Best & Worsts Thread

Favorite Character: Zidane- He's funny, nice, strong, powerful, cunning, brave, modest, and heroic.
Favorite Male Character: Zidane- Same as above.
Favorite Female Character: Garnet- What can I say? She's beautiful, smart, powerful, and a good singer.
Favorite NPC character: Kuja- He's funny with his sarcasm, yet he's also so strong and powerful, and winds up being kind of good at the end.
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon- It's a classic weapon.
Favorite Trance: Zidane- He obviously has the most varied attacks in his trance out of all the characters, and they are very powerful.
Favorite Magic: Blizzaga- This was kind of a hard decision, but I guess if I had to choose it would be this.
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut- He's one of the all time greats/classics, and has been my favorite Summon/Eidolon throughout every Final Fantasy.
Favorite Random Monster: Grand Dragon- I love Dragons, and this one just looks the coolest, and yet is very powerful and strong.
Favorite Boss: Trance Kuja- He's the most powerful (not including optional bosses) and cool.
Favorite Area: Alexandria- It's a beautiful place.
Favorite Place: Memoria- Same as above.
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Invincible- It's a fast and beautiful ship, that's also very powerful.
Favourite Cutscene: The Ending- My favorite Final Fantasy Ending of all time.
Favorite Music: The one that opens the game, as well as the one Garnet likes to sing, and of course the Crystal Song- The one that opens the game just brought me in, the one that Garnet sings is beautiful, and the Crystal Song is just a classic.

Worst Character: Cinna- He's weak and has a stupid weapon.
Worst Male Character: Cinna- Same as above.
Worst Female Character: Quina- Even though we don't know whether Quina is a he or a she, I'll just name him/her right here. As for the reason, while I don't hate Quina, he's/she's just my least favorite out of the group because of his/her weapons, attitude, and priorities.
Worst NPC character: Brahne- She's ugly, greedy, and a jerk.
Worst Weapon: Fork- I mean, come on, seriously.
Worst Trance: Quina- It's just pointless.
Worst Eidolon: Atomos- It's the most boring one, as well as one of the weakest.
Worst Magic: Jewel- It's just really stupid and almost pointless.
Worst Random Monster: Epitaph and/or Zemzelett- I always seem to have bad luck against the Epitaph's, and so the clone always winds up killing the character it impersonates before I ever have a chance to kill the clone itself (due to the bars always starting very low at the beginning of the battles). As for the Zemzelett, it's just extremely ugly, and not that strong.
Worst Boss: Ralvuimahgo- I don't really hate any bosses, but this was just my least favorite boss as it was just plain boring compared to most, if not all of the other ones.
Worst Area: Fossil Roo- I hate the fact that it's a boring, yet easy puzzle, and I always have the bad luck of running into all the boring monsters in that place so frequently, that I just can't wait to get out of there. I also hate Gargants for some reason.
Worst Place: Pinnacle Rocks- It was just stupid having to put a boring story together just to get Ramuh (one of, if not the weakest Eidolon, atleast out of all of the ones that Garnet has/uses/is capable of using/learning). I would rather have just fought Ramuh or something to that nature in order to get him.
Worst Method of Transportation: Riding Gargants- As I said before, I just hate Gargants for some reason.
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Favorite Character: Vivi
Favorite Male Character: Vivi
Favorite Female Character: Beatrix
Favorite NPC character: Zorn/Thorn & Kuja
Favorite Weapon: Vivi's Staff of Zeus
Favorite Trance: Solution 9
Favorite Magic: Blizzard magic
Favorite Eidolon: Shiva
Favorite Random Monster: Grand Dragon
Favorite Boss: Beatrix
Favorite Area: Black Mage Village
Favorite Place: Black Mage Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Air ship
Favourite Cutscene: NA
Favorite Music: Rose of May

Favorite FMV: Bahamut vs. Alexander

Worst Character: Quina
Worst Male Character: Quina
Worst Female Character: Eiko
Worst NPC character: Queen Brahne
Worst Weapon: Forks
Worst Trance: Eiko's
Worst Eidolon: NA
Worst Magic: NA
Worst Random Monster: NA
Worst Boss: NA
Worst Area: NA
Worst Place: NA
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: NA
Worst Music: NA

Worst FMV: NA
Favorite Character: Vivi
Favorite Male Character: Vivi
Favorite Female Character: Garnet
Favorite NPC character:Kuja
Favorite Weapon: Vivi's Staff of Zeus
Favorite Trance: Solution 9
Favorite Magic: Blizzard magic
Favorite Eidolon: Fenrir
Favorite Random Monster: Grand Dragon
Favorite Boss: Beatrix
Favorite Area: Daguerro
Favorite Place:
Daguerro Favorite Method of Transportation: Air ship
Favourite Cutscene: NA
Favorite Music: all
Favorite FMV: Bahamut vs. Alexander

Worst Character: Quina
Worst Male Character: Quina
Worst Female Character: none
Worst NPC character: Queen Brahne
Worst Weapon: Forks
Worst Trance: Quina's
Worst Eidolon: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Random Monster: None
Worst Boss: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Place: Non
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Vivi or Kuja
Favorite Male Character: Vivi
Favorite Female Character: Garnet
Favorite NPC character: Kuja
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Trance: Zidane
Favorite Magic: Doomsday
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut
Favorite Random Monster:----
Favorite Boss: Trance Kuja
Favorite Area: Treno
Favorite Place: Memoria
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Invincible
Favourite Cutscene: Bahamut vs Alexander
Favorite Music: Trance Kuja theme, Necron theme

Worst Character: Quina-so stupid
Worst Male Character: Cinna
Worst Female Character: Quina
Worst NPC character: Brahne
Worst Weapon: Fork
Worst Trance: Quina
Worst Eidolon: Ramah
Worst Magic:-----
Worst Random Monster:------
Worst Boss: Zorn and Thorn
Worst Area: Fossil Roo
Worst Place: Pinnacle Rocks
Worst Method of Transportation: Gargants
Favorite Character: Viv
Favorite Male Character: Vivi
Favorite Female Character: Garnet
Favorite NPC character: Black Mages
Favorite Weapon: Don't know
Favorite Trance: Vivi
Favorite Magic: Firega
Favorite Eidolon: Bahumat
Favorite Random Monster: None that I can think of.
Favorite Boss: Kuja
Favorite Area: Don't know
Favorite Place: Black Mage Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Don't know
Favorite Music: Olievert
Favorite FMV:Vivi using fire on Black Waltz no.3

Worst Character: Eiko
Worst Male Character: Don't know
Worst Female Character: Eikio
Worst NPC character: Zorn and Thorn
Worst Weapon: Don'y know
Worst Trance: Eiko
Worst Eidolon: Don't know
Worst Magic: Protect
Worst Random Monster: Don'y know
Worst Boss: None
Worst Area: Don'y know
Worst Place: Dali
Worst Method of Transportation: Boat
Worst Cutscene: Don't know
Worst Music: Don't Know
Worst FMV: Don't Know
Favorite Character: Blank or Steiner.
orite Male Character: Blank or
Favorite Female Character: Garnet.
Favorite NPC character: Kuja.
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon.
Favorite Trance: Steiner's.
Favorite Magic: Holy.
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut.
Favorite Ra
ndom Monster: Grand Dragon.
Favorite Boss: Nova Dragon.
Favorite Area: Memoria.
Favorite Place:
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship.
Favorite Cutscene: --

Favorite Music: Terra, A Face Unforgotten, Crystal World, Place of Memory... can't choose.
Favorite FMV:
Ah, man. I have a lot, but tthe scene where you enter Memoria is pretty high up on the list, along with Garnet cutting her hair, and the Alexander vs Bahamut fight.

Worst Character: Quina.
Worst Male Character: Quina.
Worst Female Character: Quina.
Worst NPC character: Zorn & Thorn.
Worst Weapon: Fork.
Trance: Quina's.
Worst Eidolon: --
Worst Magic: --
rst Random Monster: --
Worst Boss: --
Worst Area: Fossil Roo.
Worst Place:
Fossil Roo.
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking.
Worst Cutscene: --
Worst Music: --
Worst FMV: --
Well now that I've finished the game I suppose I can do this...

Favorite Character: Zidane
Favorite Male Character: Zidane
Favorite Female Character: Tie Between Eiko and Garnet
Favorite NPC character: Tie between Kuja and Zorn and Thorn
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favorite Trance: Tie between Zidane and Steiner
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Eidolon: Madeen
Favorite Random Monster: The friendly ones that would give you AP XD Oh, and the gimme cat!
Favorite Boss: Zorn and Thorn
Favorite Area: Treno
Favorite Place: Treno
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favorite Cutscene: Conde Petie Marriages
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: Running from the evil forest and the third Black Waltz destroying South Gate.

Worst Character: Amarant (well, not worst, just my least favorite)
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Freya (again, just my least favorite)
Worst NPC character: Garland
Worst Weapon: Plain ole' dagger
Worst Trance: Quina
Worst Eidolon: Fenrir
Worst Magic: Fire
Worst Random Monster: Behemoth
Worst Boss: Giant ogre thing when you first get Eiko
Worst Area: Esto Gaza
Worst Place: Esto Gaza
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: Kuja putting Garnet to sleep...WTF?!
Worst Music: Don't know
Worst FMV:
Going to Terra
Favorite Character: Zidane
Favorite Male Character: Zidane
Favorite Female Character: Garnett/Dagger
Favorite NPC character: Beatrix
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Trance: Zidane's
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Eidolon: Bahumut
Favorite Random Monster: none
Favorite Boss: Kuja
Favorite Area Lindblum
Favorite Place: Madain Sari
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Zidane and Garnett getting hitched ^^
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: Zidane and Garnett being reunited

Worst Character: Amarant.. I never really liked him :/
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Does Quina count? :wacky:
Worst NPC character: Queen Brahne
Worst Weapon: Quina's fork
Worst Trance: Quina's
Worst Eidolon: none

Worst Magic: Scan
Worst Random Monster: all of them >_<
Worst Boss: Black Waltz 3

Worst Area: Evil Forest
Worst Place: Ispen's Castle
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: They're all good
Worst Music: None

Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Zidane, Amarant
Favorite Male Character: Zidane, Amarant
Favorite Female Character:Eiko, Garnet
Favorite NPC character: Beatrix
Favorite Weapon: Orichalcon
Favorite Trance: Elan
Favorite Magic: Full-Life
Favorite Eidolon: Madeen
Favorite Random Monster: none
Favorite Boss: Necron, Ozma
Favorite Area: Treno
Favorite Place: Treno?
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Invincible
Favourite Cutscene: Escaping the Evil Forest
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: The Final One

Worst Character: Baku
Worst Male Character: Baku
Worst Female Character: Ruby
Worst NPC character: Baku
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst Trance: Eidolon
Worst Eidolon: Atomos
Worst Magic: Death
Worst Random Monster: Lamia, Marlboro
Worst Boss: Soulcage
Worst Area: Vile Island (in a sense)
Worst Place: The Iifa Tree
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: Anything with Baku
Worst Music: Battle theme
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Quina (defiantly!)
Favorite Male Character: Steiner
Favorite Female Character: Beatrix
Favorite NPC character: Oglop Cid
Favorite Weapon: Gastro Fork
Favorite Trance: Freya
Favorite Magic: Reflect
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut
Favorite Random Monster: The Friendly Ones
Favorite Boss: The Library Book Optional Boss
Favorite Area: The Lost Continent
Favorite Place: Treno
Favorite Method of Transportation: Golden Chocobo
Favourite Cutscene: In Memoria where Quina thinks she can swim, then drops to the floor.
Favorite Music: Rose of May (Beatrix theme)
Favorite FMV: The one near the start where Dagger escapes onto the theater ship via festival decorations.

Worst Character: Eiko :eek:uttahere:
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Eiko
Worst NPC character: Zorn/Thorn (they count as one right)
Worst Weapon: Anything equipt to Eiko
Worst Trance: Dagger
Worst Eidolon: Ark (Seriously, my life is too short)
Worst Magic: Float
Worst Random Monster: That stupid crossed legged floatly thing in memoria which casts death every turn.
Worst Boss: Necron
Worst Area: Shimmering Island
Worst Place: Burmincia
Worst Method of Transportation: Gargant
Worst Cutscene: The optional time event in treno where you get your money nicked.
Worst Music: Zorn/ Thorn theme
Worst FMV: The lazy one at the end in the Lifa Tree, with pixeled Zidane.
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Favorite Character: Zidane
Favorite Male Character: Zidane
Favorite Female Character: Beatrix
Favorite NPC character: N/A
Favorite Weapon: Zidane's Ultima Weapon
Favorite Trance: Zidane's
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut
Favorite Random Monster: The good monsters. :P
Favorite Boss: Beatrix :P
Favorite Place: Crystal World
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Invincible
Favourite Cutscene: N/A

Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV:
Going to Terra

Worst Character: Amarant
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Eiko
Worst NPC character: N/A
Worst Weapon: Rod :P
Worst Trance: None, really
Worst Eidolon: Ark.. It does the best damage, but it takes like 20 minutes to summon.
Worst Magic: Confuse
Worst Random Monster: Malborro
Worst Boss: Gizamaluke
Worst Place: Desert Palace
Worst Method of Transportation: Umm... Walking I guess?
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: vivi of course
Favorite Male Character: vivi
Favorite Female Character: eiko cuz she is lonely like me
Favorite NPC character: all the moogles. gotta love em
Favorite Weapon: none...
Favorite Trance: freya
Favorite Magic: holy
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut
Favorite Random Monster: none
Favorite Boss: amarant
Favorite Place: Terra of course
Favorite Method of Transportation: chocobo, cuz i was really good at hot and cold
Favourite Cutscene: none

Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV:
where they enter Terra for the first time wooo

Worst Character: quina
Worst Male Character: quina
Worst Female Character: quina
Worst NPC character: none
Worst Weapon: none
Worst Trance: none
Worst Eidolon: none
Worst Magic: lv5 death
Worst Random Monster: the lil sheeps...
Worst Boss: none
Worst Place: none
Worst Method of Transportation: walking
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Zidane
Favorite Male Character: Zidane
Favorite Female Character: Garnet
Favorite NPC character: Regent Cid
Favorite Weapon: Angel Bless
Favorite Trance: Zidane
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Eidolon: Ramuh
Favorite Random Monster: Yan
Favorite Boss: Necron
Favorite Area: Mist Continent
Favorite Place: Black Mage Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Hilda Garde III
Favourite Cutscene: Zidane & Garnet Before Zidane Goes Back For Kuja
Favorite Music: Behind The Door
Favorite FMV: Garnet Jumps

Worst Character: Zorn & Thorn
Worst Male Character: Quina
Worst Female Character: Lani
Worst NPC character:Zorn & Thorn
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst Trance: Amarant
Worst Eidolon: Shiva
Worst Magic: Death
Worst Random Monster: Grimlock
Worst Boss: Baku
Worst Area: Lost Continent
Worst Place: Fossil Roo
Worst Method of Transportation: Blue Narciss
Worst Cutscene: Zorn & Thorn's Repeatitiveness
Worst Music: Fossil Roo
Worst FMV: The Invincible Landing (Very Short)

Favorite Character: Freya, Vivi
Favorite Male Character: Freya
Favorite Female Character: Vivi
Favorite NPC character: Ruby
Favorite Weapon: Save the Queen
Favorite Trance: Zidane's
Favorite Magic: Curaga
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut
Favorite Random Monster:
Favorite Boss: Trance Kuja
Favorite Area: Memoria
Favorite Place: Treno
Favorite Method of Transportation: The insect
Favourite Cutscene: Freya dancing in Cleyra
Favorite Music: You're not alone
Favorite FMV:
Alexander vs Bahamut

Worst Character: Steyner
Worst Male Character: Steyner
Worst Female Character: Quina (they could have given he/she more of a background0
Worst NPC character: Mikoto
Worst Weapon: whatever makes me hit the least
Worst Trance: Eiko
Worst Eidolon: Ramuh
Worst Magic: reflect
Worst Random Monster: cats that interferred when I tried to fight dragons near Daguerro
Worst Boss: All were fine
Worst Area: none
Worst Place: ?
Worst Method of Transportation: Cid's boat
Worst Cutscene: none
Worst Music: ?
Worst FMV: ?

Favorite Character: Quina
Favorite Male Character: Zidane
Favorite Female Character: Freya
Favorite NPC character: Beatrix
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Trance: Grand Lethal
Favorite Magic: Doomsday
Favorite Eidolon: Phoenix
Favorite Random Monster: Them friendly guys
Favorite Boss: Kuja
Favorite Area:
Favorite Place: Treno
Favorite Method of Transportation: Gold Chocobo
Favourite Cutscene:
Favorite Music: All of it?
Favorite FMV: Alexander v Bahamut or that one with Steiner chasing Zidane & Garnet at the beginning

Worst Character: -
Worst Male Character: -
Worst Female Character: Eiko
Worst NPC character: Quale
Worst Weapon: Blood Sword, dammit....
Worst Trance: Either Garnets, Freyas or Amarants
Worst Eidolon: Carbuncle
Worst Magic: CURSE
Worst Random Monster: Yans
Worst Boss: Ozma -__-
Worst Area: Desert palace
Worst Place: desert palace
Worst Method of Transportation: feet
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst Music: -
Worst FMV: -
Favorite Character: Kuja
Favorite Male Character: Kuja
Favorite Female Character: Beatrix
Favorite NPC character: Blank
Favorite Weapon: Excalibur
Favorite Trance: Vivi
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Eidolon: Ark
Favorite Random Monster: N/A
Favorite Boss: Maliris
Favorite Area: The Lost Continent
Favorite Place: Black Mage Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Invincible
Favourite Cutscene: Can't really remember any
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: The ending

Worst Character: Quina
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Eiko
Worst NPC character: Zorn/Thorn
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst Trance: Freya
Worst Eidolon: Shiva
Worst Magic: Float
Worst Random Monster: Ram thingie
Worst Boss: Armodullahan
Worst Area: Shimmering Island
Worst Place: Burmecia
Worst Method of Transportation: Gargant
Worst Cutscene: Can't remember any
Worst Music: Zorn/Thorn theme
Worst FMV: Can't think of any
Favorite Character: Eiko, Vivi
Favorite Male Character: Vivi
Favorite Female Character: Eiko
Favorite NPC character: Blank
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Trance: Zidane's
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Eidolon: Bahamut
Favorite Random Monster: Hedgehog things =^_^= They're sooo cute.
Favorite Boss: The one tree thing that dies with a Phoenix Down :P

Favorite Place: Black Mage Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Gold Chocobo
Favourite Cutscene: Re-naming Dagger
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: Alexander / Bahamut Fight

Worst Character: Amarant
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Quina
Worst NPC character: Zorn/Thorn
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst Trance: Quina
Worst Eidolon: Ramuh
Worst Magic: Death
Worst Random Monster: Can't really think of one, but Malboro's are always hated.
Worst Boss: Gizamaluke was probably the hardest the first time through the game.
Worst Area: The Lost Continent
Worst Place: Fossil Roo
Worst Method of Transportation: Gargant?
Worst Cutscene: Anything with Zorn/Thorn
Worst Music: Zorn/Thorn's Theme
Worst FMV: Can't think of one.
Favorite Character: Vivi/Zidane
Favorite Male Character: Vivi/Zidane
Favorite Female Character: Dagger
Favorite NPC character: Kuja
Favorite Weapon: Dragon's Hair
Favorite Trance: Zidane's
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Eidolon: Odin
Favorite Random Monster: -
Favorite Boss: Necron
Favorite Place: Lindblum / Alexandria
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: At the end when Zidane and Kuja are talking
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: When Odin is summoned by Queen Branhe & when Alexander and Bahumut fight.

Worst Character: Amarant
Worst Male Character: Amarant
Worst Female Character: Eiko
Worst NPC character: Baku
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst Trance: -
Worst Eidolon: Ramuh
Worst Magic: -
Worst Random Monster:-
Worst Boss: The Four Fiends
Worst Area: Lost Continent
Worst Place: -
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst Music: -
Worst FMV: -
Favorite Character: Vivi
Favorite Male Character: Vivi
Favorite Female Character: Garnet
Favorite NPC character: Beatrix (not TOTALLY an NPC... but she's not part of the "main party")
Favorite Weapon: Excalibur (that was the best one I got, lol)
Favorite Trance: Zidane's
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Eidolon: Madeen
Favorite Random Monster: n/a
Favorite Boss: Trance Kuja
Favorite Area: Memoria
Favorite Place: Alexandria
Favorite Method of Transportation: Invincible
Favourite Cutscene: The "weddings" at Condie Petie
Favorite Music: You're Not Alone
Favorite FMV: Bahamut/Alexander showdown, going to Terra

Worst Character: Quina
Worst Male Character: Amarant (though, I like him haha)
Worst Female Character: Quina
Worst NPC character: Ruby
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst Trance: Garnet's
Worst Eidolon: Atomos
Worst Magic: Meteor (never seemed to work for me :gasp: )
Worst Random Monster: n/a
Worst Boss: that tree that made the Mist... I forget it's name... but it whooped me the first time, lol.
Worst Area: Cleyra roots
Worst Place: Burmecia... talk about depressing
Worst Method of Transportation: feet
Worst Cutscene: n/a
Worst Music: n/a
Worst FMV: n/a