloister of Trials)
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Bevelle
Favorite Place: Cloister of Trials - Bevelle
Favorite Song/Music: Challenge(that one that plays during the fight with Yunalesca)
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Requiem(does it count?)
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion(there was a time that I was afraid of this overdrive o-o)
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: that butterfly hunting at Macalania Woods
Favorite Cutscene: dunno
Favorite FMV: Yuna's wedding(both of them)

Worst Character: Maester Mika
Worst Male Character: Maester Mika
Worst Female Character:I don't remember of any boring women in FFX
Worst Boss:That monster that appeared at Baaj at the beginning of the game. -.-
Worst Villain: Grand Maester Mika
Worst Race: none
Worst Temple: Kilika Temple
Worst Area: Omega Ruins
Worst Place: Mt. Gagazet
Worst Song/Music:That one from Mi'ihen Highroad
Worst Weapon:Yuna's first staff.
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's, it's simply impossible to fill it up.
Worst Aeon:Yojimbo. He saps all my dear gil.
Worst Aeon Overdrive:none really
Worst Magic:Auto-Life. It costs too much MP.
Worst Sidequest: Hunting monsters for the arena. When you need the monster, it simply does not appear or rarely appears. When you almost suicide completing your quote, the monster starts appearing! And when you go back to hunt more of them, the don't appear. This is simply too boring.
Worst Cutscene: dunno
Worst FMV: none really.
Favorite Character: Wakka
Favorite Male Character: Wakka
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Evrae
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Mi'ihen Highroad
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Hym of the Faith
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's Slots (Attack Reels)
Favorite Aeon: Magus Sisters/Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion/Hell Fire
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Dark Aeons & Penance/Gatekeep Hunt
Favorite Cutscene: Opening and Yuna's dance scene

Worst Character:Grand Maester Mika
Worst Male Character: Grand Master Mika
Worst Female Character: None
Worst Boss: Tros
Worst Villain: Grand Master Mika
Worst Race: none
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Mt. Gagazet
Worst Place: Moonflow
Worst Song/Music: none
Worst Weapon: Rikku's gloves
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's Fury (doesn't deal that much damage against the stronger foe).
Worst Aeon: Ixion/Yojimbo (cause you have to pay him gil)
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Valefor's Ray Beam (I think that's what it's called)
Worst Magic: none
Worst Sidequest: Thunder Plains (dodging lightining bolts)
Worst Cutscene: None I can think of
Favorite Character:Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Anima
Favorite Villain: Eh...
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Moonflow
Favorite Place: Inside Sin
Favorite Song/Music: Suteki Da Ne
Favorite Weapon: Anything Auron had
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Any of Auron's
Favorite Aeon: Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Shiva/Bahamut
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: can't remember
Favorite Cutscene: When Auron tells Rikku to open her eyes
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Tidus
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Jecht (let down)
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: er...dunno
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: dunno
Worst Song/Music: can't remember
Worst Weapon: Blitzball
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo (he was cool but..yanno, the money thing
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Valefor's
Worst Magic: demi
Worst Sidequest: the chocobo thing
Worst Cutscene: .....Tidus & Yuna laughing
Worst FMV: The underwater kiss was pretty cliche/vomit inducing
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Seymour(last version)
Favorite Villain: //
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: (i hate them all)
Favorite Area: the highroad in Bevelle(easy for leveling up)
Favorite Place: Airship(Deck)
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana/Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: the overdrive where Tidus uses his Sphere shot, can't remember the name(Yuna or Lulu throws the ball)
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: "Dark" magic(ultima, demi etc)
Favorite Sidequest: //
Favorite Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna's lovescene in Macalania Woods
Favorite FMV: err...?

Worst Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: the first(forgot name)
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Calm Lands
Worst Place: inside Sin(without the map)
Worst Song/Music: //
Worst Weapon: Stuffed Animals(Lulu's weapons)
Worst Main Party Overdrive: all of Wakka's
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Yoimbo's(he doesn't even have one! o.0)
Worst Magic: basic Magic(fire, blizzard, thunder, water)
Worst Sidequest: Al Bhed Primers
Worst Cutscene: //
Worst FMV: err...?
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Sin, he's a nice guy.
Favorite Villain: N/A
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Kilika
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: I like the inns...
Favorite Song/Music: Hymn of the fayth
Favorite Weapon: Nirvarna
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Grand Summon
Favorite Aeon: Yojimbo
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Zanmato
Favorite Magic: Black
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: The Bevelle one.
Favorite FMV: " "

Worst Character: Rikku
Worst Male Character: Tidus
Worst Female Character: Rikku
Worst Boss: Seymour 3
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Macalainia
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: " "
Worst Song/Music: N/A
Worst Weapon: Default. :\
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Elemental Reels (?)
Worst Aeon: Ixion
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Thor's Hammer (it is called that?)
Worst Magic: Lancet
Worst Sidequest: Getting the celestial weapons
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Sin
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Bevelle Temple
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Jecht's Theme
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Grand Summon
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Destroying the dark aeons
Favorite Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna laughing stupidly
Favorite FMV: Tidus and Yuna's farewell

Worst Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Jecht
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Kilika Temple
Worst Area: Mt. Gagazet
Worst Place: Kilika Island
Worst Song/Music: Kilika Island Theme
Worst Weapon: Moogle doll
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Thunder
Worst Sidequest: Accessing the Requiem Temple Chamber of the Fayth
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Lulu on the machina bike thing
Worst FMV: Rikku coming out of the water
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Evrae
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania Woods, The Spring
Favorite Area: Djose Highroad
Favorite Place: Macalania
Favorite Song/Music: Suteki da ne, To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon: Tidus's Celestial Weapon
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Shiva or Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Shiva's Diamond Dust
Favorite Magic: Black Magic or Summoning
Favorite Sidequest: The Chocobo Race
Favorite Cutscene: When Tidus finds out the truth about Yuna (so emotional!)
Favorite FMV: The Spring Scene

Worst Character: Seymour
Worst Male Character: Seymour
Worst Female Character: none
Worst Boss: none
Worst Villain: Lord Mika
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Djose Highroad
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: none
Worst Weapon: none
Worst Main Party Overdrive: none
Worst Aeon: none
Worst Aeon Overdrive: none
Worst Magic: early black magic like the regular Fire, Lightning spells, etc...
Worst Sidequest: none
Worst Cutscene: none
Worst FMV: none
Favorite Character: Yuna, Auron, Tidus, Lulu
Favorite Male Character: Tidus, Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna, Lulu
Favorite Boss: Overdrive Sin
Favorite Villain: N/A
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Bevelle (Bahamut), Baaj (Anima), Macalania (Shiva)
Favorite Area: Moonflow, Zanarkand Ruins, Macalania Woods
Favorite Place: Zanarkand
Favorite Song/Music: A Fleeting Dream, Suteki Da Ne, Otherworld
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana, The Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Energy Rain, Banishing Blade
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut, Anima, Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion, Diamond Dust, Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Ultima, Flare, Holy, Death, Curaga
Favorite Sidequest: All of the Ultimate Weapons Sidequests, Omega Ruins
Favorite Cutscene: N/A (don't remember)
Favorite FMV: The Spring, The Sending Dance, The Ending
Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: That blob that's at the spot where Tidus and Yuna make out.
Favorite Villain: Seymore?
Favorite Race: Chocobos!!
Favorite Temple: Bevelle
Favorite Area: Zanarkand Ruins
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Otherworld
Favorite Weapon: The celestial ones of course. ^_^
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Rikku
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Magus Sisters
Favorite Magic: Auto-life
Favorite Sidequest: Celestial Weapons
Favorite Cutscene: Seymore's house
Favorite FMV: Overlooking Zanarkand near the end where Tidus says "this is my story"

Worst Character: Kimahri
Worst Male Character: Kimahri
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Idk
Worst Race: Those ugly blue guys
Worst Temple: Djose
Worst Area: Mihen Highroad
Worst Place: Kilika
Worst Song/Music: Idk.
Worst Weapon: Taming Weapons
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka
Worst Aeon: Valefore
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Valefore
Worst Magic: Fire, Ice, Thunder
Worst Sidequest: Getting the sun sigil
Worst Cutscene: Yuna and her horrible stuttering problem outside of Luca
Worst FMV:Auron pulls Tidus into sin
Favorite Character: Wakka
Worst Character: Kimahri
Favorite Male Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Kimahri
Favorite Female Character: LuLu

Worst Female Character: Donna
Favorite Boss: Evrae
Worst Boss: None
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Worst Villain: None
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Worst Race: Guado
Favorite Temple: Macalania

Worst Temple: Bevelle
Favorite Area: All
Worst Area: None
Favorite Place: All
Worst Place: None
Favorite Song/Music: Hymn Of The Fayth
Worst Song/Music: None
Favorite Weapon: TKO (Wakka)
Worst Weapon: Moogle
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Slice & Dice
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Jump
Favorite Aeon: Ifrit

Worst Aeon: Valefor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Hellfire

Worst Aeon Overdrive: Thor's Hammer
Favorite Magic: Flare (LuLu)

Worst Magic: None
Favorite Sidequest: Blitzball
Worst Sidequest: Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: All of them

Worst Cutscene: None
Favorite FMV: All of them
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character:
Favorite Female Character:
Favorite Boss:
Seymour Flux
Favorite Villain: Jecht (if he can be called)
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple:
Favorite Area:
Omega Ruins
Favorite Place:
Favorite Song/Music:
Someday the Dream Will End
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:
Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon:
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:
Favorite Magic:
Favorite Sidequest:
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV:
Ending (Not Yuna's Speech)

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Seymour (lol)
Worst Boss:
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Song/Music:
Does the forced laughing count?
Worst Weapon:
Lulu's anything
Worst Main Party Overdrive:
Worst Aeon:
Yojimbo (for fight, not story)
Worst Aeon Overdrive:
Worst Magic:
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Sin
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Bevelle Temple
Favorite Area: Zanarkand
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Suteki Da Ne
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Anime
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Destroying the dark aeons
Favorite Cutscene: Ice Ski with rikku
Favorite FMV: The Spring or The dance

Worst Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Jecht
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Kilika Temple
Worst Area: Mt. Gagazet
Worst Place: Kilika Island
Worst Song/Music: Kilika Island Theme
Worst Weapon: Moogle doll
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Spiral Cut
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Thunder
Worst Sidequest: Accessing the Requiem Temple Chamber of the Fayth
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Lulu on the machina bike thing
Worst FMV: Tidus Crying
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania Temple
Favorite Area: Zanarkand
Favorite Place: Calm Plains
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon:
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Any of Auron's
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Battle Arena
Favorite Cutscene: Gatecrashing Yuna's wedding
Favorite FMV: The Dance at Kilika
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca
Favorite Villain: None
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: Bevelle
Favorite Area: Macalania Woods
Favorite Place: Macalania Lake
Favorite Song/Music: Macalania Woods BGM / Auron-Jecht Theme Song / Hymn of the Fayth
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg & Nirvana
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: None
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Blitzball
Favorite Cutscene: Bevelle
Favorite FMV: Macalania Lake Scene & Entire End.

Worst Character: Seymour
Worst Male Character: Seymour
Worst Female Character: Shelinda
Worst Boss: None
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Place: None
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: Lulu’s Toys
Worst Main Party Overdrive: None
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo Race
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character:Auron
Favorite Male Character:Auron
Favorite Female Character:Lulu
Favorite Boss:
Favorite Villain:Yunalesca
Favorite Race:Ronso
Favorite Temple:Bevelle
Favorite Area:Mi'ihen Highroad
Favorite Place:Omega Dungeon
Favorite Song/Music:All
Favorite Weapon:Brotherhood (it looked sweet)
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:Attack Reels
Favorite Aeon:Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:Oblivion
Favorite Magic:Haste
Favorite Sidequest:Blitzball
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV:The End

Worst Character:Tidus
Worst Male Character:Tidus
Worst Female Character:Rikku
Worst Boss:
Worst Villain:Seymore
Worst Race:Al Bhead
Worst Temple:Cavern of the stolen fayth (Magic urns got on my nerves)
Worst Area:Calm Lands
Worst Place:Besaid
Worst Song/Music:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Main Party Overdrive:Ronso Rage
Worst Aeon:Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive:
Worst Magic:Ultima (animation takes way to long)
Worst Sidequest:Chocobo training
Worst Cutscene:The laughing one (I cringe just thinking about it)
Worst FMV:None
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Penance
Favorite Villain: O'Aka (well he was a rip-off artist to me)
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Temple: Bahamut's
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Farplane
Favorite Song/Music: Otherworld
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's Attack Reels
Favorite Aeon: Ifrit
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Bahamut
Favorite Magic: Berserk
Favorite Sidequest: Calm Lands Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: Seymore showing old Zanarkand
Favorite FMV: Intro

Worst Character: Kihmari(sp?)
Worst Male Character: As above (I think)
Worst Female Character: Yuna
Worst Boss: Dark Magus Sisters
Worst Villain: Seymore
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: All the rest
Worst Area: Zanarkand
Worst Place: Besaid
Worst Song/Music: The one where Tidus & Yuna cry and swim/fly
Worst Weapon: All the "dolls"
Worst Main Party Overdrive: All Yuna's
Worst Aeon: Ixion
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Valefor (very boring after a while)
Worst Magic: All the rest
Worst Sidequest: Blitzball
Worst Cutscene: The first part on the bridge with the first boss
Worst FMV: The one where Tidus & Yuna cry and swim/fly again