Best & Worsts Thread

Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Jecht / Braska's final aeon
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Besaid, 'cause it was the easiest
Favorite Area: Luca
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: -
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Favorite Aeon: Didnt use them
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: -
Favorite Magic: Ultima - Doublecast ftw !!
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: Too many
Favorite FMV: Sin destroying Zanarkand at the beginning

Worst Character: Yuna
Worst Male Character: Kinahri
Worst Female Character: Yuna
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Yu Yevon
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Macalania
Worst Place: Macalania
Worst Song/Music: -
Worst Weapon: Anything that didnt belong to Tidus Auron or Rikku
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Swordplay
Worst Aeon: all
Worst Aeon Overdrive: all
Worst Magic: osmose
Worst Sidequest: chocobo
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst FMV: Yuna performing the sending in Kilika
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Seymour Flux
Favorite Villain: Sin
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Luca

Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: "To Zanarkand"
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace or Mix
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Omega Ruins
Favorite Cutscene: First one (with Tidus playing Blitzball)
Favorite FMV: First one (with Tidus playing Blitzball)

Worst Character: Kimahri
Worst Male Character: Kimahri (assuming he's a male)
Worst Female Character: n/a
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon (Square is definitely running out of ideas - The cause of all the problems in Spira is a Bug?)
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Tonberry race (hate Karma and Chef's Knife grr)
Worst Temple: Besaid (missed the treasure = had to fight Dark Valefor to get it therefore abling me to get Anima)
Worst Area: Al Bhed Home (think I missed some Primers)
Worst Place: Al Bhed Home
Worst Song/Music: n/a
Worst Weapon: n/a
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's Fury (useful with Trio of 9999, but annoying)
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: They all kick ass
Worst Magic: n/a
Worst Sidequest: Monster Arena
Worst Cutscene: n/a
Worst FMV: n/a
Favorite Character:Rikku (don't hate me... heheheh)
Favorite Male Character: Auron maybe (HATE AURKKU though)
Favorite Female Character: Lulu, she and Auron have the best quotes

Favorite Boss: Seymour Flux and Mortibody
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: ...Hypello... jk Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Macalania Woods
Favorite Place: Moonflow
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana/Caladbog (tie)
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Shooting Star
Favorite Aeon: Mangus Sisters
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Delta Attack
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: All of the Chocobo minigames
Favorite Cutscene: When Tidus finds out at Home
Favorite FMV:
The one before you fight Sin at the end with the swirling clouds

Worst Character: Dona
Worst Male Character: Brother
Worst Female Character: Shelinda
Worst Boss: Kimahri
Worst Villain: Maester Mika
Worst Race: catuar

Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area:
Tower of the Dead (inside Sin)
Worst Place: Cave of Darkness (Mt. Gagazet)
Worst Song/Music: None

Worst Weapon: Legendary Weapons pre-sigil and crest
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Element Reels
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Sidequest: Dodging Lightning
Worst Cutscene: In Luca, the laughing one
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Omega
Favorite Villain: Yevon

Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: The one with Anima in it
Favorite Area: Omega Dungeon
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Hymn Of The Faith
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: Blitzball or Celestial Weapons
Favorite Cutscene: The pwning of sin
Favorite FMV: When the party goes to the wedding

Worst Character: Kimarhi
Worst Male Character: Kimarhi
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Seymour
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: Macalania
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: None really
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Osmose
Worst Sidequest: Hmmmm...pass
Worst Cutscene: None

Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Still Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca :P
Favorite Villain: Sin
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: Baaj
Favorite Area: Via Purifico
Favorite Place: Zanarkand
Favorite Song/Music: "Challenge"
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Anima or Valefor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Sidequest: Ugh... they all kind of suck, but I guess looking for the spheres can be bearable
Favorite Cutscene: In Luca, when Tidus and Yuna do their crazy laughs :wacky:
Favorite FMV: "The Spring," "Zanarkand," "The Dance," and the very last one ;_;

Worst Character: Kimahri :|
Worst Male Character: Wait... Kimahri or Seymour
Worst Female Character: Shelinda. Blech.
Worst Boss: Wendigo D:<
Worst Villain: SEYMOUR
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Macalania
Worst Area: Macalania Woods
Worst Place: Kilika is pretty boring, I guess
Worst Song/Music: "My Father's Murderer"
Worst Weapon: All of Wakka's weapons
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Delta whatever. The Magus Sisters' one.
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Sidequest: Celestial weapons. Oh godddd.
Worst Cutscene: Any of the ones with Tidus being dumb
Worst FMV: "False Vows" D:< grrrrrrrr
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Braska's Final Aeon
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Hypello :D (Ride ze shoopuf?)
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Um..N/A
Favorite Place: N/A
Favorite Song/Music: Battle with Seymour
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Does Seymour's Requiem count? If not, Auron's Tornado.
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Anima's Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Dark Aeons/Penance
Favorite Cutscene: Seymour's Marriage Proposal
Favorite FMV: Ending, if it counts.

Worst Character: Rikku
Worst Male Character: Kimarhi
Worst Female Character: Rikku
Worst Boss: Sinsprawn..Gui I think? The one at the battlefield at Mushroom Rock.
Worst Villain: Yu Yevon (screw you, flea.)
Worst Race: Al-Bhed
Worst Temple: Bevelle (confusing.)
Worst Area: N/A
Worst Place: N/A
Worst Song/Music: N/A
Worst Weapon: World Champion
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's Slots
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Valefor's Energy Ray/Beam
Worst Magic: Dunno..Death?
Worst Sidequest: Dunno..
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst FMV: Rikku getting undressed. :P
I'm not sure if I did this already... I don't think I did. xD

Favorite Character: Rikku.
Favorite Male Character: Auron.
Favorite Female Character: Again, Rikku.
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca.
Favorite Villain: Seymour.
Favorite Race: Human.
Favorite Temple: Baaj.
Favorite Place: Zanarkand.
Favorite Song/Music: Suteki Da nae (sp).
Favorite Aeon: Valefor and Shiva.
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion.
Favorite Magic: Fireworks! XD Oops, that's in X-2.
Favorite Cutscene: The dance.
Worst Character: Wakka.
Worst Male Character: See above.
Worst Female Character: Aw, I just don't know.
Worst Boss: Wendigo D:< (HELL YEAH. O_O)
Worst Villain: The last version of Seymour sucked to fight. DX
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Magic: Demi.
Worst Cutscene: Any of the ones with Tidus being dumb. (All of them) But seriously, the worse one had to be the whole 'kiss' scene.
Favorite Character: Lulu
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Seymore Flux
Favorite Villain: Seymore
Favorite Race: RONSO
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Giza Plains:] So pretty
Favorite Place: Bikenel Island
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand<3
Favorite Weapon: SaveTheQueen/Murasame
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: mixmixmix
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: MegaFlare
Favorite Magic: Flare/holy

Favorite Quote: "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or
live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is
in your hands!"
Favorite Cutscene: Yunalesca, Yuna explains why she wont give up hope.
Favorite FMV: The Ending was beautiful

Worst Character: Wakka (annoying!)
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Rikku
Worst Boss: ChocoboEater
Worst Villain: Yunalesca
Worst Race: Al Bhed haha
Worst Temple: Djose:/
Worst Area: Mushroom Rockroad
Worst Place: Omega Ruins was so hard and annoying
Worst Song/Music: i actually liked all the music:)
Worst Weapon: like all the blitzballs haha
Worst Main Party Overdrive: element reels
Worst Aeon: ixion or valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: hellfire
Worst Magic: fire, blizzard the simple ones

Worst Quote: "is it edible?" rikku
Worst Cutscene: wakka pushing tidus into the lake

Worst FMV: kissing scene, a little bit cheesy
Favorite Character:AuronFavorite Male Character: AuronFavorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Seymour (All of them)
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al BhedFavorite Temple: Zanarkand
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Inside SinFavorite Song/Music: Victory Song ;D
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Attack Reals
Favorite Aeon: Yojimbo
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Anima
Favorite Magic: HolyFavorite Sidequest: Capturing
Favorite Cutscene: When Auron tells Rikku to open her eyesFavorite FMV: Yuna dancing in Kilika

Worst Character: Lulu
Worst Male Character: WakkaWorst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss:
Jecht (let down)
Worst Villain: Yunalesca
Worst Race: RonsoWorst Temple: Djose
Worst Area: Thunder PlainsWorst Place: Guado Salam
Worst Song/Music: Don't know D;
Worst Weapon: Onion Knight
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's Worst Aeon: Ifrit
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Valefor'sWorst Magic: Unno =/
Worst Sidequest: the chocobo thingWorst Cutscene: Unno =/
Worst FMV: Unno =/
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Seymour
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: The Macalania Spring
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand / Suteki Da Ne
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Valefor's Energy Ray/Beam
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: Dunno >_<
Favorite Cutscene: When Yuna asks Tidus to become her Guardian
Favorite FMV: The Spring

Worst Character: Dona
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Dona
Worst Boss: The first big one on the airship.
Worst Villain: Yunalesca...shoulda been something more challenging
Worst Race: Guado...ugh
Worst Temple: Djose
Worst Area: Thunderplains... annoying much?
Worst Place: Guadosalam...creepy
Worst Song/Music: None...unless it kept repeating over and over >_<
Worst Weapon: Can't even remember
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Dunno
Worst Aeon: The Mangus Sister's
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Anything the Mangus Sister's did
Worst Magic: Demi didn't do much. It always seemed like it would at first sadly.
Worst Sidequest: Can't remember >_<
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna laughing annoyingly >_<
Worst FMV: When Tidus crys =0 BE A MAN!
Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Rikku and Yuna
Favorite Boss: Seymour
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: Bevelle
Favorite Area: calm lands
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Opening theme
Favorite Weapon: The brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Aurons were the most fun
Favorite Aeon: Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Diamond dust
Favorite Magic: Hastega
Favorite Sidequest: Blitzball
Favorite Cutscene: In al bhed home when tidus learns the truth about the pilgrimage
Favorite FMV: Opening and end

Worst Character: there wasnt one
Worst Male Character: nobody
Worst Female Character: nobody
Worst Boss: The summoner yuna fights was lame
Worst Villain:
Worst Race:
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Mt gagazet
Worst Place:
Worst Song/Music:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulus, they were too hard
Worst Aeon:
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy ray
Worst Magic: Death
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo races in the calm lands
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
This is a good thread

Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca
Favorite Villain: Seymour, I hate him but he was the most fun to kill :)
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: None
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Zanarkand
Favorite Song/Music: Hymn of the fayth, or the Seymour battle inside sin
Favorite Weapon: None
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: All of Aurons
Favorite Aeon: Valifor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Valifor- Energy Blast
Favorite Magic: Summoning
Favorite Sidequest: Monster arena
Favorite Cutscene: Aurons speech before the fight with Yunalesca.
Favorite FMV: Bevelle when they jump off the ship to save yuna

Worst Character: Maester kinoc
Worst Male Character: Maester kinoc
Worst Female Character: That stupid girl that yuna always talks to throughout the game, with the green robes.
Worst Boss: The creature that was eating the chocobos
Worst Villain: Maester kinoc
Worst Race: The Al Bhed
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: All the music was amazing
Worst Weapon: The Brotherhood
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Worst Aeon: Shiva
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Yojimbo's, HE SHOULD HAVE AN OVERDRIVE!!!!
Worst Magic: Water Magic
Worst Sidequest: Getting enough gil for Yojimbo was annoying
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna laughing stupidely
Worst FMV: The spring scene
Favorite Character: I don't have one.
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: the Final Aeon, the first Seymour fight
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: Remiem Temple.
Favorite Area: Besaid
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Suteki Da Ne, To Zanarkand, and a lot more xD
Favorite Weapon: Yuna's first staff is pretty, but Brotherhood also looks cool.
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: none actually, but maybe Yuna's because they come in handy at boss fights ^^
Favorite Aeon: Shiva and/or the Magus Sisters.
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Diamond Dust.
Favorite Magic: Holy.
Favorite Sidequest: none?
Favorite Cutscene: just before fighting Yunalesca.
Favorite FMV: the one at Macalania Spring, at the wedding, the Sending and the ending of course (H)

Worst Character: Kimahri probably.
Worst Male Character: Brother? Lol, or Pacce xD
Worst Female Character: SHELINDA, omg she was so annoying!
Worst Boss: Wendigo at Macalania temple, Spherimorph and maybe a Sinspawn.
Worst Villain: I have no idea.
Worst Race: none.
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: inside Sin.
Worst Place: I dunno.
Worst Song/Music: I didn't really like Seymour's theme (the one you hear at Macalania temple after fighting him)...and also inside Sin....I hate that one.
Worst Weapon: lol probably a staff or a sword with stupid abilities.
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu, I always mess up overdrive (so I never use it, she's not even in my party most of the time xD).
Worst Aeon: Ifrit, I almost never use him..only at the start of the game when you have to fight Belgemine.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray probably...or Ifrit's overdrive.
Worst Magic: Death was pretty useless.
Worst Sidequest: the Chocobo races in the Calm Lands.
Worst Cutscene: when Yuna and Tidus are laughing at Luca.
Worst FMV: none, they're all prettyyyy~
Last edited:
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Humans?
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Besaid
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana, cool name
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Reels
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Dark Aeons
Favorite Cutscene: Too many
Favorite FMV: Has to be the Ending Scene

Worst Character: None
Worst Male Character: None
Worst Female Character: None
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: None
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Kilika
Worst Area: Guadosalam
Worst Place: Thunder Plains
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Probably Lulu's
Worst Aeon: None
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Sidequest: Dodging thunder, omg that one
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Seymour in general
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Moonflow
Favorite Place: Besaid
Favorite Song/Music: A good majority of the track
Favorite Weapon: Auron's ultimate
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: All of Auron's
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Anima's
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: Can't think of any I completely enjoyed doing
Favorite Cutscene: When everyone makes fun of Yuna that morning in Djose.
Favorite FMV: Yuna's ending speech

Worst Character: Grand Maester Mika
Worst Male Character: Isaaru
Worst Female Character: Shelinda
Worst Boss: I liked them all
Worst Villain: Mika
Worst Race: None
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Mushroom Rock
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: none
Worst Weapon: none
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's
Worst Aeon: none
Worst Aeon Overdrive: none
Worst Magic: The black magic you start with
Worst Sidequest: most of them
Worst Cutscene: none
Worst FMV: none
Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Braska's Final Aeon
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Ummm...human?
Favorite Temple: Kilika
Favorite Area: Besaid Island
Favorite Place: Farplane
Favorite Song/Music: Otherworld
Favorite Weapon: World Champion/Wakka
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Attack Reels
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Haste
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: Whistling/laughing scene
Favorite FMV: Metropolis, Intro, Spring Scene, and Kilika Destroyed

Worst Character: None
Worst Male Character: None
Worst Female Character: None
Worst Boss: Left Fin Sin
Worst Villain: Evil Kinoc
Worst Race: Racist question
Worst Temple: Zanarkand
Worst Area: Zanarkand Cloister of Trials
Worst Place: Zanarkand Cloister of Trials
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: Any of the starting weapons besides Tidus' Brotherhood
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Kimahri
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Yojimbo's since he doesn't have one
Worst Magic: Cheer
Worst Sidequest: Cactuar Game for Rikku's Sigil
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None